Title Specifičnosti provedbe nabava u okviru EU projekata sektorskih naručitelja na primjeru javne nabave uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda
Title (english) The specifics of the implementation of procurement within the framework of EU projects of sectoral contracting authorities on the example of public procurement of waste water treatment devices
Author Martina Behin
Mentor Ante Rončević (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Radoš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Andrlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-05-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ministarstvo gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, 2012.godine donijelo je „Pravilnik o popisu obveznika primjene Zakona o javnoj nabavi“ kojim je raspisan popis javnih i sektorskih naručitelja. Postupci javne nabave, definirani su i regulirani Zakonom o javnoj nabavi (NN 120/16, 114/22) i podrazumijevaju skup aktivnosti koje naručitelji, koji samostalno ne stječu financijska sredstva nego su neposredni ili posredni korisnici državnog ili lokalnog proračuna, moraju provesti prije zaključivanja ugovora o javnoj nabavi roba, radova i usluga.
Prema ZJN-u, a u skladu sa spomenutim Pravilnikom, u ovom se radu predstavila i razmatrala problematika sektorskih naručitelja iz vodnog gospodarstva, kroz postupak javne nabave radova, za projekt sufinanciran sredstvima iz Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova.
Fokus istraživanja usmjeren je na razdoblje provedbe procesa javne nabave kroz postupak, kao postavljeni izazov u realizaciji dobivenih sredstava iz Europskih fondova.
Cilj istraživanja je dati odgovor na pitanja:
• može li se postupak javne nabave u okviru EU projekta provoditi sukladno jedinom referentnom Zakonu o javnoj nabavi koji uređuje postupke javne nabave, ili je potrebno nadograditi ZJN s jedinstvenim pravilima za provođenje takvih nabava s ciljem smanjenja financijskih korekcija
• koja je svrha provedbe dvostruke kontrole posredničkih tijela; obzirom da ex-ante provjera DoN-a rezultira preporukama savjetodavne i neobavezujuće prirode iza koje posredničko tijelo kao takvo ne stoji, i podložna je penalizaciji kasnije ex-post kontrole
• da li javna nabava sektorskog naručitelja u sklopu EU projekata ekonomično troši javni (i/ili europski) novac obzirom na planiranu vrijednost nabave ugovorenu Ugovorom o dodjeli bespovratnih sredstava
Svrha istraživanja, je steći uvid u specifičnosti javnih nabava sektorskih naručitelja koje se provode u sklopu EU projekta i međusobnu ovisnost Zakona o javnoj nabavi i svih ostalih dokumenata koje je neophodno primjenjivati sukladno Zakonu o uspostavi institucionalnog okvira za provedbu Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u Republici Hrvatskoj (NN 92/14) i Uredbi o tijelima u sustavu upravljanja i kontrole korištenja Europskog socijalnog fonda, Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj i Kohezijskog fonda. I steći uvid u vrijeme trajanja procesa javne nabave predmeta u sklopu EU projekta.
Abstract (english) In 2012, the Ministry of Economy adopted the “Ordinance on the list of entities bound by the Public Procurement Act”, which published a list of public and sectoral contracting authorities.
The Public Procurement procedures are defined and regulated by the Public Procurement Act (PPA,current edition, Official Gazette 120/16, 114/22) and include a set of activities that contracting entities, who do not independently acquire financial means for their business, but are direct or indirect beneficiaries of the state or local budget, must carry out before concluding a public procurement contract for procuring goods, works and services.
According to the PPA, and in accordance with the aforementioned Ordinance, this paper presented and discussed the issues of sectoral contracting entities from the water management, through the public procurement procedure of works, for a project co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The aim of this research is to answer the following questions:
• can the public procurement procedure within the framework of this EU project be carried out in accordance with the only available Public Procurement Act that regulates public procurement procedures, or is it necessary to upgradethe PPA with unique regulations for conducting such public procurement procedures, in order to minimize financial corrections
• what is the exact purpose of implementing dual control of intermediate bodies, since the ex-ante control of the Procurement Document (PD) results in recommendations that remain advisory and non-binding in nature which the intermediate bodies as such does not stand behind, and is subject to the penalty of a later ex-post control.
• whether sectoral contracting entities that carry out public procurement procedures as part of EU projects, spend public (and/or European) funds efficiently and in accordance with the planned procurement value that was arranged in the Grant Agreement
The purpose of this research is to gain insight into the specific nature of the public procurement procedure of sectoral contracting entities, that is carried out as part of this EU project and the interdependence of the Public Procurement Act and all other documents that must be applied in accordance with the Act on the Establishment of an Institutional Framework for the Implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette 92/14) and the Regulation on bodies in the system of management and control of the use of the European Social Fund, the European Fund for Regional Development and the Cohesion Fund. And gain insight into the duration of the process of public procurement of items as part of the EU project.
javna nabava
EU fondovi
rok provedbe postupka javne nabave
Državna komisija za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave
Keywords (english)
Public procurement
EU funds
The deadline for the implementation of the procurement procedure
The State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:051947
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship and eu funds Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalitica ekonomije (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalitica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-06-30 13:47:06