Title Percepcija izloženosti stresu medicinskih sestara/tehničara tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19
Title (english) Perception of stress exposure of nursing professionals during COVID-19 pandemic
Author Blanka Ferenec
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Vincek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Epidemiology
Abstract Suvremeni svijet stvara uvjete za sveprisutnost stresa na radnom mjestu. Brojne uzroke, stresore, prate i brojne posljedice. Zdravstvene posljedice kod pojedinaca vode do štete za cijelu organizaciju. Što je izloženost stresorima jača, teže su i posljedice. Kronični stres vodi do sagorijevanja, i ozbiljnijih efekata po zdravlje i radni učinak. Radno mjesto medicinske sestre i medicinskog tehničara oduvijek se smatralo veoma stresnim i zahtjevnim zanimanjem. Prijašnja istraživanja ukazala su i na posebnu osjetljivost medicinskih sestara na stres, i na posebne komplikacije koje stres njima donosi, jer o njima ovise druge osobe. Unazad dvije godine, zdravstveni radnici su bili izloženi još većim opterećenjima zbog pandemije COVID-19. Suočavanje sa stresom i njegova prevencija je već i prije bila nužnost, službeno regulirana zakonom od strane službenih vlasti. Pandemija je za zdravstvene radnike problem stresa umnogostručila rekordnim brojevima potencijalno smrtno bolesnih pacijenata, u rekordnom vremenu. Za zdravstvene radnike je to značilo i nedostatke lijekova, prostora, rekordno negativni omjer pacijenata i zdravstvenih djelatnika, te razni drugi negativni kolateralni efekti, i socijalni, pa čak i politički. Iz svih navedenih razloga provedeno je istraživanje o percepciji izloženosti stresu medicinskih sestara/tehničara tijekom pandemije. Istraživanje se provodilo putem društvenih mreža s pomoću izrađenog online upitnika u periodu od 25.07.2022. do 03.08.2022. i bilo namijenjeno onima koji rade kao medicinske sestre i tehničari. Rad je pokazao kako pandemija COVID-19 ima veliki utjecaj na većinu zdravstvenih djelatnika, i da su gotovo svi itekako svjesni i stresnih efekata koronavirusa po njihovo zdravlje, kao i inih posljedica pandemije na njihovu struku i organizacije. Rezultati istovremeno daju negativnu sliku efekata stresa, ali i pozitivnu sliku o informiranosti i stavu zdravstvenih radnika o problemu. Očita spremnost ispitanih zdravstvenih djelatnika na promišljanje i suočavanje s problemom stresa obećava učinkovitost programa edukacije i prevencije i tehnika suočavanja sa stresom. Kako se nakon dvije godine od prvog slučaja koronavirusa u Republici Hrvatskoj još uvijek radi na otkrivanju same etiologije virusa i bolesti koju uzrokuje te pronalaskom učinkovitog lijeka i cjepiva, velika je važnost daljnje edukacije zdravstvenih djelatnika o stresu i njegove prevencije na radnom mjestu.
Abstract (english) The modern world creates conditions for the ubiquity of stress in the workplace. Numerous causes, stressors, are accompanied by numerous consequences. The health consequences for the individual lead to harm for the entire organisation. The greater the exposure to stressors, the more severe the consequences. Chronic stress leads to burnout and more serious effects on health and work performance. The nursing profession has always been considered very stressful and demanding. Previous research has indicated that nurses are particularly sensitive to stress and that stress brings particular complications for them as other people are dependent on them.During the last two years, health workers were exposed to even greater stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Managing stress and its prevention was already a necessity, officially legislated by the authorities. The pandemic multiplied the stress problem for health workers as a record number of potentially terminally ill patients were admitted in record time. For health workers, this also meant shortages of medicines and space, a record negative patient-to-health worker ratio and various other negative side effects, both social and even political. For all these reasons, a survey was conducted on nurses' perceptions of stress levels during the pandemic. The research was conducted through social media using an online questionnaire between 25/07/2022 and 03/08/2022 and exclusively targeted individuals working as nurses. The work showed that the COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on the majority of healthcare workers and that almost all of them are aware of the stressful impact of the coronavirus on their health, as well as other consequences of the pandemic on their profession and organisations. At the same time, the results give a negative picture of the impact of stress, but also a positive picture of the informedness and attitudes of health workers towards the problem. The apparent willingness of these health professionals to contemplate about and address the problem of stress bodes well for the effectiveness of education and prevention programmes and stress management techniques. As two years after the first coronavirus case in the Republic of Croatia, work is still underway to find out the actual aetiology of the virus and the disease it causes, and to find an effective drug and vaccine, further education of health workers about stress and its prevention in the workplace is an absolute necessity.
medicinske sestre i tehničari
profesionalni stres
radno mjesto
pandemija COVID-19
zaštitna oprema
Keywords (english)
occupational stress
COVID-19 pandemic
protective equipment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:899504
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-02 16:43:00