Title Kompetencije pomoćnika u nastavi učenika s intelektualnim poteškoćama: autoetnografsko istraživanje
Title (english) Competences of teaching assistants for pupils with intellectual disabilities: Autoethnographic research
Author Karolina Bećirović
Mentor Željka Bagarić (mentor)
Committee member Darijo Čerepinko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Bagarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tvrtko Jolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Pomoćnici u nastavi se u sustavu osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj pojavljuju u posljednjih 20 godina, usporedno s prihvaćanjem filozofije društvenog uključivanja i socijalnog modela invaliditeta. Pristup inkluzivnog obrazovanja daje mogućnost djeci s teškoćama da ostvare školski uspjeh sukladno njihovim mogućnostima, sposobnostima, interesima, sklonostima i razini potrebnog individualnog pristupa u obradi školskog sadržaja. Osigurana im je kontinuirana psihofizička podrška pomoćnika u nastavi u okviru suradničkog učenja.
Korpus provedenih istraživanja u hrvatskoj odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi još uvijek ne ukazuje u potpunosti na sve probleme, nedostatke i prijedloge poboljšanja učinkovitosti pomoćnika u nastavi. U ovom radu su funkcije pomoćnika u nastavi, istraživača i ispitanika objedinjeni u istoj osobi. Svrha rada je omogućiti dublji samouvid i samospoznaju vlastitih točaka snage i točaka slabosti pomoćnika u nastavi nastalih tijekom procesa pružanja podrške učeniku prvog razreda osnovne škole s intelektualnim teškoćama.
Primijenjena je kvalitativna metodologija. Metode analitičke autoetnografije (samopercepciju, samorefleksiju i samoanalizu) koriste se u cilju samoprocjene razvoja osobnih komunikacijskih vještina usmjerenosti na druge (empatija i podržavanje), učinkovitosti u radu i stupnja profesionalnog i osobnog razvoja pomoćnika u nastavi. U obradi prikupljenih podataka na deskriptivnoj razini korištena je indukcijska analiza sadržaja. Rezultati dobiveni introspekcijom potvrđuju kako su samopoimanje, visoka intrinzična motiviranost i izgrađeni osobni sustav vrijednosti zasnovan na strpljenju, altruizmu, empatiji i sposobnosti razumijevanja i shvaćanja potreba i želja učenika snažne točke jakosti u profesionalnom rastu prema uspješnoj ulozi pomoćnika u nastavi.
Kao slaba točka prepoznaje se prevelika emotivnost, s obzirom da niža kontrola emocionalnih reakcija može omesti primarni fokus na potrebe i interese učenika s poteškoćama. U radu je demonstrirana nastala promjena i u osobnom rastu na način da su empatija i želja za pomaganjem učeniku prevladale veliki početni strah i nesigurnost autorice i istraživačice na početku prve godine zaposlenja. Kako su istraživanja iskustvene perspektive nastavnog osoblja u radu s učenicima s intelektualnim poteškoćama vrlo rijetka, dobiveni uvid i samospoznaje doprinose literaturi u ovom području te mogu poslužiti kao kvalitetna podloga za daljnja kompleksnija istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Teaching assistants in the system of primary and secondary education in Croatia have been deployed in the last 20 years, in parallel with the adoption of the philosophy of social inclusion and the social model of disability. The inclusive education approach enables students with disabilities to achieve school success in accordance with their abilities, skills, interests, preferences, and the level of individual approach required in the processing of school content. They were provided with continuous psychophysical support from teaching assistants within the framework of collaborative learning.
The corpus of conducted research in Croatian educational practice still does not fully indicate all the problems, shortcomings, and proposals for improving the efficiency of teaching assistants. In this paper, the roles of teaching assistant, researcher and respondent are combined in the same person. The purpose of this paper is to enable a deeper insight and self-knowledge of one's own points of strengths and points of weaknesses that arose during the process of providing support in schooling to a first-grade elementary school student with intellectual disabilities.
Qualitative methodology was applied. Methods of analytical autoethnography (self-perception, self-reflection, and self-analysis) are used to self-assess the development of personal emphatic communication skills, work efficiency and the degree of professional and personal development towards a competent teaching assistant. Inductive content analysis was used in the processing of collected data at the descriptive level. The obtained results have confirmed that researcher/respondent’s self-perception, high intrinsic motivation and adopted personal value system based on patience, altruism, empathy, and the ability to understand and comprehend the needs and desires of pupil are strong points of strength in professional growth towards a successful teaching assistant habitus.
Excessive emotionality is recognized as a point of weakness, as a lower control of emotional reactions can disrupt the primary focus on the needs and interests of students with disabilities. The paper demonstrates the change in personal growth in a way that empathy and the immanent desire to help the pupil with intellectual disabilities overcame the great initial fear and insecurity regarding the start of assistance. Given the scarcity of research on the experiential perspective of teaching staff working with students with intellectual disabilities, the acquired deeper insight and self-knowledge contribute to the literature in this area and can serve as a quality basis for more complex research.
učenik s intelektualnim poteškoćama
pomoćnik u nastavi
autoetnografska metoda
inkluzivno obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
auto-ethnographic research
collaborative learning
inclusive education
pupils with intellectual disabilities
teaching assistant
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:499351
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-12 11:55:53