Title Stavovi stanovnika Međimurske i Varaždinske županije o domovima za starije i nemoćne
Title (english) Attitudes of the residents of Međimurje and Varaždin counties on homes for the elderly
Author Iva Šestan
Mentor Melita Sajko (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Vincek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-09-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Starenje je spor i kroničan proces u kojem dolazi do normalnog gubitka specifičnih regenerativnih i zaštitnih mehanizama u organizmu pa je stoga shvaćen kao dio prirodnog napredovanja ljudskog životnog ciklusa. Starenje donosi niz promjena u čitavom spektru tjelesnih sustava, koje zahtijevaju posebnu njegu i upravljanje. Stanje sa sve većim udjelom starije populacije će zasigurno dovesti do veće potražnje za pružateljima zdravstvenih usluga i bolničkim ustanovama. Institucionalna skrb za starije osobe jedna je od formalnih dugotrajnih usluga socijalne skrbi u kojoj socijalne ustanove obično pružaju skrb. Institucionalna skrb je dizajnirana tako da zadovolji funkcionalne, medicinske, osobne, socijalne i stambene potrebe pojedinca. Smještaj u dom za starije i nemoćne znači skrb izvan vlastite obitelji te je ona najčešća usluga u sustavu socijalne skrbi za starije osobe. Uključuje skrb, zdravstvenu skrb, smještaj, hranu, socijalni rad te aktivno provođenje slobodnog vremena. Iako su u domu znatno smanjene fizičke i ostale mogućnosti, nastoji se osigurati život dostojan čovjeka. Svaki oblik institucijske skrbi ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke, no uvijek ima mjesta za napredak kako bi se održala visoka kvaliteta skrbi i života starije osobe. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati stavove stanovnika Međimurske i Varaždinske županije o smještaju osoba starije životne dobi u dom za starije kako bi se dobio u njihovu percepciju doma te kako bi se rezultati mogli usporediti s drugim istraživanjima. Također, cilj je utvrditi ideje i prijedloge za poboljšanje uvjeta u domu kako bi se smanjile predrasude, a i da bi se dom učinio ljepšim mjestom za življenje. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2023. godine te je bilo ograničeno stanovnike dviju županija: Međimurske i Varaždinske. Njemu je pristupilo 338 ispitanika, od kojih je 305 iz Međimurske županije, a ostalih 33 iz Varaždinske županije. Uzorak je činilo 294 žena te 44 muškaraca. Podaci su se prikupljali anonimnom online anketom napravljenom na Google Forms platformi. Rezultati ankete su raznoliki, a sveukupni stavovi stanovnika Međimurske i Varaždinske županije o domu za starije bili bi osrednji, ni previše dobri, ni previše loši. Mišljenja su još uvijek podijeljena te iskustva različita, a predrasude o domovima postoje. Na nama, zdravstvenim djelatnicima, je da se neprestano usavršavamo, pratimo trendove te ih svakodnevno primjenjujemo u radu s osobama starije dobi.
Abstract (english) Aging is a slow and chronic process in which there is a normal loss of specific regenerative and protective mechanisms in the body, so it is understood as part of the natural progression of the human life cycle. Aging brings about a series of changes in the entire spectrum of body systems, which require special care and management. A situation with an increasing share of the elderly population will certainly lead to greater demand for health care providers and hospital facilities. Institutional care for the elderly is one of the formal long-term social care services in which social institutions usually provide care. Institutional care is designed to meet the functional, medical, personal, social, and housing needs of the individual. Placement in a home for the elderly and infirm means care outside one's own family and is the most common service in the social care system for the elderly. It includes care, health care, accommodation, food, social work, and active leisure time. Although physical and other facilities are significantly reduced in the home, efforts are being made to ensure a life worthy of a human being. Each form of institutional care has its advantages and disadvantages, but there is always room for improvement to maintain a high quality of care and life for the elderly. The goal of the research is to examine the attitudes of the residents of Međimurje and Varaždin County regarding the placement of elderly people in a home for the elderly to gain insight into their perception of the home and to compare the results with another research. Also, the goal is to determine ideas and suggestions for improving the conditions in the home to reduce prejudices and to make the home a nicer place to live. The research was conducted during May and June 2023 and was limited to residents of two counties: Međimurje and Varaždin. It was attended by 338 respondents, of which 305 are from the region of Međimurje, and the other 33 from the region of Varaždin. The sample consisted of 294 women and 44 men. The data was collected by an anonymous online survey made on the Google Forms platform. The results of the survey are diverse, and the overall attitudes of the residents about the home for the elderly would be mediocre, neither too good nor too bad. Opinions are still divided, experiences are different, and prejudices about homes still exist. It is up to us, healthcare workers, to constantly improve ourselves, follow trends and apply them daily in our work with elderly people.
starije osobe
institucionalna skrb
dom za starije i nemoćne
Keywords (english)
elderly people
institutional care
home for the elderly and infirm
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:954247
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-26 10:00:54