Abstract | Motivacija zaposlenika jedna je od najvažnijih strategija u poslovanju, a posebno u bankarskom sektoru koji je iznimno važan za razvoj cjelokupnog gospodarstva. Prodajno osoblje u bankarskom sektoru ima ulogu da uspješno i učinkovito prezentira i prodaje bankarske proizvode i usluge klijentima banke te širi mrežu klijenata. Uspješno poslovanje i stvaranje zadovoljstva klijenata dovodi do značajnih rezultata u bankarskom sektoru i ostvarivanja organizacijskih ciljeva. Da bi prodajno osoblje u bankama što učinkovitije obavljalo svoje radne zadatke, treba biti visoko motivirano i zadovoljno radnom situacijom te onime što ga najviše motivira. Riječ je o motivacijskim čimbenicima koje u teoriji i praksi dijelimo na ekstrinzične i intrinzične. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje o trenutnom zadovoljstvu prodajnog osoblja u bankarskom sektoru na području Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije te o najvažnijim motivacijskim čimbenicima iz perspektive prodajnog osoblja u bankarskom sektoru koji dovode do visoke razine zadovoljstva. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 106 ispitanika koji rade kao prodajno osoblje u bankarskom sektoru. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je većina prodajnog osoblja trenutno zadovoljna radom u bankarskom sektoru, radom u trenutnoj bankarskoj poslovnici te na trenutnom radnom mjestu. Međutim, kada je u pitanju razina trenutnog zadovoljstva motivacijskim čimbenicima, istraživanje je pokazalo da je prodajno osoblje u bankarskom sektoru najzadovoljnije međuljudskim odnosima (odnosima s nadređenim/a, kolegama i klijentima), a najmanje zadovoljno treninzima i edukacijama, bonusima i nagradama te mogućnostima napredovanja. S druge strane, analizom najvažnijih motivacijskih čimbenika za postizanje zadovoljstva, uočeno je da su za prodajno osoblje u bankarskom sektoru najvažniji plaća i novčani dodaci, priznanje za dobro odrađeni posao, odnosi s kolegama te ravnoteža privatnog i poslovnog života. Osim toga, uočene su razlike u razini važnosti pojedinog motivacijskog čimbenika s obzirom na varijable kao što su spol, dob, stupanj obrazovanja, duljina radnog staža, vrsta ugovora o radu, vrsta i opis posla te druge demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Ovo istraživanje može poslužiti kao podloga za izradu smjernica i ciljeva menadžmentu u bankarskom sektoru o strategijama motiviranja u svrhu postizanja zadovoljstva zaposlenika u bankarskom sektoru. |
Abstract (english) | Employee motivation is one of the most important strategies in business, especially in the banking sector, which is extremely important for the development of the entire economy. The role of sales staff in the banking sector is to successfully and effectively present and sell banking products and services to the bank's clients and expand the client network. Successful operations and creation of client satisfaction leads to significant results in the banking sector and the achievement of organizational goals. In order for sales staff in banks to perform their tasks as efficiently as possible, they should be highly motivated and satisfied with their work situation and what motivates them the most. We are talking about motivational factors, which in theory and practice are divided into extrinsic and intrinsic. In this paper, the author conducts research on the current satisfaction of sales staff in the banking sector in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County and on the most important motivational factors from the perspective of sales staff in the banking sector that lead to a high level of satisfaction. 106 respondents who work as sales staff in the banking sector took part in the research. The survey showed that the majority of sales staff are currently satisfied with their work in the banking sector, their work in their current bank branch and their current workplace. However, when it comes to the level of current satisfaction with motivational factors, the research showed that sales staff in the banking sector are most satisfied with interpersonal relationships (relationships with superiors, colleagues and clients), and the least satisfied with training and education, bonuses and rewards, and advancement opportunities. On the other hand, by analyzing the most important motivational factors for achieving satisfaction, it was observed that for sales staff in the banking sector, the most important things are salary and bonuses, recognition for a job well done, relationships with colleagues and the work life balance. In addition, differences were observed in the level of importance of individual motivational factors with regard to variables such as gender, age, level of education, length of service, type of employment contract, type and job description, and other demographic characteristics of the respondent. This research can serve as a basis for the development of guidelines and goals for management in the banking sector on motivation strategies for the purpose of achieving employee satisfaction in the banking sector. |