Title Stigmatizacija osoblja koje radi s osobama oboljelim od mentalnih teškoća
Title (english) The stigmatization of mental health care workers/providers
Author Martina Trakoštanec Denžić
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rosana Ribić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Stigma nastaje kada se ljude pogrešno doživljava kao da imaju pretjerane
negativne atribute, što posljedično dovodi do rušenja integriteta i vrijednosti kao
osobe. Stigmatizacija je pojam koji označava postupak kojim se neka osoba
negativno obilježava, postupak kojim je nadodana negativna reperkusija na temelju
jedne karakteristike koju osoba posjeduje.
Mentalna retardacija se ne smatra bolešću ili specifičnom nesposobnošću,
već je administrativno zadani naslov za genetska, medicinska i socijalna stanja čija
je zajednička karakteristika značajno ispodprosječno intelektualno funkcioniranje.
Dijagnoza mentalne retardacije se koristi u brojnim zemljama isključivo u situacijama
kada je takvoj osobi neophodna pomoć zajednice tijekom njezinog života.
Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrditi jesu li osobe koje rade s osobama oboljelim od
mentalnih teškoća stigmatizirane te u kojoj mjeri. Nadalje, cilj je bio vidjeti kakav je
stav okoline prema osobama koje rade s osobama oboljelim od mentalnih teškoća.
Metoda korištena prilikom izrade ovoga diplomskog rada je anketno
istraživanje u obliku polustrukturiranog intervjua sa 17 pitanja provedeno na 12
djelatnika koji rade u ustanovi koja skrbi za osobe s mentalnim teškoćama. Odgovori
su uspoređivani sa njihovim demografskim podacima i podacima o profesiji. Među
ispitanicima je jedan ispitanik bio diplomirani socijalni radnik, jedan ispitanik je bio
prvostupnik fizioterapije, jedna viša medicinska sestra, tri srednje medicinske sestre,
četiri njegovateljice srednje stručne spreme, jedna kuharica srednje stručne spreme i
jedna spremačica srednje stručne spreme. Ispitanici su učestvovali u istraživanju bez
obzira na stupanj obrazovanja i duljinu njihovog staža.
Rezultati mogu biti od značaja u svrhu smanjivanja stigmatizacije okoline
osoblja koje radi s osobama oboljelim od mentalnih teškoća.
Zaključak je da je potrebno neprekidno provoditi kampanju protiv
stigmatizacije. Pomoću odgovora dobivenih provođenjem ankete zaključeno je kako
je vrlo važno i neophodno educirati o osobama s mentalnim teškoćama.
Edukacijom osoblja se smanjuje količina straha koja je dokazano inicijalno
prisutna pri početku rada s takvim osobama.
Abstract (english) Stigma occurs when people are misperceived as having excessively negative
attributes, which in turn leads to the undermining of their integrity and values as a
person. Stigmatization is a term that denotes a process by which a person is
negatively marked, a process by which negative repercussion is added based on a
single characteristic that a person possesses.
Mental retardation is not considered a disease or a specific disability, but is
frequently used for genetic, medical, and social conditions whose common feature is
significantly below-average intellectual functioning. The diagnosis of mental
retardation is used in many countries exclusively in situations where such a person
needs the help of the community throughout his or her life.
The aim of this study was to determine whether and to what extent people
who work with people with mental disabilities are stigmatized. More specifically, the
aim was to appraise the exact attitudes towards people who work with people with
mental disabilities.
A primary method used in this thesis was a semi-structured interview with 17
questions conducted on 12 employees working in an institution for the care of people
with mental disabilities. The responses were compared with their demographic and
occupational data. Among the respondents, one respondent was a graduate social
worker, one respondent was a bachelor of physiotherapy, one senior nurse, three
nurses, four caregivers with secondary education, one cook with secondary
education and one cleaner with secondary education. Respondents participated in
the research regardless of their education level and length of their internship.
The results may be relevant in order to reduce the stigmatization of staff
working with people with mental disabilities. Based on the results of this thesis, it can
be concluded that there is a need for a continuous campaign against stigmatization.
Using the answers we received from the survey, it was concluded that it is especially
important and necessary to educate people with mental disabilities. Staff education
reduces the amount of fear that is proven to be initially present when starting to work
with such individuals.
medicinska sestra/tehničar
mentalna retardacija
mentalne teškoće
Keywords (english)
nurse / technician
mental retardation
mental difficulties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:165515
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-04 12:55:13