Title Trudnoća i porod - izazovi u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19
Title (english) Pregnancy and child birth - challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author Donna Kolarek
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Hrvojka Soljačić Vraneš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract UVOD: Bolest COVID-19 uzrokovana je SARS-CoV-2 virusom iz porodice beta-koronavirusa. Prvi slučaj zaraze u svijetu zabilježen je u prosincu 2019. godine, dok u Hrvatskoj u veljači 2020. godine. COVID-19 je akutna respiratorna bolest i glavni način širenja je kapljičnim putem, respiratornim sekretima i izravnim kontaktom. U većini zaraženih bolesnika javlja se blaga do umjereno teška klinička slika. Kod od nekih bolesnika posebice onih sa raznim komorbiditetima može doći i do letalnog ishoda. Pandemija COVID-19 izazvala je strah, tjeskobu i zabrinutost kod cijelog stanovništva. Situacija s COVID-19 pandemijom uvelike je promijenila nadzor nad trudnoćom i sami porod. Mjere povezane sa COVID-19 kao što su neodržavanja trudničkih tečajeva uživo, zabrane pratnje na porodu, produljene samoizolacije za trudnice i testiranje na COVID-19 infekciju kod svake hospitalizacije uvelike su promijenile i negativno utjecale na iskustva trudnica i rodilja.
CILJ: U ovome radu cilj ispitivanja bio je ispitati stavove i iskustva trudnica i rodilja koje su se sa tim stanjem suočile za vrijeme COVID-19 pandemije.
REZULTATI: Rezultati su prikupljeni kvalitativnom metodom koristeći polustrukturirani intervju. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 15 ispitanica od toga 11 rodilja i 4 trudnice. Na temelju provedenih intervjua sve ispitanice se slažu kako je pandemija COVID-19 za vrijeme trudnoće kod njih povećala razinu zabrinutosti i straha za vlastito zdravlje, ali posebice za zdravlje nerođenog djeteta. Većina ispitanica smatra kako donesene epidemiološke mjere zbog pandemije COVID-19 loše utječu na samo iskustvo trudnoće i poroda.
ZAKLJUČAK: Zaključujemo da je prisutnost visoko educiranog medicinskog osoblja od iznimne važnosti tijekom praćenja trudnoće i za vrijeme samog poroda. Kroz empatijski pristup medicinskog osoblja, posebice medicinskih sestara, se pokušava smanjiti osjećaj straha i zabrinutosti kod trudnica i rodilja.
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the beta-coronavirus family. The first case of infection in the world was recorded in December 2019, while in Croatia in February 2020. COVID-19 is an acute respiratory disease that spreads by droplets, respiratory secretions and direct contact. In most infected patients, a mild to moderate clinical presentation occurs. Amongst some of the patients, especially those with various comorbidities, disease can be fatal. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused fear, anxiety and concern among the entire population. The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed the control of pregnancy and childbirth itself. Measures related to COVID-19 such as cancelation of live pregnancy courses, bans on birth attendance, prolonged self-isolation for pregnant women and testing for COVID-19 infection at each hospitalization have greatly changed and negatively affected the experiences of pregnant women and new mothers.
AIM: In this paper, the aim of the study was to examine the attitudes and experiences of pregnant women and new mothers who faced this condition during the COVID-19 pandemic.
RESULTS: Results were collected by a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews. The study involved 15 respondents, of which 11 new mothers and 4 pregnant women. Based on the interviews conducted, all respondents agree that the COVID-19 pandemic during pregnancy increased their level of concern and fear for their own health, but especially for the health of the unborn child. Most of the respondents believe that the epidemiological measures created due to the COVID-19 pandemic have a bad effect on the experience of pregnancy and childbirth.
CONCLUSION: We conclude that the presence of highly educated medical staff is of utmost importance during pregnancy monitoring and during childbirth itself. Through the empathic approach of medical staff, especially nurses, an attempt is made to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety in pregnant women and new mothers.
COVID-19 pandemija
uloga medicinske sestre
stavovi i iskustva trudnica i rodilja
Keywords (english)
childbirth (delivery)
COVID-19 pandemic
the role of nursing professionals
attitudes and experience of pregnant women and new mothers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:524022
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-03-14 10:28:44