Title Priprema za dojenje majki u Međimurskoj županiji
Title (english) Preparation of mothers for breastfeeding in Međimurje County
Author Marta Sokač
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Sertić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Križaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Rođenjem djeteta počinje i prirodni proces dojenja. Svako zdravo novorođenče spremno je i „programirano“ nakon rođenja puziti po trbuhu majke kako bi pronašlo dojku te započelo sisati majčino mlijeko. SZO i UNICEF preporučaju da se dijete isključivo doji do šestog mjeseca, zatim da se uz dohranu doji za vrijeme prve i druge godine života. Pojam isključivo dojenje odnosi se na prehranu djeteta samo majčinim mlijekom (uključuje izdojeno mlijeko ili/i mlijeko zamjenske dojilje) bez drugih dodataka i vode, osim vitamina, minerala, lijekova i oralnih rehidracijskih soli ako je djetetu potrebno. Kako bi majke uspostavile uspješno dojenje potrebno ih je kvalitetno educirati o dojenju, naučiti ih određenim vještinama, pripremiti ih za dojenje, pružati im stručnu pomoć, te potporu ne samo medicinskog osoblja nego i obitelji. Za uspješno dojenje potrebno je ispuniti neke osnovne elemente i tehnike, a oni se odnose na mjesto dojenja, higijenu dojki, odabir najudobnijeg položaja majke i djeteta kod dojenja, znanja o pridržavaju dojke, znanja kako da dijete prihvati bradavicu, pomoć djetetu kod sisanja te završetak podoja. Patronažna sestra je ključna u promicanju i pripremi za dojenje, a naročito u prvim tjednima nakon poroda. Ona ima uvid u stanje uspješnosti početka dojenja, daje savjete majci u rješavanju poteškoća i podrška je majci u nastavku dojenja. U provedenom istraživanju u razdoblju od 07. do 21. srpnja 2022. godine na području Međimurske županije uključilo se 145 sudionika ženskog spola. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati na koji način i kako se majke u Međimurskoj županiji pripremaju za dojenje. Nadalje, ispitivala su se iskustva s dojenjem te zadovoljstvo informacijama o dojenju pruženim prilikom posjeta patronažne sestre. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se većina sudionica educirala o dojenju prije poroda, a najviše njih je prikupljalo informacije internetom što je i očekivano zbog lakog pristupa i dostupnosti informacija online. No, ipak se pokazalo da su savjeti i iskustva majki, baki i prijateljica imali najviše koristi u informiranju sudionica o dojenju. Većinu sudionica patronažna sestra je podučavala o važnosti dojenja, te ih je više od polovice sudionica jako zadovoljno informacijama koje im je prenijela patronažna sestra.
Abstract (english) With the birth of a baby, a natural breastfeeding process begins. Every healthy new-born is prepared and “programmed” after the birth to crawl on the mother’s belly to search for the breast and start feeding on mother’s milk. SZO and UNICEF recommend child’s exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and then to combine breastfeeding and formula-feeding during the first and second year of child’s life. The term exclusive breastfeeding means that child’s diet consists only of mother’s milk (it excludes expressed milk and/or surrogate breastfeeding mother’s milk) without other additives and water, except for vitamins, minerals, medicine and oral rehydration salts if the child needs it. In order for mothers to establish successful breastfeeding process, they need to have good quality education about breastfeeding, they need to be taught certain skills, prepared for breastfeeding, given professional help and support, not only by medical stuff but also by family. Some basic elements and techniques are required for successful breastfeeding such as the location of breastfeeding, breast hygiene, choice of the most comfortable position of the mother and child during breastfeeding, knowledge on how to hold the breast, knowledge on how to make child accept the nipple, helping child while sucking and finishing the breastfeeding process. Visiting nurse is crucial for promoting and preparing mother for breastfeeding, especially in the first weeks after giving birth. She has an insight into how successful the start of breastfeeding is. She gives advice to the mother in solving difficulties and supports the mother in the continuation of the breastfeeding process. 145 female participants took part in the research conducted from 7th until 21st July 2022 in Medjimurje county. The goal of the research was to examine ways in which mothers in Medjimurje county are prepared for breastfeeding process. Furthermore, different types of experience with breastfeeding were examined, as well as the satisfaction with the information on breastfeeding provided during the visits of the visiting nurse. The results of the research show that most of the participants were educated on breastfeeding before giving birth and the majority of them were collecting information on the Internet, which is expected because of the easy access and availability of information online. However, it has been shown that the advice and experience of mothers, grandmothers and friends were the most useful in informing participants about breastfeeding. The majority of participants were taught about the importance of breastfeeding by visiting nurse and more than half of the participants were very satisfied with the information they received from the visiting nurse.
majčino mlijeko
priprema za dojenje
pomoć kod dojenja
Keywords (english)
mother’s milk
preparation for breastfeeding process
assistance with breastfeeding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:852219
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-11-29 15:16:37