Abstract | Palijativna skrb je sveobuhvatna i cjelovita skrb usmjerena na kvalitetu, a ne kvantitetu života. Vođena holističkim pristupom, djeluje na prevenciji i ublažavanju tegoba te zadovoljavanju potreba osobe u svim aspektima njegova bića, što uključuje fizičke, emocionalne, socijalne i duhovne aspekte. Stavlja se naglasak i na činjenicu da palijativna skrb svojim djelokrugom rada obuhvaća i obitelj te zajednicu osobe koja se nalazi u središtu skrbi. Za potrebe pružanja palijativne skrbi formira se interdisciplinarni tim kompetentnih, stručnih i educiranih članova koji međusobnom suradnjom omogućuju ostvarenje cilja i svrhe palijativne skrbi. Posljedično širokom djelokrugu rada te kontinuiranoj izloženosti patnji i umiranju, djelatnici u ovom području rada potencijalno su izloženi stresnim čimbenicima i profesionalnom stresu koji mogu doprinijeti emocionalnoj iscrpljenosti, a naposljetku i nastanku sindroma sagorijevanja. Uzevši u obzir zahtjevnost i specifičnost rada u palijativnoj skrbi, od članova tima traži se empatičnost, predanost, kompetentnost, stručnost te posjedovanje mnogih drugih vještina kako bi pružena skrb bila najkvalitetnija moguća.
Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati mišljenja i stavove studenata sestrinstva o radu u palijativnoj skrbi. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 1. lipnja 2022. do 25. kolovoza 2022. putem online upitnika te je u njemu sudjelovalo 106 sudionika. Analiza rezultata pokazala je da su sudionici upoznati s tematikom palijativne skrbi te da su se njom susreli i sami, bilo u privatnom životu, tijekom školovanja ili na radnom mjestu. Na temelju dosadašnjih stečenih znanja i iskustva, oformili su vlastita mišljenja i stavove te uviđaju specifičnost i zahtjevnost ovog područja rada. Poznavanjem važnosti edukacije, polovica sudionika smatra da nakon školovanja neće biti kompetentna za rad u palijativnoj skrbi te prema dobivenim rezultatima, sudionici nisu skloni zapošljavanju u ovom području rada nakon završenog školovanja. |
Abstract (english) | Palliative care is comprehensive and complete care focused on quality, not the quantity of life. Guided by hollistic approach, it works on prevention and reduction of difficulties and also on satisfaction of persons needs in all aspects of his being, which includes physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. Also, emphasis is put on the fact that palliative care in its field of work includes family and the comunity of the person which is in the center of care. For the purposes of providing palliative care, an interdisciplinary team of competent, professional and educated members is formed, who then through mutual cooperation enable the achievement of the goal and purpose of the palliative care. As a result of the wide scope of work and continuous exposure to suffering and dying, employees in this field of work are potentially exposed to stressful factors and professional stress that can contribute to emotional exhaustion, and ultimately to the onset of burnout syndrome. Taking into account the demands and specificity of work in palliative care, team members are required to have empathy, commitment, competence, expertise and the possession of many other skills so that the care provided is of the highest possible quality.
Goal of the conducted research was to examine the opinions and attitudes of nursing students about work in palliative care. The research was conducted in the period from June 1. 2022. to August 25. 2022. through an online questionnaire, and 106 participants took part in it. The analysis of the results showed that the participants were familiar with the topic of palliative care and that they had encountered it themselves, whether in their private life, during education or at work. Based on the knowledge and experience they have acquired so far, they have formed their own opinions and attitudes and they realize the specificity and demands of this field of work. Knowing the importance of education, half of the participants believe that after schooling they will not be competent to work in palliative care, and according to the results obtained, the participants are not fond to employment in this field of work after completing their education. |