Title Znanje medicinskih sestara/tehničara o infekciji Clostridioides defficile u domovima za starije i nemoćne osobe
Title (english) Nurse / technician knowledge of Clostridioides deficile infection in nursing homes
Author Nikolina Hudika
Mentor Mihaela Kranjčević-Ščurić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihaela Kranjčević-Ščurić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-03-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Infectology
Abstract Infekcije povezane sa zdravstvenom skrbi razviju se tijekom bolničkog liječenja ili nakon
otpusta iz bolnice. Mogu se pojaviti pojedinačno ili epidemijski, a utvrđuju se mikrobiološkim
i laboratorijskim ispitivanjem. Najučestalijim načinom širenja smatra se nepravilna higijena
ruku zdravstvenih djelatnika i neupotrebljavanje dezinfekcijskih sredstava. Clostridioides
difficile je anaerobna sporogena bakterija koja ima veliku otpornost i mogućnost
preživljavanja u bolničkom okolišu, čak i do nekoliko mjeseci. Navedena je bakterija,
Clostridioides difficile, najčešći uzrok proljeva u zdravstvenim ustanovama, a epidemije su
češće u ustanovama sa starijim osobama, koje su ujedno i visokorizična populacija zbog
smanjene mikroflore crijeva i postojećih komorbiditeta. Temelj prevencije epidemije je
edukacija zdravstvenih djelatnika, regulacija upotrebe antibiotika te pravilna higijena ruku
zdravstvenih djelatnika i okoliša u kojem pacijenti borave.
Za potrebe pisanja ovog završnog rada, proveden je online upitnik putem Google obrasca.
Ispitanici su upitnik popunjavali anonimno i dobrovoljno, pri čemu su ispitana ukupno 102
ispitanika. Upitnik je sadržavao pet pitanja koja su ispitivala socio-demografske podatke te 21
pitanje kojim se provjeravalo znanje o infekciji Clostridioides difficile u domovima za starije i
nemoćne osobe. Cilj je bio ispitati znanje o prepoznavanju simptoma infekcije te znanje i
načine sprječavanja širenja infekcije.
U istraživanju su sudjelovali ispitanici od 20 do 60 i više godina, od čega ih je najviše u
rasponu od 31 do 40 godina, njih 39,2 %. Sudjelovalo je ukupno 65,7 % ispitanika ženskoga
spola i 34,3 % ispitanika muškoga spola. S obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja, najviše je
ispitanika sa srednjom stručnom spremom, odnosno njih 58,8 %. Većina ispitanika, 44,1 %,
ima do pet godina radnog iskustva u ustanovama za starije osobe. Na temelju ispitivanja
znanja može se ustvrditi primjereni nivo znanja o infekciji Clostridioides difficile te da je
znanje važan faktor u prepoznavanju i tretiranju infekcije, kao i u sprječavanju širenja.
Abstract (english) Healthcare associated infections develop during hospital treatment or after discharge from the
hospital. They can appear individually or epidemically, and are determined by
microbiological and laboratory testing. Improper hand hygiene of healthcare workers and
failure to use disinfectants is considered the most common way of spreading Clostridioides
difficile is an anaerobic sporogenous bacterium that has great resistance and the ability to
survive in the hospital environment, even for several months. The mentioned bacterium,
Clostridioides difficile, is the most common cause of diarrhea in healthcare institutions, and
epidemics are more common in institutions for the elderly, who are also a high-risk
population due to reduced gut microflora and already present comorbidities. The basis of
epidemic prevention is the education of healthcare workers, the regulation of the use of
antibiotics, and the proper hand hygiene of healthcare workers and (the hygiene of) the
environment where patients stay. For the purposes of writing this final paper, an online
questionnaire was conducted using a Google form. Respondents filled out the questionnaire
anonymously and voluntarily, and a total of 102 respondents were interviewed. The
questionnaire contained five questions that examined socio-demographic data and 21
questions that tested their knowledge about Clostridioides difficile infection in homes for the
elderly and infirm. The goal was to examine the recognition of symptoms of infection, as well
as knowledge and the ways of creating and spreading that knowledge and awareness.
Respondents aged 20 to 60 and over took part in the research, of which the majority were in
the 31 to 40 age range, 39.2% of them. A total of 65.7% were female respondents and 34.3%
were male respondents. With regard to the level of education, the majority of respondents
have a high school diploma, i.e. 58.8% of them. The majority of respondents, 44.1%, have up
to five years of work experience in institutions for the elderly. Based on the knowledge test, it
can be determined the respondents showed an appropriate level of knowledge about
Clostridioides difficile infection, and that this knowledge is a factor in the recognition,
treatment and the spread plan of important infections.
infekcije povezane sa zdravstvenom skrbi
Clostridioides difficile
starije osobe
Keywords (english)
healthcare associated infections
Clostridioides difficile
elderly people
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:707231
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-28 07:27:05