Title Stilovi upravljanja sukobima u sestrinstvu
Title (english) Conflict management styles in nursing
Author Rebecca Adlešić
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Rosana Ribić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Zdravstvene organizacije su društveni sustavi u kojima su ljudski resursi najvažniji
čimbenik. Korisno je da zdravstveni djelatnici mogu identificirati stilove vodstva i teorije
relevantne za njihovu sestrinsku praksu. Sukobi su inherentni dio rada unutar svake
organizacije i mogu se definirati kao situacija u kojoj sudjeluju suprotstavljene osobe koje
podržavaju različita rješenja. Postoje pet načina rješavanja sukoba: dominacija, kompromis,
suradnja, izbjegavanje i prilagođavanje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je uočiti koji je najčešći stil
upravljanja sukobima na radnom mjestu medicinskih sestara/tehničara, uvidjeti postoji li
korelacija između godina radnog iskustva i izbora strategije u upravljanju sukobima i spoznati
koji je najčešći stil vođenja na radnom mjestu medicinskih sestara i tehničara i utječu li
godine radnog iskustva na izbor stila vođenja.
Provedeno istraživanje sastojalo se od tri dijela: socio- demografski pokazatelji, stilovi
vođenja i Thomas- Klimannov upitnik o stilovima upravljanja sukobima. U istraživanju je
sudjelovalo 322 medicinske sestre/tehničara s područja Republike Hrvatske. Anketa je
provedena u obliku Google Forms u razdoblju od 01. travnja 2022. godine do 10. srpnja 2022.
godine. Podaci su obrađeni u programu Python 3.9 biblioteke, deskriptivnom statistikom te
inferencijalnom statistikom (Hi kvadrat test na jednom uzorku).
Rezultati su pokazali da je najčešći stil upravljanja sukobima kompromis dok je
demokratski stil najčešći korišten stil vođenja. Godine radnog staža ne utječu značajno na
odabir stila vođenja kao i stila upravljanja sukobima.
Istraživanja o stilu vođenja i stilu upravljanja sukobima prikazana su u radu s namjerom da
se uvidi najčešći stil korištenja u svrhu daljnjeg poboljšanja odnosa na radnom mjestu,
povećanog zadovoljstva poslom i povećanog zadržavanja medicinskih sestara, što bi
rezultiralo pozitivnim ishodom za sestrinsku profesiju, zdravstvene organizacije i društvo
Učinkovito upravljanje sukobima zahtijeva mnoge profesionalne kvalitete i vještine, a
promjena organizacije da bude pozitivna prema sukobima zahtijeva stalnu, ustrajnu akciju.
Kako bi postale učinkovite i primjereno upravljale sukobima, glavne medicinske sestre i
tehničari moraju razumjeti uzroke, teorije, pristupe i strategije upravljanja sukobima.
Razumijevanje stilova upravljanja sukobima i čimbenici koji utječu na njih, mogu povećati
pozitivne ishode sukoba kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara.
Abstract (english) Healthcare organizations are social systems in which human resources are the most
important factor. It is helpful for healthcare professionals to be able to identify leadership
styles and theories relevant to their nursing practice. Conflicts are an inherent part of work
within any organization and can be defined as a situation in which conflicting individuals who
support different solutions participate. There are five ways to resolve conflict: dominance,
compromise, cooperation, avoidance, and accommodation. The aim of this research is to see
what is the most common style of conflict management in the workplace of
nurses/technicians, to see if there is a correlation between years of work experience and the
choice of strategy in conflict management, and to find out what is the most common
leadership style in the workplace of nurses and technicians and whether they influence years
of work experience on the choice of leadership style.
The conducted research consisted of three parts: socio-demographic indicators, leadership
styles and the Thomas-Klimann questionnaire on conflict management styles. 322
nurses/technicians from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The survey was
conducted in the form of Google Forms in the period from April 1, 2022 to July 10, 2022. The
data were processed in the Python 3.9 library program, with descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics (Chi square test on one sample).
The results showed that the most common conflict management style is compromise,
while the democratic style is the most frequently used leadership style. Years of work
experience do not significantly affect the choice of leadership style as well as conflict
management style.
Research on leadership style and conflict management style is presented in the paper with
the intention to see the most common style of use in order to further improve workplace
relations, increased job satisfaction and increased retention of nurses, which would result in a
positive outcome for the nursing profession, health organizations and society in general.
Effective conflict management requires many professional qualities and skills, and
changing an organization to be conflict-positive requires constant, persistent action. In order
to become effective and manage conflict appropriately, head nurses and technicians must
understand the causes, theories, approaches and strategies of conflict management.
Understanding conflict management styles and the factors that influence them can increase
positive conflict outcomes for nurses and technician
rješavanje sukoba
stilovi vođenja
Keywords (english)
conflict resolution
leadership styles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:549707
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-28 14:22:22