Title Prilog analizi proračuna temeljnih nosača analitičkim i numeričkim metodama
Title (english) Enclosure to analysis of foundation support calculations using analytical and numerical methods
Author Antonio Belečetić
Mentor Božo Soldo (mentor)
Committee member Aleksej Aniskin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Soldo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Puž (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Civil Engineering) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Abstract Za osiguranje stabilnosti temelja objekta i izbjegavanje problema tijekom gradnje, neophodno je kvalitetno riješiti interakciju između temelja i tla u svim fazama gradnje. Pored samog dimenzioniranja, količine armature i vrste temelja, interakcija temelja i tla igra ključnu ulogu u proračunu temelja. S obzirom na složenost mehaničkih karakteristika tla, često je potrebno primijeniti pojednostavljenja u proračunu kako bi se izbjegli nerješivi problemi ili nerealno skupa rješenja. Većina analitičkih metoda bazira se na pretpostavci da je tlo homogen, linearno elastičan i izotropan poluprostor. U ovom radu najprije se općenito opisuju temeljni nosači, njihova podjela i primjena, a potom se provodi proračun na jednoparametarskom modelu tla koji tlo zamjenjuje nizom nezavisnih opruga čiju krutost predstavlja koeficijent reakcije podloge koji je potreban u proračunu. Koeficijent reakcije podloge kao najbitniji parametar u proračunu naprezanja i slijeganja temeljnog nosača dobio se preko omjera kontaktnog naprezanja između nosača i tla i početnog slijeganja koji se iščitava iz Bjerumovih dijagrama. Sam proračun provodi se na temeljnom nosaču opterećenom u sredini koncentriranom silom i temeljnom nosaču koji je na svojim rubovima opterećen koncentriranom silom, te su takvi primjeri najčešći u praksi. Također proveden je proračun istih u računalnom programu Tower 8.4. Demo i metodom konačnih razlika koja pri proračunu uzima u obzir i djelovanje ostalih točaka na promatranu. Na kraju samog rada napravljena je usporedba dobivenih rezultata iz kojih je vidljivo da su odstupanja računalnog programa i jednoparametarskog modela tla minimalna, dok je kod rezultata dobivenih metodom konačnih razlika vidljivo veće odstupanje od prethodne dvije metode.
Abstract (english) To ensure the stability of the building foundation and avoid problems during construction, it is essential to properly address the interaction between the foundation and the soil in all stages of construction. In addition to the actual sizing, quantity of reinforcement, and type of foundation, the interaction between the foundation and soil plays a crucial role in the foundation design. Due to the complexity of the mechanical characteristics of the soil, simplifications are often applied in calculations to avoid unsolvable problems or unrealistically expensive solutions. Most analytical methods are based on the assumption that the soil is homogeneous, linearly elastic, and an isotropic half-space. This paper first provides a general description of foundation supports, their classification and application, and then conducts a calculation using a one-parameter soil model that replaces the soil with a series of independent springs whose stiffness represents the soil reaction coefficient required in the calculation. The soil reaction coefficient, as the most important parameter in stress and settlement calculation of the foundation support, is obtained through the ratio of contact stress between the support and soil and initial settlement, which is read from Bjerum's diagrams. The calculation is demonstrated on a foundation support loaded with a concentrated force in the center and a foundation support loaded with a concentrated force on its edges, which are the most common examples in practice. The same calculations were also performed in the Tower 8.4 computer program and using the finite difference method, which takes into account the effect of other points on the observed point during calculation. Finally, a comparison of the obtained results was made, which shows that the deviations between the computer program and the one-parameter soil model are minimal, while the deviations in the results obtained by the finite difference method are noticeably higher than the previous two methods.
Jednoparametarski model tla
temeljni nosač
analitička metoda
metoda konačnih razlika
Keywords (english)
One-parameter soil model
foundation support
analytical method
finite difference method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:269752
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-04 09:55:38