Abstract | Kirurška djelatnost je vrlo kompleksna i specifična grana medicine te stoga zahtjeva i specifičnu zdravstvenu njegu. Medicinske sestre/tehničari neizostavni su članovi multidisciplinarnog tima. Sudjeluju u svim segmentima te u cjelokupnom perioperacijskom razdoblju, a on uključuje prijeoperacijsku, intraoperacijsku i poslijeoperacijsku zdravstvenu skrb za pacijenta. U prijeoperacijskom periodu osim fizičke pripreme pacijenta medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu u psihičkoj pripremi. Fizička priprema mora biti temeljita i obuhvaća rutinske i specifične pretrage, ovisno o kojem se operativnom zahvatu radi, međutim osnovna zadaća medicinske sestre kroz psihičku pripremu jest pružiti pacijentu informacije o bolesti, odgovoriti na pitanja, objasniti dijagnostičke i terapijske postupke. Istraživanje provedeno putem društvenih mreža u razdoblju od 29.06.2022. do 29.07.2022. godine. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koliki doprinos i utjecaj ima psihička priprema u prijeoperacijskom razdoblju na tijek i brzinu oporavka pacijenta nakon operativnog zahvata. Sveukupno 109 sudionika, od kojih je 69,7% ženskog spola, 54,1% sudionika pripada dobi od 18 do 29 godine. 67% sudionika živi u urbanoj sredini, 49,5% sudionika je završilo srednju školu. Polovica sudionika 54,1% su imali planiranu operaciju, a 57,8% sudionika kao indikaciju navelo je bolest. Uglavnom nisu čekali operativni zahvat ili su čekali do 30 dana, njih 33,9%. Većina sudionika bila je informirana o operativnom zahvatu, njih 79,8%, a izvor informacija bio im je kirurg kod 55,8%. Izvor informacija kod osoba koje su se same informirale bile su internetske stranice čak kod 69,8% sudionika. 82,8% sudionika navodi da su se informacije koje su doznali odnosile o saznanjima o operativnom zahvatu, te 67,7% koliko dugo traje oporavak. Na skali od jedan do deset koliko bi izrazili svoj intenzitet straha prije operacije, ocijenili su brojem 5, njih 22%, kao razlog straha naveli su bol, anesteziju i komplikacije, njih 38,5%. 51,4% sudionika je upoznalo kirurga koji će ih operirati, 65,1% sudionika je imalo razgovor s anesteziologom. 37,6% zbunjenost navodi kao najčešće iskustvo nakon operativnog zahvata. 50,1% sudionika boravila je u bolnici jednako predviđenom vremenu. 81,7% sudionika nije bilo rehabilitirano. Kod 89,9% nije bilo potrebe za pomoći od stručnih osoba psihologa/psihijatra. Fizičke negativne posljedice javile su u 19,3% sudionika, bol u području operativnog zahvata 73,7%, psihičke posljedice su se odnosile najčešće na poremećaje sna 42%. 60,6% sudionika se složilo da im je iskustvo s operativnim zahvatom umanjilo strahove i zabrinutost. |
Abstract (english) | Surgery is a very complex and specific branch of medicine and therefore requires specific health care. Nurses/technicians are indispensable members of the multidisciplinary team. They participate in all segments and in the entire perioperative period, which includes preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative health care for the patient. In the preoperative period, in addition to physical preparation of the patient, the nurse plays an important role in psychological preparation. Physical preparation must be thorough and include routine and specific tests, depending on which surgical procedure is being performed, however, the nurse's basic task through psychological preparation is to provide the patient with information about the disease, answer questions, and explain diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Research conducted via social networks in the year 2022. from June 29. to July 29. The goal of the research was to determine the contribution and influence of psychological preparation in the preoperative period on the course and speed of the patient's recovery after surgery. A total of 109 participants, of which 69.7% are female, 54.1% of the participants are between the ages of 18 and 29. 67% of participants live in urban areas, 49.5% of participants have completed high school. Half of the participants, 54.1%, had planned surgery, and 57.8% of the participants indicated illness as an indication. Mostly they did not wait for surgery or they waited up to 30 days, 33.9% of them. Most of the participants were informed about the surgical procedure, 79.8% of them, and their source of information was the surgeon for 55.8%. 69.8% of the participants used websites as the source of information for informing themselves. 82.8% of the participants stated that the information they received was related to information about the surgical procedure, and 67.7% how long the recovery takes. On a scale of one to ten, how much they would express their fear intensity before surgery, 22% of them rated it as a 5, 38.5% of them cited pain, anesthesia and complications as the reason for their fear. 51.4% of the participants met the surgeon who will operate on them, 65.1% of the participants had a conversation with the anesthesiologist. 37.6% state confusion as the most common experience after surgery. 50.1% of the participants stayed in the hospital for the same amount of time as planned. 81.7% of participants were not rehabilitated. For 89.9%, there was no need for help from psychologists/psychiatrists. Physical negative consequences were reported in 19,3% participants, pain in the area of the operative procedure 73.7%, psychological consequences were mostly related to sleep disorders 42%. 60.6% of the participants agreed that the experience with the surgical procedure reduced their fears and concerns. |