Abstract | Karcinom želuca je 2020. godine zauzimao sedmo mjesto sa incidencijom od 5,6% slučajeva
svih sijela tumora u svijetu. Po smrtnosti se nalazi na 4. mjestu sa udjelom od 7,7% ukupne
smrtnosti od tumora. Njegov proces nastanka još uvijek nije u potpunosti poznat. Pojavnost se
najčešće veže uz način prehrane, konzumaciju alkohola i cigareta, genetske predispozicije,
prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu, regionalnu lokalizaciju te infekciju Helicobacter pylori.
Dijagnosticira se na temelju anamneze, kompletne krvne slike, fizikalnim pregledom
ezofagogastroskopijom s biopsijom karcinoma te endoskopskim ultrazvukom. Nažalost, najčešće
je otkriven u uznapredovaloj fazi što znatno otežava izlječenje. Prognoza bolesti je loša i samo
15-20% operiranih bolesnika preživi 5 godina. Ovisno o stadiju bolesti te općem stanju bolesnika
određuje se način liječenja. Također, život bolesnika oboljelih od karcinoma želuca zahtijeva
razne prilagodbe koje su vezane uz samo liječenje, postupke koji su vezani uz liječenje,
promjenu prehrane bolesnika te prilagodbu obitelji.
Uloga medicinske sestre veoma je važna u samoj prevenciji karcinoma želuca, kao i ranom
otkrivanju. Pomoću raznih edukativnih i savjetodavnih aktivnosti nastoji se podići zdravstvena
svijest te znanje o faktorima rizika za oboljenje od karcinoma želuca. U liječenju karcinoma
želuca sudjeluje medicinska sestra kao član multidisciplinarnog tima. Medicinska sestra pruža
psihološku i fizičku pomoć bolesniku i njegovoj obitelji te ih educira. Ona je uz bolesnika od
trenutka saznanja da boluje od karcinoma želuca, tijekom pripreme za operacijski zahvat, nakon
operacijskog zahvata, tijekom zdravstvene njege, pa sve do otpusta kući. |
Abstract (english) | In 2020, stomach cancer ranked seventh with an incidence od 5.6% of all tumor types in the
world. In terms of mortality, it i sin 4th place with a share of 7.7% of the total mortality from
tumors. It's formation process is still not fully known. The incidence is most often linked to diet,
alcohol and cigarette consumption, heredity, overweight, regional localization and Helicobacter
pylori infection. It is diagnosed on the basis of medical history, complete blood count, physical
examination, esophagogastroscopy with cancer biopsy and endoscopic ultrasound.
Unfortunately, it is most often discovered in advanced stage, which makes its cure much more
difficult. The prognosis of the disease itself is poor, only 15-20% of operated patients survive 5
years. Depending on the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient, the method
of treatment is determined. Also, the life of patients suffering from stomach cancer requires
various adjustments related to the treatment itself, procedures related to the treatment, changes in
the patient's diet and adaptation of the family.
The role of the nurse is very important in the prevention of stomach cancer, as well as early
detection. With help od various educational and advisory activities, an effort is made to raise
health awareness and knowledge about risk factors for stomach cancer. A nurse participates in
the treatment of stomach cancer as a member of a multidicsiplinary team. Nurse provides
psychological and physical helt to the patient and his family and educates them. She is with the
patient from the moment of finding out that he is suffering from stomach cancer, during the
preparation for surgery, after surgery, during health care, until he is discharged home. |