Title Kulturni turizam kao strategija razvoja grada Osijeka
Title (english) Cultural tourism as a strategy for the development of the city of Osijek
Author Dalia Škrget
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Mentor Damira Keček (komentor)
Committee member Anica Hunjet (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Vuković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petar Kurečić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damira Keček (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-03-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Razvoj turizma utjecao je na stvaranje selektivnih oblika turizma i raznovrsne turističke ponude koja postaje ključan čimbenik turističkih kretanja. Jedan od selektivnih oblika turizma je i kulturni turizam koji zbog svoje specifičnosti omogućuje sistematiziran turistički razvoj pojedine destinacije. Zbog svojih obilježja i široke palete proizvod uvelike utječe na motive dolaska turista te time i na turistička kretanja i dolaske turista u samu destinaciju. Upravo zbog toga kulturni turizma je potrebno kontinuirano razvijati, a ključno je očuvanje kulturnih resursa koji se sve više valoriziraju i stavljaju u turističke svrhe. Naime, upravo su kulturni resursi ti koji predstavljaju osnovu za razvoj kulturnog turizma, a dijele se na materijalne i nematerijalne resurse, odnosno baštinu. Baština je ključan element razvoja i očuvanja pojedine destinacije, stoga se mora s njom znati kvalitetno i održivo upravljati. Ključno je kulturu prikazati kao jedno dobro koje se prenosi s generacije na generaciju te štiti tradicionalne elemente, vrijednosti i običaje od zaborava. Uz to se veže činjenica da veliki gradovi poput Osijeka trebaju i moraju konstantno raditi na stavljanje kulturne baštine i ostalih kulturnih proizvoda u sustav turizma. Što se ujedno provlači kao tema rada, dok je cilj rada utvrditi važnost kulturne baštine na daljnji razvoj turizma u destinaciji, odnosno potreba za njezinom valorizacijom i održivim upravljanjem kao i potreba za razvoj strategije. Navedeni parametri se istražuju kroz samo istraživanje, odnosno provedeni intervju-i u kojima se naglašava važnost kvalitetnog gospodarenja kulturnim resursima i njihovo apliciranje u sustav turizma s ciljem stvaranja što brojnijih čimbenika za dolazak.
Abstract (english) The development of tourism has influenced the creation of selective forms of tourism and a diverse tourist offer, which is becoming a key factor in tourist trends. One of the selective forms of tourism is cultural tourism, which, due to its specificity, enables the systematized tourism development of a particular destination. Due to its characteristics and wide range of products has a great influence on the motives of tourist arrivals andmalso on tourist movements and arrivals of tourists in the destination itself. It is precisely for this reason that cultural tourism needs to be continuously developed, and the key is the preservation of cultural resources, which are more and more valorized and used for tourist purposes. The cultural resources are the ones that represent the basis for the development of cultural tourism, and they are divided into material and immaterial resources, i.e. heritage. Heritage is a key element in the development and preservation of a particular destination, so it must be managed in a quality and sustainable manner. It is crucial to present culture as a tresure that is passed down from generation to generation and that way the traditional elements, values and customs can be protected from being forgotten. Added to this is the fact that large cities like Osijek should and must constantly work on placing cultural heritage and other cultural products in the tourism system. What is at the same time the theme of the work, while the aim of the work is to determine the importance of cultural heritage on the further development of tourism in the destination, i.e. the need for its valorization and sustainable management as well as the need for strategy development. The mentioned parameters are investigated through the research itself, i.e. conducted interviews in which the importance of quality management of cultural resources and their application in the tourism system is emphasized with the aim of creating as many factors as possible for turist arrival.
kulturni turizam
kulturna baština
strategija kulturnog turizma
Keywords (english)
cultural tourism
cultural heritage
strategy of cultural tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:397150
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-09 11:58:32