Abstract | Prilikom izvođenja radova na pronalaženju najboljih i najprihvatljivijih varijantnih rješenja raskrižja potrebno je izvesti niz radnji koje obuhvaćaju:
▪ Terenska in situ mjerenja postojećih oblikovnih elemenata prostora,
▪ Analize in situ podataka,
▪ Brojanje prometnih tokova,
▪ Analize podataka prometnih tokova,
▪ Izrada skice postojećeg raskrižja,
▪ Izrada tlocrtnih skica varijantnih rješenja rekonstrukcije raskrižja i prometnica,
▪ Usklađenost varijantnih rješenja sa detaljnim prostornim planovima Gradova,
▪ Prognoza budućih prometnih potreba,
▪ Provjere mogućnosti korištenja prostora u smislu očuvanja kulturne i povijesne baštine, za objekte koji su pod zaštitom regionalnog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture pri Ministarstvu kulture,
▪ Izbor optimalnog varijantnog rješenja.
Odabrano varijantno rješenje treba uskladiti sa Upravnim tijelima lokalne samouprave kako bi se postiglo suglasje oko korištenja prostora te vođenja prometa unutar gradova. Isto tako, odabrano rješenje treba biti u skladu sa postojećim detaljnim prostornim planovima te na taj način zadovoljiti prostorno – urbanistički kriterij pri analizi procjene primjerenosti izvođenja kružnih raskrižja u urbanim sredinama. Isto se odnosi na uporabu prostora, dimenzioniranje prometnica, pješačkih i biciklističkih staza i sl..
Ciljevi iznalaženja optimalnog varijantnog rješenja su višeznačna, koja trebaju postići bolju prometnu učinkovitost, osigurati lakšu dostupnost u prostoru, dići sigurnost prometa na najvišu moguću mjeru te osigurati učinkovitu zaštitu okoliša.
U svom diplomskom radu obradit ću križanje županijske ceste ŽC2210 (Ulica Tadije Smičiklasa i Potočka ulica) sa nerazvrstanim cestama (Ulica I.Z. Dijankovečkog i Ulica Tadije Smičiklasa) u Križevcima. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the intersection of the county road in the town of Križevci and the issues that a rise during the process of its construction. When performing works on finding the best and most acceptable solutions of intersections, it is necessary to perform a series of actions that include the following:
▪ in situ measurements of the existing design,
▪ elements of the intersection and the access area,
▪ the in situ data analysis,
▪ the counting of the traffic flows in the area,
▪ the analysis of the traffic flow data,
▪ giving the general outline of the existing intersection,
▪ the preparation of ground-plans of variant solutions for there construction of the intersections and roads,
▪ checking the compliance of different solutions with detailed urban development plan,
▪ the predictionsof future traffic needs,
▪ checking the possibility of using the designed space interms of the preservation of cultural and historical heritage for buildings that are under the protection of the regional institute for the protection of cultural monuments at the Ministry of Culture,
▪ the selection of the optimal solution.
Furthermore, it is of primary importance to adjust the final solution with the governing bodies of local authorities in order to reach an agreement on the use of space and traffic management within cities, because, for changes in traffic regulation to be valid the local government representatives make decisions on possible new traffic regulations . It is also necessary to adjust the variant solutions within the existing detailed urban development plan that are valid at the authorized Office for Urban Development Plan, which refers to the use of space, the sizing of roads, pedestrian and bicycle paths.
The goals of finding the most optimal solution have multiple impacts on future development. Their aimis to achieve better traffic efficiency, ensure easier accessibility in space, raise traffic safety to the highest possible level and ensure effective environmental protection.
This paper deals with the intersection of the county road ŽC2210 (Tadije Smičiklasa Street and Potočka Street) with unclassified roads (I.Z. Dijankovečkog Street and Tadije Smičiklasa Street) in Križevci. The emphasisis on the selected solution of the intersection which includes construction plans of the proposed solution, including details, dimensioning of the pavement structure. |