Title Izazovi i kvaliteta rada izvanbolničke hitne medicinske pomoći za vrijeme COVID-19 pandemije
Title (english) Challenges and quality of emergency medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author Luka Ivačić
Mentor Tomislav Novinščak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Novinščak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Šubarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Hrvatski zavod za hitnu medicinu je javna zdravstvena ustanova za obavljanje djelatnosti hitne medicine i telemedicine na području Republike Hrvatske. Zavod za hitnu medicinu Međimurske županije djeluje devet godina a na terenu 15 timova T1, 10 timova T2 kao i 5 tima medicinsko prijavno dojavne jedinice, zbrinjava više od 100 000 stanovnika. Zdravstveni djelatnici izvanbolničke hitne pomoći skloniji su većoj izloženosti pacijentima s najtežim bolestima, a specifični postupci s povećanom proizvodnjom aerosola izlažu ih povećanom riziku od zaraze novim koronavirusom, stoga je potrebno hitno definirati procjene rizika, kao i novonastali način i posebnosti rada, putem protokola, smjernica i skupa mjera. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je na osnovu prikupljenih podataka kroz razdoblje prije i za vrijeme pandemije prikazati kako je koronavirus utjecao na medicinsko prijavno dojavnu jedinicu, kvalitetu rada hitne medicinske službe i okupiranost ekipa hitne pomoći specifičnim uvjetima rada i transporta pacijenata s COVID-om 19. Rezultati analize prikupljenih podataka o zbrinutim pacijentima pokazuju da u pojedinim segmentima djelatnosti nema statistički značajnijeg utjecaja bolesti COVID-19 na rad službe tj. crveni kriteriji većine tipova događanja unatoč pandemiji zadovoljavaju zlatni sat u više od 90% intervencija. Nasuprot tome, u nekim se djelatnostima u pandemijskom periodu utjecaj koronavirusa i bolest COVID-19 znatno umiješala u zbrinjavanje hitnih pacijenata na području Međimurske županije. Aspekti rada u kojima je vidljiv utjecaj pandemije su: produženo trajanje poziva, povećan ukupni broj poziva i upućenih medicinskih i administrativnih savjeta a manji broj terenskih intervencija, duža predaja poziva i kasniji izlazak ekipe HMP, povećan broj žutih a smanjen broj crvenih i zelenih kriterija hitnosti, manji uspjeh kardiopulmonalne reanimacije, veći udio vremena potrošen na čišćenje i dezinfekciju vozila i opreme, 9,3% hitnih intervencija od ukupnog broja i 4% sanitetskih prijevoza od ukupnog broja vezanih za bolesnike s koronavirusom te povećan broj medicinskih osiguranja povezanih sa cijepljenjem građana.
Abstract (english) The Croatian Institute of Emergency Medicine is a public healthcare institution that provides emergency medicine and telemedicine services on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The Institute of Emergency Medicine of Međimurje County has been operating for nine years. The Institute employs 15 T1 teams, 10 T2 teams, as well as 5 teams in the emergency dispatch unit, and together they cover an area with over 100,000 inhabitants. Prehospital emergency health care workers are more frequently in contact with patients with severe diseases, and specific procedures involving increased aerosol production make them more exposed to the risk of in-fection with the new coronavirus. Therefore, it is important to urgently assess risks and define new work methods and specifics through protocols, guidelines and series of measures. Based on data collected before and during the pandemic, the main goal of this study was to show how the coronavirus had affected the medical emergency dispatch unit, the quality of work of emer-gency medical services and the workload of emergency medical teams in relation to specific work conditions and transport of patients with COVID-19. The analysis of the data collected on patients treated by the Institute’s staff showed that in some work-related segments, there was no statistically significant impact of COVID-19 on the Institute’s operations; e.g. patients meeting the “code red” emergency criteria with almost any kind of condition were treated within the expected time interval in more than 90% of interventions despite the pandemic. On the other hand, some segments were significantly affected by COVID-19 with regard to the treatment of emergency patients in Međimurje County. Aspects of work in which the impact of the pandemic is visible are: extended duration of emergency calls, an increase in the total number of calls and medical and administrative advice given, less field interventions, a longer time period between receiving a call and forwarding the information to the emergency teams, as well as a later dispatch time of emergency teams, an increased number of “code yellow” emergencies and fewer “code red” and “code green” emergencies, a lower success rate of car-dio-pulmonary resuscitation attempts, more time spent on cleaning and disinfection of vehicles and equipment, 9.3% of all emergency interventions and 4% of all ambulance transport were related to coronavirus patients and an increased number of medical cover services provided for vaccination events.
hitna medicinska pomoć
Zavod za hitnu medicinu Međimurske županije
kvaliteta rada
organizacija službe
Keywords (english)
emergency medical care
Institute of Emergency Medicine of Međimurje County
quality of work
work organization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:294876
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-03-14 09:29:32