Title Komunikacijske vještine prometnih policajaca u kriznim situacijama
Title (english) Communication skills of traffic police officers in crisis situations
Author Josip Fišter
Mentor Majda Tafra-Vlahović (mentor)
Committee member Nikša Sviličić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Majda Tafra-Vlahović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Danas, više nego ikad komunikacija je pri samom vrhu važnosti na piramidi poželjnih socijalnih vještina. Za policiju i profesionalce koji provode zakone, posjedovanje međuljudskih vještina potrebnih za učinkovitu komunikaciju s kolegama policajcima, podređenima, članovima zajednice, žrtvama i njihovim obiteljima, drugim odjelima i jurisdikcijama te sudskim sustavima je ključno.
Koristeći ono što se ponekad naziva "taktičke komunikacijske vještine", mnogi su policajci osposobljeni za korištenje skupa strategija na terenu koje mogu pomoći u raspršivanju situacija i identificiranju temeljnog uzroka prije nego što eskaliraju izvan kontrole (Mršić, 2010).
Komunikacija tijekom krize je neizbježna jer opcija da se problemi “pometu ispod tepiha” ne dolazi u obzir. Budući da je svaka kriza drugačija sa svojim specifičnostima tako se i krizna komunikacija mora prilagoditi. Ponekad kriza zahtjeva agresivniju komunikaciju sa sudionicima krizne situacije, no istovremeno takva komunikacija može izazvati i kontra efekt te izazvati incidente u javnosti.
Kriza je iznenadni i neočekivani događaj koji zahtijeva brzu reakciju. Definira se kao ozbiljan incident koji ugrožava sigurnost ljudi, okoliša i proizvoda ili narušava imidž organizacije. Za razliku od običnog incidenta, kriza je ozbiljnija za organizaciju i zahtijeva posebnu pažnju menadžmenta.
Kroz ovaj rad autor je pokušao istražiti smatraju li se pripadnici 1. Postaje prometne policije dovoljno komunikacijski kompetentni u kriznim situacijama. No, isto tako pokušati objasniti najvažnije segmente komuniciranja u kriznim situacijama te objasniti sam pojam krize povezujući je s kriznim situacijama u kojima se policijski službenici potencijalno mogu zateći.
Abstract (english) Today, more than ever, communication is at the very top of importance on the pyramid of desirable social skills. For police and law enforcement professionals, having the interpersonal skills needed to communicate effectively with fellow police officers, subordinates, community members, victims and their families, other departments and jurisdictions, and judicial systems is crucial.
Using what are sometimes called “tactical communication skills”, many police officers are trained to use a set of field strategies that can help disperse situations and identify the root cause before escalating out of control (Mršić, 2010).
Communication during the crisis is inevitable because the option of "sweeping the carpet" is out of the question. Since each crisis is different with its own specifics, crisis communication must be adapted. Sometimes a crisis requires more aggressive communication with the participants in a crisis situation, but at the same time such communication can have a counter effect and cause incidents in public.
A crisis is a sudden and unexpected event that requires a quick response. It is defined as a serious incident that endangers the safety of people, the environment and products or tarnishes the image of the organization. Unlike an ordinary incident, a crisis is more serious for an organization and requires special attention from management.
Through this paper, the author tried to investigate whether members of the 1st Traffic Police Station are considered sufficiently communicatively competent in crisis situations. But also try to explain the most important segments of communication in crisis situations and explain the very concept of crisis by connecting it with crisis situations in which police officers can potentially find themselves.
krizna komunikacija
Keywords (english)
crisis communication
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:716689
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-08-25 07:45:26