Abstract | Respiratorni sustav se sastoji od gornjeg i donjeg dišnog sustava s pripadajućim organima. Pluća
su smještena u prsnoj šupljini te se sastoji od dva plućna krila, lijevo koje je manje i desno plućno
krilo. Proces disanja se odvija u dvije faze, faza inspirija i faza ekspirija. Ako dođe do poremećaja
rada okolnih tkiva, organa ili općenito procesa disanja, javljaju se respiratorne bolesti.
Respiratorne bolesti mogu biti akutne i kronične, a kronične se dijele još na restriktivne i
opstruktivne. Na respiratorne bolesti, odnosno poremećaje može utjecati okolina, ali su najčešće
genetski predispozicionirani. Astma pripada kroničnoj opstruktivnoj skupini poremećaja te
označava upalu dišnih putova. Simptomi kod astme su kašalj, zaduha, napetost u prsima i spinja
te se spomenuti simptomi ponavljaju i javljaju najčešće ujutro i navečer. Astma može biti akutna,
subakutna i kronična, a na pojavu simptoma utječu razni okidači. Prema dijagnostičkim
postupcima, astma se može lako otkriti koristeći najčešći dijagnostički test, spirometrijom, ali se
ne može liječiti. Astma je bolest koja se ne liječi, ali se stavlja pod kontrolu. S obzirom na težinu
astme, daju se lijekovi koji mogu dugotrajno kontrolirati bolest i lijekovi koji na brz i efikasan
način ublažavaju simptome. Uz lijekove, mogu se primjenjivati i inhalacije (suhe i vlažne).
Usprkos medikamentoznom liječenju, veliku ulogu u održavanju ili poboljšanju simptoma imaju
fizioterapeuti koji primjenjivanjem raznih tehnika, uglavnom pozitivno djeluju na pacijenta te
prema njegovim potrebama izrađuje plan i program rehabilitacije. Rehabilitacija se može sastojati
od vježbi disanja, vježbi za mobilizaciju prsnog koša, posturalne drenaže, perkusije, vibracija i
aerobnih treninga. Cijela rehabilitacija se provodi individualno, sukladno pacijentovim
ograničenjima i nedostatcima. |
Abstract (english) | The respiratory system consists of the upper and lower respiratory system with associated organs.
The lungs are located in the chest cavity and consist of two lung wings, the left lung which is
smaller and the right lung wing. The breathing process takes place in two phases, the inspiratory
phase and the expiratory phase. If there is a disturbance in the work of the surrounding tissues,
organs or the breathing process in general, respiratory diseases occur. Respiratory diseases can be
acute and chronic, and chronic are further divided into restrictive and obstructive. Respiratory
diseases or disorders can be influenced by the environment, but they are most often genetically
predisposed. Asthma belongs to the chronic obstructive group of disorders and means
inflammation of the airways. The symptoms of asthma are cough, shortness of breath, tightness in
the chest and wheezing, and the aforementioned symptoms are repeated and occur most often in
the morning and evening. Asthma can be acute, subacute and chronic, and various triggers affect
the appearance of symptoms. According to diagnostic procedures, asthma can be easily detected
using the most common diagnostic test, spirometry, but cannot be treated. Asthma is a disease that
cannot be cured, but can be controlled. Considering the severity of asthma, drugs are given that
can control the disease for a long time and drugs that relieve symptoms quickly and efficiently. In
addition to medicines, inhalations (dry and moist) can also be used. In spite of medication
treatment, physiotherapists play a major role in maintaining or improving symptoms, and by
applying various techniques, they mostly have a positive effect on the patient and create a
rehabilitation plan and program according to his needs. Rehabilitation can consist of breathing
exercises, chest mobilization exercises, postural drainage, percussion, vibration and aerobic
training. The entire rehabilitation is carried out individually, according to the patient's limitations
and shortcomings. |