Title Kompetencije medicinskih sestara/tehničara u prevenciji infekcija povezanih s dijaliznim kateterima
Title (english) Competences of nurses/technicians in the prevention of dialysis catheter infections
Author Andreja Smoljanec
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rosana Ribić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-10-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Infectology
Abstract CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi znanje i osposobljenost medicinskih sestara/tehničara u prevenciji infekcija vezanih uz dijalizne katetere.
METODOLOGIJA ISTRAŽIVANJA: Upitnik je bio namijenjen svim medicinskim sestrama/tehničarima u RH, a istraživanju je pristupio 201 ispitanik. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom tijekom kolovoza i rujna 2021. godine. Upitnik je napravljen preko Google Forms alata, a pristupilo mu se preko linka, čime je osigurana anonimnost ispitanika. Anketni upitnik podijeljen je na dva dijela objektivnog i subjektivnog tipa. Pitanja koja se odnose na objektivni dio su demografska obilježja ispitanika – medicinskih sestara i tehničara. Subjektivni dio anketnog upitnika ispituje kompetencije medicinskih sestara/tehničara u prevenciji infekcija povezanih s dijaliznim kateterima. Zatvorenog tipa pitanja sa dihotomno stipuliranim česticama – slažem se/ne slažem se/nisam siguran(na). Nakon prikupljenih odgovora pristupilo se obradi podataka koja je provedena korištenjem IBM SPSS Statistics programa. Kod obrade podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika, a pokazatelji su prikazani u frekvencijama (f) i postotcima (%).
REZULTATI: Anketi je pristupio 201 ispitanik, od čega je 94.5% medicinskih sestara, a 5.5% medicinskih tehničara. Najveći udio u istraživanju čine ispitanici u dobi od 36 do 50 godina starosti (42.8%). Prema stupnju obrazovanja, 54.2% ispitanika su prvostupnici/ce sestrinstva, potom s 33.8% udjela slijede medicinske sestre/tehničari sa srednjom stručnom spremom. Magistri/e sestrinstva zastupljeni su s 10.9%, a doktori/ce znanosti s 0.5%. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, na odjelu dijalize radi ih 78.6%. Veliki dio ispitanika, oko 98% slaže se kako medicinske sestre i tehničari svojim rukama mogu prenijeti infekciju pacijentima koji imaju dijalizni kateter. 96% ispitanika smatra da higijensko pranje i dezinfekcija ruku smanjuje mogućnost za nastanak infekcija dijaliznih katetera.
ZAKLJUČAK: Uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara u sprječavanju infekcija povezanih s dijaliznim kateterima zaista je ogromna. Provedenom anketom utvrdili smo dobar uvid naših kolegica i kolega ispitanika u problematiku infekcija povezanih s dijaliznim kateterima.
Abstract (english) RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To determine the knowledge and training of nurses/technicians in the prevention of infections related to dialysis catheters.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The questionnaire was intended for all nurses/technicians in the Republic of Croatia, and 201 of respondents joined the research. The survey was conducted with a survey questionnaire during August and September 2021. The questionnaire was created via the Google Forms tool, and was accessed via a link, thus ensuring the anonymity of the respondents. The survey questionnaire is divided into two parts of objective and subjective type. The objective part of the questions refers to the demographic characteristics of the respondents - nurses and technicians. The subjective part of the questionnaire examines the competencies of nurses/technicians in the prevention of infections associated with dialysis catheters. The questions are of the closed type with dichotomously stipulated particles - I agree / disagree / I am not sure. After the collected answers, the data processing was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Descriptive statistics were used in data processing, and indicators are presented in frequencies (f) and percentages (%).
RESULTS: The survey was filled out by 201 respondents, of which 94.5% were nurses and 5.5% were medical technicians. The largest share in the research are respondents aged 36 to 50 years (42.8%). According to the level of education, 54.2% of the respondents are Bachelors of Nursing, followed by nurses / technicians with secondary education with a share of 33.8%. Masters of Nursing are represented with 10.9%, and doctors of science with 0.5%. Of the total number of respondents, 78.6% work in the dialysis department. Many respondents, 98% agree that nurses and technicians can transmit the infection to patients who have a dialysis catheter with their own hands. 96% of respondents believe that hygienic hand washing and disinfection reduces the possibility of dialysis catheter infections.
CONCLUSION: The role of the nurse/technician in preventing infections associated with dialysis catheters is indeed enormous. Through the survey, we noticed that our colleagues have a good insight in the issue of infections associated with dialysis catheters.
dijalizni kateteri
Keywords (english)
dialysis catheters
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:555800
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-03-14 11:10:08