Title Konstrukcijska razrada i optimiranje konstrukcije konzolnog kreveta
Title (english) Structural development and optimization of cantilever bed construction
Author Karlo Vrančić
Mentor Mirko Karakašić (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Šolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Kljajin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Karakašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Production Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Tijekom rekonstrukcije kuće te uređenja unutarnjeg prostora spavaće sobe pojavila se ideja kreveta
bez vertikalnih oslonaca (nogu). Obzirom da svaki krevet u svojoj standardnoj izvedbi posjeduje
nekakav tip podnog oslonca u obliku potpornih noga ili površina, postavilo se pitanje da li je isto
uopće izvedivo? U obzir je trebalo svakako uzeti opterećenja i naprezanja koja se pojavljuju tijekom
korištenja kreveta, kako bi sigurnost i udobnost korisnika bila zajamčena.
Upravo ta tematika obrađena je u ovom radu, na način da su u prvom dijelu rada opisane aktivnosti
konstrukcijskog procesa koje čine svaki razvoj proizvoda, a svaka od tih aktivnosti detaljno je
razrađena prema koracima koje je potrebno izvesti unutar svake aktivnosti.
Obzirom da je u svaki razvoj proizvoda uključen proces optimiranja koji je i ključan dio ovog rada,
opisane su i teoretske osnove optimiranja. Kao formulacija optimiranja odabrana je metoda
konačnih elemenata, pa su tako u prvom dijelu rada opisane i osnove rješavanja problema pomoću
MKE metode sa detaljno opisanim koracima, te su navedene prednosti i nedostaci iste metode.
Drugi dio rada bavi se sa izradom računalno prostornog CAD modela konzolnog kreveta, kao
odabranog rješenja kreveta bez vertikalnih oslonaca. Model je izrađen u programu SolidWorks, te
su opisane glavne značajke modela, upotrebljenih poluproizvoda te izabranog materijala.
U glavnom dijelu rada provedena je analiza naprezanja te pomaka uslijed opterećenja nosive
konstrukcije kao ključnog dijela konzolnog kreveta. Analiza je provedena u programu ANSYS
Workbench. Na temelju statičke analize, odrađeno je optimiranje nosive konstrukcije putem
ANSYS DesignXplorera, a rezultati optimiranja bili su polazni podaci praktične izrade konzolnog
U završnom dijelu rada opisana je praktična izrada konzolnog kreveta, kao rješenja procesa
Abstract (english) During the house renovation and the interior decoration in the bedroom, the idea of a bed without
vertical supports (legs) came up. Considering that each bed on market in its own standard version
has some type of floor support in the form of supporting legs or surfaces, the question was is that
even possible? The loads and stresses that occur while using the bed should be taken into account
in order to guarantee the safety and user comfort.
Right that topic is covered in this thesis, so the first part of the thesis describes the activities in the
mechanical design process that make up each product development, and each of these activities is
elaborated in detail, according to the steps that must be performed within each activity.
Since every optimization process is an integral part of this work, the theoretical basis of optimization
is described. The finite element method was chosen as the formulation of the optimization, so there
is described the basics of problem solving using the FEM method with detailed steps, and the
advantages and disadvantages of the same method.
The second part in this thesis deals with the development of a computer-based CAD model of a
cantilever bed, as a selected solution of a bed without vertical supports. The model was created in
SolidWorks and describes the main features of the model, the semi-finished products which was
used and which material was selected.
The main part in this thesis analyzes the stresses and displacements due to the load on the loadbearing
structure as a key part of the cantilever bed. The analysis was performed in ANSYS
Workbench. Based on the static analysis, optimization of the load-bearing structure was done
through ANSYS DesignXplorer, and the results of the optimization were the initial data for the
production of the cantilever bed.
The final part in this thesis describes the production of a cantilever bed, as a solution from the
optimization process.
konstrukcijski proces
razvoj proizvoda
proces optimiranja
metoda konačnih elemenata
CAD model
statička analiza
Keywords (english)
mechanical design process
product development
optimization process
finite element method
CAD model
static analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:809370
Study programme Title: Mechanical engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-09 09:16:41