Title Hipermobilni sindrom i posljedice te način liječenja
Title (english) Hypermobility syndrome and its consequences and method of treatment
Author Tomislav Mišlov
Mentor Pavao Vlahek (mentor)
Committee member Jasminka Potočnjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavao Vlahek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Arapović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-02-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Hipermobilni sindrom se definira kao povećanje opsega pokretljivosti zglobova. Ovaj
pretjerani opseg pokreta nastaje zbog labavosti vezivnog tkiva, uglavnom ligamentarnog tkiva, a
srž uzroka problema nalazi se u kolagenu. Naime, kako je kolagen prožet kroz cijeli ljudski
organizam ovo oboljenje zahvaća više sustava pa ga nazivamo multisistemskim. Bol je glavni
problem s kojim se nose oboljeli, te se ista najčešće reflektira u koljenima, kralježnici, ramenima
i stopalima. Nadalje, bol je najčešći razlog zbog kojega se ovi pacijenti javljau u zdravstvene
ustanove. Kako bi im se osigurala bolja kvaliteta života treba im se pružiti kvalitetna zdravstvena
skrb s naglaskom na holistički pristup. Fizioterapeuti su ti koji osmišljaju plan i program
rehabilitacije zajedno s ostalim članovima tima. Kako bi tretman bio odgovarajuć baš za svakog
pojedinca potrebno je napraviti cijelokupnu fizioterapijski procjenu koja uključuje razne testove i
slale s kojima se mjeri razina laksativna a samim time i utvrđuje ima li osoba ili nema hipermobilni
sindrom. Uz sastavnice anamneze i kliničkog pregleda potrebno je provesti oređene laboratorijske
testove kako bi se isključila mogućnost pogreške u postavljanju dijagnoze. Nakon sveobuhvatne
procjene fizioterapeut i tim kreiraju plan i program rehabilitacije koja uljučuje razne vježbe
propriocepcije, jačanja muskulature, dinamičke kontrole i drugih, a sve s ciljem osiguravanja
visokokvalitetnog tretmana ovog oboljenja. Nesmije se zaboraviti educirati pacijenta o njegovom
zdravstvenom stanju te kako se nositi s njim jer bez visokokvalitetne edukacije rezultati neće biti
Abstract (english) The definition of joint hypermobility syndrome is an increased range of movement within
the joints. This type of increased range of movement is caused by excessive laxity of the connective
tissue, mostly fibrous connective tissue, known as ligaments, but the core of the issue is the defect
of collagen. Considering that collagen is located all over the human body, this type of syndrome
affects several body systems meaning that it is a multisystem syndrome. The main problem for
patients suffering from hypermobility syndrome is pain which mostly reflects in the knees, spine,
shoulders and feet. Furthermore, pain is the main reason why patients decide to get a health checkup.
In order to insure patients a better quality of everyday life, it is important to provide them
proper hollistic healthcare. Physiotherapists are those who come up with the plan and rehabilitation
program along with thw rest of the healthcare team. For the treatment to be matching with the
patients needs, it is essential to make a complete physiotherapy assement which includes various
tests and scales that help measure the level or score for ligament laxity and conclude whether the
patient has hypermobility syndrome or not. Using the anamnesis and clinical check-up
components, it is crucial to require laboratory tests in order to exclude a possibility of formulating
a wrong diagnosis. After a comprehensive assesment, the physiotherapist and team create a
rehabilitation plan and program which consists of various proprioception exercises, muscle
strengthening activities and dynamic controls with the goal of securing high quality care with this
syndrome. It is important to remember to educate the patient about their health condition and how
to deal with it because without high quality education, the results of the treatment will be
hipermobilni sindrom
Keywords (english)
hypermobility syndrome
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:350974
Study programme Title: physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-07 14:14:02