Title Poremećaji ličnosti
Title (english) Personality disorders
Author Marta Sente
Mentor Marija Božičević (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Božičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Jambrošić Sakoman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Ličnost je skup svih osobina neke osobe u jednu cjelinu koja određuje aktivnost te osobe u promjenjivom okruženju i u tim okolnostima je sklona promjenama. Poremećaji ličnosti heterogena su skupina poremećaja, definicija opisuje ponašanja slična velikom broju ljudi. Poremećaj ličnosti je model dugotrajnog unutarnjeg ponašanja i doživljavanja i razlikuje se od očekivanog, početak mu je u adolescenciji ili ranoj odrasloj dobi. Prevalencija u općoj populaciji iznosi 10 do 13%. Najčešća dijagnoza u kliničkoj medicini je mješoviti poremećaj ličnosti. To ukazuje na preklapanje različitih tipova poremećaja i nedovoljnu specificiranost kategorijskih dijagnoza. Poremećaji ličnosti smatraju se rezultatom interakcije genske predispozicije i izloženosti nepovoljnim utjecajima i specifičnim traumatičnim iskustvima. Dijagnostički postupak počinje anamnezom te se koriste različite laboratorijske, elektrofiziološke, neuroradiološke metode i tehnike. Poremećaji ličnosti dijele se na tri podvrste: ekscentrične, dramatične i anksiozne poremećaje ličnosti. Ekscentrični poremećaji ličnosti (klaster A) obuhvaćaju paranoidne, shizoidne i shizotipne poremećaje ličnosti. Dramatični (klaster B) su disocijalni (antisocijalni), granični (borderline), narcistički i histrionski poremećaji ličnosti. U anksiozne poremećaje (klaster C) ubrajaju se opsesivno-kompulzivni, izbjegavajući i ovisni poremećaji ličnosti. Liječenje uključuje psihoterapiju, farmakoterapiju i socioterapiju. Psihoterapija psihološka je metoda liječenja temeljena na odnosu terapeuta i bolesnika, zahtijeva educiranog terapeuta. Sestrinska skrb psihijatrijskih pacijenata definicijom zdravstvene njege ne razlikujemo od skrbi za pacijenta s organskom bolešću. Razlika je u vodećim obilježjima problema, ciljevima i načinima na koji to želimo postići.
Abstract (english) Personality is a set of all the characteristics of a person in one whole, which determines the activity of that person in a changing environment and is prone to change in those circumstances. Personality disorders are a heterogeneous group of disorders, the definition describes behavior similar to a large number of people. Persistent personality disorder is a pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from what is expected, beginning in adolescence or early adulthood. The prevalence of personality disorders in the general population is 10 to 13%. The leading diagnosis from the circle of personality disorders in clinical medicine is mixed personality disorder, which indicates the overlap of various types of personality disorders and insufficient specificity of categorical diagnoses. Personality disorders are considered the result of the interaction of genetic predisposition and exposure to adverse influences and specific traumatic experiences. The diagnostic procedure begins with an anamnesis, and various laboratory, electrophysiological, neuroradiological methods and techniques are used. Personality disorders are divided into three subtypes: eccentric, dramatic and anxious personality disorders. Eccentric personality disorders (cluster A) include paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders. Dramatic (cluster B) are dissocial (antisocial), borderline (borderline), narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders. Anxiety disorders (cluster C) include obsessive-compulsive, avoidant and dependent personality disorders. Treatment includes psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and sociotherapy. Psychotherapy is a psychological method of treatment that is based on the relationship between the therapist and the patient, and requires an educated therapist. Nursing care of psychiatric patients is not distinguished by the definition of health care from the care of a patient with an organic disease. The difference is in the leading characteristics of the problem, the goals and the ways in which we want to achieve them.
Poremećaji ličnosti
zdravstvena njega
Keywords (english)
Personality disorders
health care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:462915
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-06 15:06:02