Abstract | Svaka tvrtka svojim poslovanjem želi doći do određenog cilja. U kratkom je roku to svakako profit, no dugoročni ciljevi su kompleksniji. Brojnim tvrtkama cilj je proširiti svoje poslovanje i uspjeti na novim, drugačijim i izazovnijim tržištima. U postizanju tog cilja brojne tvrtke donose odluku o novom koraku u svojem poslovanju – proširenju na nova, inozemna tržišta. U postizanju tog cilja, tvrtke se suočavaju s brojnim pitanjima, izazovima i problemima. Svakako, jedno od pitanja je i kojom marketinškom strategijom se razviti. Marketinških strategija eksternog rasta poduzeća ima mnogo, no na koji način svaka tvrtka odluči kojom se strategijom želi razviti? Svakako, važno je da svaka tvrtka provede detaljno istraživanje tržišta na koje se želi razviti, kako bi uvidjela mogućnosti, ali i poteškoće prilikom svojeg razvoja.
U ovom se radu govori o marketinškim strategijama eksternog rasta poduzeća s posebnim fokusom na akviziciju i franšizu kao jednim od njih. Najprije se opisuje globalni marketing, koji je izrazito važan za eksterni rast poduzeća te se detaljno opisuje istraživanje tržišta koje je u fazi planiranja eksternog rasta poduzeća izrazito važno. Istraživanjem tržišta dolazi se do spoznaje o karakteristikama tržišta, preprekama i ograničenjima razvoja, mogućnostima i slično. Zatim se detaljnije nabrajaju i opisuju strategije izlaska na strana tržišta, opisuje se na koji se način donosi odluka o izlasku te na koji se način prilagođava proizvod i/ili usluga inozemnom tržištu. Kao jedne od strategija u radu se detaljnije opisuju akvizicija i franšiza te se komparativno analiziraju. U teorijskom dijelu rada cilj je odgovoriti na četiri istraživačka pitanja.
Nakon teorijskog dijela rada slijedi primarno istraživanje provedeno na 207 ispitanika u kojem se želi ispitati poznavanje pojmova akvizicije i franšize. Cilj je istražiti u kojoj su mjeri ispitanici upoznati s navedenim strategijama i koliko poznaju da su pojedini proizvodi i/ili usluge koje koriste zapravo rezultat razvoja pomoću tih strategija. Provedeno je deskriptivno istraživanje metodom ispitivanja korištenjem „online“ anketnog upitnika (kao instrumenta istraživanja). Primarnim istraživanjem želi se odgovoriti na tri istraživačka pitanja. Nakon provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti kako su ispitanici uveliko upoznati s marketinškim strategijama. Također, važno im je kojim oblikom će se tvrtka razviti na tržištu na kojem oni kupuju. |
Abstract (english) | Every company wants to achieve their goals with their business. In short time period, that is definietly profit, but long-term goals are far more complex. To many companies the goal is to expad their business and succeed in new, different and more challenging markets. In order to achieve this goal, many companies decide on a new step in their business- expanding to new, foregin markets. In order to achieve this goal, companies are facing with many questions, challenges and problems. However, one of those questions is which marketing strategy to use to expand. There are many marketing strategies of external growth, but how can company decide which strategy is best for expanding their business? Surely, it is important that every company conducts a detailed market research on which it wants to develop, so it could forsee possibilites, but also difficulties during it's development.
This assignment discusses marketing strategies for external growth of companies with special focus on aquisition and franchise as one of them. Firstly, global marketing is described, which is extremely important for company's external growth, and market research is described in detail, which is extremely important in planning phase of company's external growth. Market researching leads to cognition about market caracteristics, obstacles and development restrictions, possibilities and etc. Furthermore, strategies for entering foregin markets are listed and described in detail, it is also described how the descisions obout market extiting is made and how the product and/or servise can adapt to foregin markets. As one of the strategies, in this assignment aquisition and franchise are described in detail and are comparatively analyzed. In theoretic part of this assingnment the goal is to answer on four important research questions.
Followed by theoretic part of this assignment comes the primary research conducted on 207 examinees in which knowledge of terms „aquisition“ and „franchise“ wants to be tested. The goal is to investigate in which measure are the examinees familiar with mentioned strategies and how well do they know that certain products and/or services that they use are in fact the result of development using these strategies. Descriptive research was conducted using an „online“ survey questionneaire (as a research instrument). Primary research aims to answer three research questions. After the research, it can be concluded that examinees are very familiar with marketing strategies. Also, it is important to them in which way will the compay develop on the market where they buy. |