Title Primjena SPIKES protokola u palijativnoj skrbi
Title (english) Application of SPIKES protocol in palliative care
Author Sandra Fletko
Mentor Valentina Novak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Palijativna skrb je aktivna skrb za osobu koja boluje od neizlječive bolesti i ona afirmira život, dok smrt smatra sastavnim dijelom života. Skrb pruža multidiciplinarni tim koji nastoji ostvariti osnovni cilj palijativne skrbi, povećanje kvalitete života i uklanjanje boli i patnje. Korisnici palijativne skrbi su osobe različite dobi sa različitim bolestima koje vode kraju života. Svaka osoba ima pravo odabrati život kakav želi, a isto tako ima pravo na dostojanstvenu i mirnu smrt. Suočavanje s dijagnozom teške i neizlječive bolesti nije lako, a loše vijesti su dio tog procesa. Osnovni zadaci medicinske sestre/tehničara su, uz pomoć u zadovoljavanju osnovnih potreba i suzbijanju simptoma bolesti, zadovoljavanje potrebe za komunikacijom. Medicinska sestra/tehničar najviše boravi uz pacijenta te prenosi pacijentima dobre i loše vijesti, pruža suosjećanje, pokazuje razumijevanje i empatiju, i zajedno s njima planira daljnji tijek skrbi. Palijativna skrb ne brine samo o pacijentima, već i o njihovim članovima obitelji te pomaže i njima kod prihvaćanja loših vijesti. Pružaju informacije o promjeni zdravstvenog stanja pacijenta te podršku i razumijevanje za vrijeme žalovanja nakon smrti člana obitelji. Veliki izazov u palijativnoj skrbi jest upravo priopćavanje loše vijesti pacijentu i/ili njegovoj obitelji. Priopćavanje loše vijesti uključuje prilagodbu informacija pacijentu, nastojanje da se razumije pacijentova perspektiva te razvoj partnerskog odnosa i suradnje. Kako bi lakše priopćili loše vijesti pacijentu i/ili obitelji, medicinske sestre/tehničari često koriste brojne protokole, među kojima je SPIKES protokol. Ključne komponente SPIKES strategije uključuju pružanje empatije, priznavanje i potvrđivanje pacijentovih osjećaja, istraživanje pacijentovog razumijevanja i prihvaćanja loših vijesti te pružanje informacija o mogućim intervencijama. Ciljevi ovog rada su opisati palijativnu skrb, uloge medicinske sestre, komunikaciju u palijativnoj skrbi i SPIKES protokol, istražiti koliko su medicinske sestre/tehničari upoznati sa SPIKES protokolom te koliko se primjenjuje u svakodnevnom radu u palijativnoj skrbi.
Abstract (english) Palliative care is an active care for a person suffering from incurable diseases and it affirms life, while death is considered an integral part of life. Care is provided by a multidisciplinary team that seeks to achieve the basic goal of palliative care, increase quality of life, and eliminate pain and suffering. Beneficiaries of palliative care are people with different diseases that lead to the end of life. Every person has the right to choose the life he or she wants, and he or she also has the right to a dignified and peaceful death. Dealing with a diagnosis of a severe and incurable disease is not easy, and bad news is part of the process. The main tasks of the nurse / technician are, in addition to helping to meet basic needs and suppressing the symptoms of the disease, to satisfy the needs for communication. The nurse / technical spend most of the time with the patient and conveys good and bad news to the patient, provides compassion, shows understanding and empathy, and together with them we plan the further course of care. Palliative care not only cares for patients, but also for their family members and helps them to accept bad news. Providing information on changes in patients' health conditions supports and understands the time of mourning after the death of family members. The big challenge in palliative care is communicating bad news to the patient and / or his family. Communicating bad news involves adjusting patient data, striving to understand the patient’s perspective, and developing partnerships and collaborations. To make it easier to access bad news to the patient and / or his family, nurses / technicians often use protocols, including the SPIKES protocol. The key components of SPIKES ’strategy are providing empathy, acceptance and affirmation of the patient’s feelings, researching the patient’s understanding and acceptance of bad news, and providing information about possible interventions. The objectives of this paper described palliative care, the role of the nurse, communication in palliative care and the SPIKES protocol, explore how familiar nurses / technicians are with the SPIKES protocol and how much they use it in their daily work in palliative care.
palijativna skrb
medicinska sestra/tehničar
SPIKES protokol
Keywords (english)
palliative care
nurse / technician
SPIKES protocol
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:860243
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-16 08:29:11