Title Fizioterapijski pristup kod osteoartritisa kuka
Title (english) Physiotherapy approach in osteoarthritis of the hip
Author Matija Vusić
Mentor Manuela Filipec (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Herak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuela Filipec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Jeleč (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Osteoartritis je bolest koja se očituje degenerativnim promjenama zglobne hrskavice. Glavni simptom artroze kuka je bol, koja se pojačava tijekom aktivnosti zgloba i smanjuje tijekom mirovanja. Postoji standardizirani kriterij koji se koristi za dijagnosticiranje osteoartritisa, a najrašireniji je onaj Američkog koledža za reumatologiju. Promatranjem dobivamo podatke o opsegu pokreta i mišićnoj aktivnosti i snazi bolesnika. Vizualnim pregledom možemo vidjeti nekoliko ključnih čimbenika kao što su hod pacijenta, funkcionalna i anatomska duljina nogu. U većini slučajeva dijagnoza se postavlja usporedbom i kombinacijom informacija dobivenih anamnezom, fizikalnim pregledom i rezultatima raznih nalaza. Zglob koljena i kuka dva su najčešće zahvaćena zgloba. Prijeoperacijska rehabilitacija prethodi operaciji otprilike 2 tjedna i obično se provodi postupcima jačanja svih mišića, kardio treningom, fizikalnom terapijom i edukacijom hodanja s štakama. Važno je educirati pojedince i njihove obitelji o vježbama jačanja mišića, prevenciji padova i pravilnom korištenju postoperativnih pomagala. Vježbanje i funkcionalni trening treba započeti odmah nakon operacije ili dan nakon operacije. U liječenju osteoartritisa postoje dva oblika terapije, a to su medikamentozna terapija ili terapija bez lijekova i kirurško liječenje. Nefarmakološki pristupi temelje se na edukaciji pacijenata, smanjenju tjelesne težine (ovisi o svakom pacijentu pojedinačno) i vježbanju. Kombinacija pravilne prehrane, aerobnog treninga i tjelovježbe može biti učinkovitija u smanjenju boli i poboljšanju funkcije od same tjelovježbe. Ciljevi terapije postavljaju se prema prioritetima i prema mogućnostima pacijenta. Totalna artroplastika kuka trebala bi biti posljednje rješenje za pacijente, odnosno nakon eventualnog neuspjeha svih drugih oblika terapije. Najvažnije odrednice nefarmakološkog liječenja su da je pacijent u središtu liječenja i da je pristup individualiziran.
Abstract (english) Osteoarthritis is a disease manifested by degenerative changes in joint cartilage. The main symptom of hip arthrosis is pain, which increases during joint activity and decreases during rest. There are standardized criteria used to diagnose osteoarthritis, the most widely used being that of the American College of Rheumatology. Through observation, we obtain data on the patient's range of motion and muscle activity and strength. By visual examination, we can see several key factors such as the patient's, functional and anatomical length of the leg. In most cases, the diagnosis is made by comparing and combining information obtained from the anamnesis, physical examination and the results of various findings. . The knee and hip joints are the two most commonly affected joints. Preoperative rehabilitation before surgery lasts approximately 2 weeks and is usually carried out by strengthening all muscles, cardio training, physical therapy and learning to walk with crutches. It is important to educate individuals and their families about muscle strengthening exercises, fall prevention, and proper use of postoperative aids. Exercise and functional training should be started immediately after surgery or the day after surgery. In the treatment of osteoarthritis, there are two forms of therapy, namely drug therapy or therapy without drugs and surgical treatment. Non-pharmacological approaches are based on patient education, weight reduction (it depends on each patient individually) and exercise. A combination of proper nutrition, aerobic training and exercise can be more effective in reducing pain and improving function of the same exercise. The goals of the therapy are set according to the patient's priorities and capabilities. Total hip arthroplasty should be the last solution for the patient, i.e. after the possible failure of all other forms of therapy. The most important determinants of non-pharmacological treatment are that the patient is at the center of the treatment and that the approach is individualized.
fizioterapijsk procjena
fizioterapijska intervencija
Keywords (english)
physiotherapy assessment
physiotherapy intervention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:561084
Study programme Title: physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-09 12:23:48