Title Procjena komunikacijskih vještina medicinskih djelatnika sa gluhim i nagluhim osobama
Title (english) Assessment of communication skills of medical workers with deaf and hard of hearing people
Author Petra Horvatić
Mentor Hrvoje Hećimović (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Hećimović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-11-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Gluhoća i nagluhost predstavljaju oštećenje sluha. Gluhoća je teški gubitak sluha koji može biti urođen ili nastati tijekom života. Osobe koje imaju poteškoće sa sluhom dio su našega društva i dio su jedinstvene kulture gluhih i nagluhih koja ima određene karakteristike. Osobe koje imaju poteškoće sa sluhom moraju koristiti posebne komunikacijske protokole kako bi postale dio društva, sa kojim isto tako dijele ista očekivanja i potrebe.
Kao zdravstveni djelatnici prema svima bi se trebali odnositi jednako, te im posvetiti jednako pažnje, poštovanja i brige. Nažalost ponekad u nedostatku vremena, ali i nedostatku znanja u području komunikacije sa gluhim i nagluhim osobama, naša skrb za pacijente nije uvijek potpuna. Stoga je potrebno osmisliti uspješne komunikacijske intervencije, za komunikaciju sa osobama sa slušnim oštećenjem, kako bi se pružila adekvatna zdravstvena skrb. Sa osobom koja ima poteškoće sa sluhom možemo komunicirati na razne načine; znakovnim jezikom, ručnom abecedom, čitanjem s usana, pisanjem i putem pametnih telefona. Sve ovo zahtjeva strpljenja, no u nedostatku istog može doći do raznih nesporazuma u komunikaciji. Vrlo je važno da zdravstveni djelatnici shvaćaju potencijalne brige i probleme pacijenata koji su gluhi ili nagluhi te da osvijeste važnost jasne i prilagođene komunikacije.
U ovom radu ispituje se razina poznavanja kulture gluhih i nagluhih te poznavanje osnova komunikacije medicinskih djelatnika sa grupom ljudi koji imaju problema sa sluhom. Rezultati su pokazali da su zdravstveni djelatnici svjesni komunikacijskih poteškoća na koje gluhi i nagluhi pacijenti nailaze u zdravstvenom sustavu. Također rezultatima istraživanja pokazalo se da nema razlike u komunikacijskim vještinama ispitanika s obzirom na iskustvo rada sa gluhim i nagluhim osobama, te nema statistički značajne razlike u komunikacijskim vještinama ispitanika koji su polazili tečaj hrvatskog znakovnoj jezika i onih koji nisu polazili.
Abstract (english) Deafness and hard of hearing are hearing impairments. Deafness is a severe hearing loss that can be congenital or develop during life. People who have difficulties with hearing are part of our society and are part of a unique culture of the deaf and hard of hearing that has certain characteristics. People who have hearing difficulties have to use special communication protocols in order to become part of society, with which they also share the same expectations and needs.
As healthcare professionals, they should treat everyone equally, and give them equal attention, respect and care. Unfortunately, sometimes due to a lack of time, but also a lack of knowledge in the field of communication with deaf and hard of hearing people, our care for patients is not always complete. Therefore, it is necessary to design successful communication interventions for communication with people with hearing impairment, in order to provide adequate health care. We can communicate with a person who has hearing difficulties in various ways; with sign language, manual alphabet, lip reading, writing and via smart phones. All this requires patience, but in the absence of it, various misunderstandings in communication can occur. It is very important for healthcare professionals to understand the potential concerns and problems of patients who are deaf or hard of hearing and to be aware of the importance of clear and appropriate communication.
This paper examines the level of knowledge of the culture of the deaf and hard of hearing, as well as knowledge of the basics of communication between medical professionals and a group of people who have hearing problems. The results showed that healthcare professionals are aware of the communication difficulties that deaf and hard of hearing patients encounter in the healthcare system. Also, the results of the research showed that there is no difference in the communication skills of the respondents with regard to the experience of working with deaf and hard of hearing people, and there is no statistically significant difference in the communication skills of the respondents who took the croatian sign language course and those who did not.
zdravstveni djelatnici
Keywords (english)
healthcare professionals
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:594275
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-15 14:11:43