Title Kvaliteta života zanemarene i zlostavljane djece i njihova integracija u društvo
Title (english) Quality of life neglected and child abuse and their integration into society
Author Bernardica Pavlić Pračić
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Anita Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract U svakodnevnom životu i brzoj transformaciji i tranziciji često se malo
vodi brige za djecu i njihov rast i razvoj. Sve manje pozornosti i brige oko
praćenja zlostavljane i zanemarene djece donosi negativne učinke za njihov
nesmetani zdravi razvoj i integraciju u društvo. Zanemarivanje je nebriga
roditelja ili odraslih osoba u obitelji i društvu o potrebama djece. Društvo je
cjelina koja bi trebala voditi brigu o svim svojim članovima. Zbog toga društvo
djeci treba omogućiti zdravstvenu zaštitu i uvjete za stjecanje socijalnih i
obrazovnih vještina kao i njihovu zaštitu od zanemarivanja i zlostavljanja.
Zlostavljanje djece je dio traume kroz koje dijete prolazi, a provodi ga
nasilnik. Isto se može manifestirati kao psihičko, fizičko, emocionalno i
seksualno zlostavljanje. Sprečavanje nasilja pridonosi poboljšanju i zaštiti
djeteta kao žrtve. Obitelj, zdravstvene ustanove, pedagoške institucije i
društvo u cjelini je dužno pravovremeno reagirati ukoliko uoči jedan od
negativnih čimbenika koji ostavljaju na djetetu neizbrisiv ožiljak.
Svrha rada jest prikupiti saznanja o načinima i oblicima zlostavljanja,
kako bi adekvatne službe mogle pridonijeti nesmetanom, pravilnom i
potpunom razvoju djece provođenjem ciljanih intervencija. Cilj istraživanja bio
je utvrditi oblike i načine zlostavljanja, učestalosti zlostavljanja, vrste
počinitelja, te način zbrinjavanja zlostavljane djece
Podaci prikazani u radu su nastali temeljem analize podataka
ustupljenih od strane Poliklinike za zaštitu djece i mladih Grada Zagreba.
Navedeni podaci su nastali na temelju anonimnih podataka o djeci i mladima
koji su prikupljani u sklopu godišnje statistike Poliklinike, a u ovom su radu
prikazani podaci koji se odnose na petogodišnji period od 2014. do 2019.
godine. Ustupljeni podaci su statistički obrađeni i prikazani u radu. Navedeni
podaci se odnose na ukupan broj od 7005 djece, od čega 3712 dječaka i
3293 djevojčice. Rezultati upućuju na prisutnost nasilja nad djecom u
različitim pojavnim oblicima i situacijama koje djeci nije lako razotkriti te je
često razotkrivanje odgođeno. Stoga je potrebno educirati i osvijestiti javnost
da se nasilje nad djecom stalno događa te po uzoru na razvijene zemlje provoditi preventivne programe čiji je cilj smanjiti učestalost i intenzitet
Abstract (english) In everyday life filled with rapid transformation and transition, little care
is often taken for children and their unhindered growth and development.
Less and less attention and care about monitoring abused and neglected
children brings negative effects for their unhindered healthy development and
integration into society. Child neglect is considered as the negligence of
parents or adults in the family/society whose duty it is to provide them with
the basic needs that a child should have. Society that takes care of its
citizens and the people around it, and thus children, should provide health
care and conditions for the acquisition of social and educational skills as well
as their protection from neglect and abuse. Child abuse is part of the trauma
that a child goes through from a bully, and can manifest as psychological,
physical, emotional, and sexual. Prevention of violence contributes to the
improvement and protection of the child as a victim. The family, health care
institutions, pedagogical institutions and community are obliged to react
promptly if they notice one of these negative factors that leave an indelible
negative scar on the child.
The paper conducts research with the intention to determine the form
and manner of abuse, the frequency of abuse, the type of perpetrator, and
the manner of caring for abused children. The aim of this graduate thesis is
to gather knowledge about the ways and forms of abuse, so that adequate
services can contribute to the smooth, proper, and complete children growth.
The data presented in this paper are based on the analysis of data
provided by the Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center for the purposes
of preparing this thesis. These data are based on anonymous data on
children and young people collected as part of the annual statistics of the
Polyclinic, and this paper presents data relating to the five-year period from
2014. to 2019. The submitted data were statistically processed and
presented in the paper. The data refer to a total of 7005 children, of which
3712 boys and 3293 girls. The results indicate the presence of violence
against children in various forms and situations that are not easy for children to disclose and often disclosure is delayed. Therefore, it is necessary to
educate and make the public aware that violence against children is
constantly happening and to implement prevention programs modeled on
developed countries, the aim of which is to reduce the frequency and
intensity of abuse.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:623833
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-02-21 07:42:43