Title Prijeoperacijska i poslijeoperacijska fizioterapija nakon ugradnje totalne endoproteze kuka
Title (english) Preoperative and postoperative physiotherapy after total hip endoprosthesis
Author Nikolina Đurin
Mentor Manuela Filipec (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuela Filipec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Hodić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract U svijetu i u Hrvatskoj dolazi do porasta broja starog stanovništva, a samim time i do povećanog porasta bolesti u starije populacije kao što su degenerativne bolesti u zglobu kuka. Kod njih dolazi do smanjenja aktivnosti u svakodnevici i kvaliteti življenja. Najčešći ishod kod postojanja degenerativne bolesti u zglobu kuka jest ugradnja totalne endoproteze zgloba kuka. Kao i kod svakog zdravstvenog problema, tako i kod operativnog zahvata ugradnje TEP-a zgloba kuka potrebno je pacijentu pristupiti individualno. Kod odabira vrste endoproteza u obzir se uzima mnoštvo faktora od kojih su dob pacijenta, stupanj oštećenja zgloba kuka, anatomske karakteristike, stupanj tjelesne aktivnosti i prijašnje bolesti. Na indikacije za ugradnju totalne endoproteze zgloba kuka utječu različiti čimbenici poput starosne dobi pacijenta, njegovih subjektivnih tegoba, patoloških promjena na samom zglobu te (ne)mogućnosti funkcionalnih aktivnosti zgloba kuka. Od najčešćih i primarnih indikacija za implantaciju endoproteze zgloba kuka je osteoartritis. Komplikacije mogu nastati za vrijeme operacije i nakon operacije su različite. Jedna od najčešćih komplikacije je luksacija endoproteze zgloba kuka. Važna je prijeoperacijska priprema pacijenta koja obuhvaća edukaciju o samom problemu, načinu sanacije tog problema, daljnjoj rehabilitaciji i mjerama opreza koje se treba pacijent pridržavati. Ima bitnu ulogu u poboljšanju poslijeoperacijske kvalitete života bolesnika. Uloga poslijeoperacijske rehabilitacije nakon ugradnje TEP-a kuka jest pacijentu ponovno omogućiti funkcionalnu aktivnost na što sigurniji, brži i bezbolniji način. Potpuna rehabilitacija nakon ugradnje totalne endoproteze zgloba kuka traje od 6 – 10 tjedana bez pojave komplikacija tijekom rehabilitacije. Kvaliteta života nakon obavljenog operativnog zahvata je znatno povećana zbog nestanka boli i ograničenja pokreta, ali uz stalne prisutne mjere opreza koje kvalitetu življenja održavaju.
Abstract (english) In the world and in Croatia, there is an increase in the number of the old population, and therefore an increased increase in diseases in the elderly population, such as degenerative diseases in the hip joint. With them, there is a decrease in activities in everyday life and the quality of life. The most common outcome in the presence of a degenerative disease in the hip joint is the installation of a total endoprosthesis of the hip joint. As with any health problem, it is necessary to approach the patient individually with the surgical procedure of installing TEP of the hip joint. When choosing the type of endoprosthesis, many factors are taken into account, including the patient's age, degree of damage to the hip joint, anatomical characteristics, level of physical activity and previous illnesses. Indications for the installation of a total endoprosthesis of the hip joint are influenced by various factors such as the age of the patient, his subjective complaints, pathological changes in the joint itself and the (impossibility) of functional activities of the hip joint. One of the most common and primary indications for hip joint endoprosthesis implantation is osteoarthritis. Complications can occur during the operation and after the operation are different. One of the most common complications is luxation of the hip joint endoprosthesis. It is important to prepare the patient pre-operatively, which includes education about the problem itself, how to fix the problem, further rehabilitation and precautions that the patient should follow. It plays an important role in improving the postoperative quality of life of the patient. The role of postoperative rehabilitation after hip TEP implantation is to enable the patient to perform functional activities again in the safest, fastest and most painless way possible. Complete rehabilitation after the installation of a total endoprosthesis of the hip joint lasts from 6 to 10 weeks without the appearance of complications during rehabilitation. The quality of life after the operation has been significantly increased due to the disappearance of pain and movement restrictions, but with the constant presence of precautions that maintain the quality of life.
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:375358
Study programme Title: physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-14 12:47:19