Title Procesi i postupci prevencije infekcija kirurških rana
Title (english) Processes and procedures for the prevention of surgical wound infections
Author Andreja Vugrinec
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rosana Ribić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Infectology
Abstract Infekcija koja se pojavi u rani nakon kirurške operacije naziva se
postoperativna infekcija kirurške rane. Mjesto infekcije može biti ograničeno na liniju
šava ili se može proširiti na operativno mjesto. Nastaju u kontroliranim bolničkim
uvjetima te ih zbog toga ubrajamo u nozokomijalne ili intrahospitalne infekcije. One
čine gotovo jednu trećinu bolničkih infekcija. Brojni autori dali su svoje definicije
infekcije kirurškog mjesta, a jedna od njih glasi: infekcija kirurškog mjesta infekcija je
koja je nastala u roku 30 dana od operacije, najčešće između petog i desetog dana,
odnosno u roku godine dana od ugrađivanja proteze ili implantata. Stopa incidencije
SSI-a u razvijenim zemljama kreće se od 2,2% do 4,7%, a u nerazvijenim je zemljama
učestalost SSI-a mnogo viša, čak i do 40%. SSI je česta komplikacija kirurškog
liječenja te uzrokuje postoperativne morbiditete i mortalitete koji produljuju liječenje,
stvaraju fizičke, psihičke i estetske deformitete te povećavaju trošak liječenja za 10–
20 %. Mnoge infekcije kirurških rana potječu od samog pacijenta, to jest njegove
endogene flore. SSI može biti izazvan i bakterijama iz bolesnikove okoline ili
egzogenim bakterijama. Temeljna intervencija medicinske sestre u prevenciji infekcija
povezanih sa zdravstvenom skrbi jest njihovo praćenje kako bi se pravovremeno
organizirao, primijenio i održavao djelotvorni program prevencije i kontrole infekcija u
zdravstvenim ustanovama. Kao i kod drugih stanja, i kod infekcijskih je bolesti
najizraženija potreba holističkog pristupa liječenju. Za prevenciju nastanka infekcija
odgovorni su svi zdravstveni i nezdravstveni djelatnici. Temeljni postupak u prevenciji
infekcija povezanih sa zdravstvenom skrbi je higijena ruku. U svakodnevnoj praksi,
osobito u današnje vrijeme, medicinska se sestra susreće s brojnim izazovima u
kontroli i sprječavanju infekcija povezanih sa zdravstvenom skrbi. Prevencija kirurških
infekcija treba se provoditi kroz perioperativni period, to jest preoperativno,
intraoperativno i postoperativno. Obuhvaća niz mjera vezanih (direkno i indirektno) uz
pripremu pacijenta, medicinskog osoblja i okoliša za izvođenje operativnog zahvata i
oporavak pacijenta.
Abstract (english) An infection that occurs in a wound after a surgical operation is called a
postoperative surgical wound infection. The site of infection may be limited to the
suture line or may extend to the operative site. They occur in controlled hospital
conditions and therefore we count them as nosocomial or intrahospital infections. They
make up almost one third of hospital infections. Numerous authors have given their
definitions of surgical site infection, and one of them reads: surgical site infection is an
infection that occurred within 30 days of the operation, most often between the fifth
and tenth day, that is, within a year of the placement of the prosthesis or implant. The
incidence rate of SSI in developed countries ranges from 2.2% to 4.7%, and in
underdeveloped countries the frequency of SSI is much higher, even up to 40%. SSI
is a frequent complication of surgical treatment and causes postoperative morbidity
and mortality that prolong treatment, create physical, psychological and aesthetic
deformities and increase the cost of treatment by 10-20%. Many surgical wound
infections originate from the patient himself, i.e. his endogenous flora. SSI can be
caused by bacteria from the patient's environment or by exogenous bacteria. The
nurse's fundamental intervention in the prevention of healthcare-related infections is
monitoring in order to timely organize, apply and maintain an effective infection
prevention and control program in healthcare institutions. As with other conditions,
infectious diseases also require a holistic approach to treatment. All health and nonhealth
care workers are responsible for the prevention of infections. The fundamental
procedure in the prevention of healthcare-related infections is hand hygiene. In
everyday practice, especially nowadays, nurses face numerous challenges in
controlling and preventing healthcare-related infections. Prevention of surgical
infections should be carried out during the perioperative period, that is, preoperatively,
intraoperatively and postoperatively. It includes a number of measures related (directly
and indirectly) to the preparation of the patient, the medical staff and the environment
for the operation and recovery of the patient.
infekcija kirurškog mjesta (SSI)
kirurška rana
zdravstveno osoblje
Keywords (english)
surgical site infection (SSI)
surgical wound
medical staff
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:935538
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-10 13:09:32