Abstract | Astma je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih bolesti respiratornog sustava koja predstavlja globalni problem u svijetu. Unazad nekoliko godina pokazuje se učestalost porasta broja osoba oboljelih od bronhalne astme. Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo bilježi statističke podatke da je otprilike svaka treća ili četvrta osoba oboljela od respiracijskih bolesti. Astma se dijeli na dva osnovna tipa, a to su: alergijski i nealergijski tip. Također, postoje i drugi oblici astme, a to su: profesionalna ili industrijska astma, astma uzrokovana fizičkim naporom, te aspirinska astma koje su obrađene u radu. Glavni razlog koji doprinosi porastu broja oboljelih od astme je izloženost respiracijskog sustava nepogodnim vanjskim utjecajima, stečenim i prirođenim slabostima obrambenih mehanizama i starenju stanovništva. Za uspješno liječenje, poboljšanja kvalitete života i sprječavanje mogućih komplikacija, vrlo je važno znanje medicinske sestre kako bih znala educirati pacijente i njegovu obitelj o bolesti, te kako bih znala primijeniti simptomatske lijekove i lijekove za kontrolu astme. Također, za provođenje općih mjera primarne prevencije potrebno je izbjegavanje alergena, te mjere kontrole okoliša.
Putem provedenog anketnog upitnika analizirano je znanje, praksa i godine iskustva rada sa osobama oboljelih od bronhalne astme. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online Google obrasca u razdoblju od 06. svibnja 2021. do 15. ožujka 2022. godine. Upitnik pod nazivom „Sestrinska skrb bolesnika oboljelog od bronhalne astme“ sastoji se od 18 pitanja. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se dokazati da je astma jedna od najčešćih kroničnih bolesti respiracijskog sustava koja predstavlja globalni problem u svijetu koja se unazad nekoliko godina pokazuje u porastu, te se želi ukazati važnost stalne sestrinske edukacije i prevencije.
U istraživanju je ukupno sudjelovalo 138 zdravstvena djelatnika. Uglavnom mlađe dobi od kojih većina nije prošla nikakvu posebnu edukaciju o astmi, ali ipak znaju dosta o njoj. Nedostatak istraživanja je što je provedeno online pa je upitna istinitost podataka. |
Abstract (english) | Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which represents a global problem in the world. In the last few years, the number of people suffering from bronchial asthma has increased. The Croatian Institute of Public Health records statistical data that approximately every third or fourth person suffers from respiratory diseases. Asthma is divided into two basic types: allergic and non-allergic type. Also, there are other forms of asthma, namely: professional or industrial asthma, asthma caused by physical exertion and aspirin asthma, which are discussed in the paper. The main reason contributing to the increase in the number of asthma sufferers is the exposure of the respiratory system to unfavorable external influences, acquired and congenital weaknesses of defense mechanisms and the aging of the population. For successful treatment, improvements in quality of life and prevention of possible complications, a nurse's knowledge is very important in order to know how to educate patients and their families about the disease, and how to apply symptomatic drugs and drugs to control asthma. Also, for the implementation of general primary prevention measures, it is necessary to avoid allergens and environmental control measures.
The survey questionnaire analyzed knowledge, practice and long-term experience in working with people suffering from bronchial asthma. The survey was conducted via an online Google form in the period from May 6, 2021 to March 15, 2022. The questionnaire entitled "Health care of patients with bronchial asthma" consists of 18 questions. The goal of this research was to prove that asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which represents a global problem in the world that has been growing in recent years, and the importance of continuous education of nurses and prevention.
In research it's been 138 health care workers. They are mostly younger people, most of them have not been specially educated about asthma, but they still know a lot about it. The research was conducted online, so the veracity of the data is questionable. |