Abstract | Infekcije mokraćnog sustava uzrokovane trajnim urinarnim kateterom
svrstane su u skupinu najčešćih infekcija povezanih sa zdravstvenom
skrbi. Postupak kateterizacije nazivamo još i manjim kirurškim
zahvatom, te se zbog toga samo kateteriziranje nužno provodi u
aseptičnim uvjetima. Uvođenjem katetera rizik od nastanka
bakteriurije u porastu je od kada je kateter apliciran s prosječnim
dnevnim rizikom do oko 10%. Svakodnevno je potrebno procjenjivati
bolesnikove potrebe za urinarnim kateterom, te se isti mora ukloniti
čim je to moguće. Istraživački dio rada proveden je na 160 medicinskih
sestara i tehničara od čega 17 muškaraca i 143 žene različitog stupnja
obrazovanja i različitih godina radnog iskustva. Formiranim anketnim
upitnikom ispitivalo se znanje medicinskih sestara i tehničara kroz 13
pitanja, a u drugom dijelu ankete sudionici su iznosili svoje stavove
kroz 8 navedenih tvrdnji. Stavove su izražavali kroz pet stupnja
slaganja odnosno neslaganja s navedenom tvrdnjom ( 1. potpuno
neslaganje, 2. neslaganje, 3. neutralnost, 4. slaganje, 5. potpuno
slaganje). Dobivenim rezultatima provedene ankete utvrđuje se da
nema povezanosti znanja ispitanika o njezi trajnih urinarnih katetera s
obzirom na razinu njihovog obrazovanja. Isto tako nema razlike u
odgovorima između dobi ispitanika i znanja o infekcijama o trajnom
urinarnim kateteru između anketiranih ispitanika ovisno o njihovoj
dobi. Razina obrazovanja ima veze sa razinom znanja o aseptičnim
uvjetima insercije trajnog urinarnog katetera, odnosno prvostupnici
sestrinstva i magistre sestrinstva imaju veću razinu znanja o aseptičnim uvjetima insercije trajnog urinarnog katetera od
medicinskih sestara srednje stručne spreme. Neki od daljnjih rezultata
ankete upućuju na manjak edukacije među medicinskim sestrama i
tehničarima, te je od velike važnosti da se edukacija provodi
kontinuirano da bi time pravovremeno mogli prevenirati nastanak
novih infekcija mokraćnog sustava. Visoko educirana medicinska
sestra/tehničar u zdravstvenom sustavu sudjeluje u prevenciji
nastanka infekcija mokraćnog sustava kroz razne oblike edukacija,
radom na prevenciji bolesti, edukacijom o zdravom načinu života,
higijeni perinealne regije i sl. Ukoliko se infekcija razvije nakon otpusta
bolesnika iz bolnice, medicinska sestra sudjeluje u nadzoru pacijenta,
pruža pomoć kod održavanja urinarnog katetera, vodi brigu o
pravovremenim promjenama istog i dr. Zbog same prirode bolesti i
plasiranog urinarnog katetera koji djelom narušava fizičko
funkcioniranje i izgled, ujedno narušava i socijalno funkcioniranje, te
samim time dolazi do socijalne izolacije. |
Abstract (english) | Urinary tract infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters are one
of the most common healthcare-associated infections. The
catheterization procedure is considered a minor surgical intervention,
and therefore the catheterization itself must be performed in aseptic
conditions. With the introduction of a catheter, the risk of bacteriuria
increases with the time since the catheter is present, with an average
daily risk of up to about 10%. It is necessary to assess the patient's
needs for urinary catheterization every day, and the catheter should
be removed as soon as possible. The research part of the work was
conducted on 160 nurses and technicians, of which 17 were men and
143 were women with different levels of professional education and
different years of service. The formed survey questionnaire examined
the knowledge of nurses and technicians through 13 questions, and
in the second part of the survey, participants expressed their views
through 6 stated statements. They expressed their views through five
degrees of agreement or disagreement with the stated statement (1.
complete disagreement, 2. disagreement, 3. neutrality, 4. agreement,
5. complete agreement). Based on the results of the conducted
survey, it is established that there is no connection between the
respondents' knowledge about the care of permanent urinary
catheters with regard to their level of education. Likewise, there is no
difference in the answers between the age of the respondents and the
knowledge about infections of indwelling urinary catheters between
the respondents depending on the age. The level of education is
related to the level of knowledge about the aseptic conditions of insertion of a permanent urinary catheter, that is, nurses with a high
school and professional education have a higher level of knowledge
about the aseptic conditions of insertion of a permanent urinary
catheter than nurses with a secondary education. Some further results
of the survey point to a lack of education among nurses and
technicians, and it is of great importance that education is carried out
continuously in order to be able to prevent new urinary tract infections
in a timely manner. A highly educated nurse/technician in the health
system participates in the prevention of urinary tract infections through
various forms of education, work on disease prevention, education
about a healthy lifestyle, hygiene of the perineal region, etc. If an
infection develops after the patient is discharged from the hospital, the
nurse participates in the monitoring of the patient, provides assistance
with the maintenance of the urinary catheter, takes care of its timely
changes, etc. Due to the very nature of the disease and the placed
urinary catheter, which partially impairs physical functioning and
appearance, it also impairs social functioning, and thus leads to social
isolation. |