Title Zdravstvena njega osobe oboljele od demencije
Title (english) Health care of a person suffering from dementia
Author Monika Žulić
Mentor Melita Sajko (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Kanižaj Rogina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-05-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Različite bolesti u starijoj životnoj dobi mogu uzrokovati nemogućnost samostalne brige o sebi. Starija populacija često je zahvaćena demencijom, a upravo se Hrvatska svrstava među države s najstarijim stanovništvom. U svijetu je broj oboljelih od demencije u stalnom porastu. Demencija je klinički sindrom, kroničnog i progresivnog tijeka sa stečenim poremećajima koncentracije, pamćenja, pažnje te orijentacije u vremenu i prostoru. Briga za osobu koja boluje od demencije jedna je od najzahtjevnijih oblika skrbi upravo zbog dugotrajne i intenzivne njege. Boravak bolesnika u kućnom okruženju je najpoželjniji, no kada taj oblik skrbi nije moguć do kraja, javlja se potreba za preseljenje u dom za starije i nemoćne. Razgovor s bolesnikom o mogućnosti skrbi u domu, dok još ima mentalnu sposobnost razumijevanja i donošenja odluka, može biti od vitalnog značaja. Medicinske sestre su obrazovane i svjesne svojih vještina u skrbi za demenciju kako bi poboljšale ukupnu kvalitetu života pacijenata s demencijom. Kod prvog susreta bolesnika i njegove obitelji, medicinska sestra treba ostaviti topao prvi dojam. Pružanje podrške štićenicima i njihovim obiteljima kroz cijeli proces skrbi bitan je element kako bi oni razvili odnos povjerenja. Osim pružanja podrške, medicinska sestra svakodnevno educira i prenosi novosti o štićenicima njihovim obiteljima. Osobe s demencijom mogu imati poteškoća u izražavanju potreba, a kako se kognicija pogoršava, njihova se verbalna sposobnost komunikacije drastično smanjuje ili čak nestaje. Dakle, komunikacijske vještine i emocionalna usklađenost ključni su u skrbi za demenciju. Medicinska sestra treba znati komunicirati i pružati zdravstvenu njegu u svim fazama bolesti. Edukacija medicinskih sestara o skrbi za demenciju može im pomoći u pružanju bolje skrbi za pacijente s demencijom.
Abstract (english) Various diseases in old age can cause the inability to take care of oneself independently. The elderly population is often affected by dementia, and Croatia is among the countries with the oldest population. The number of people suffering from dementia is constantly increasing in the world. Dementia is a clinical syndrome of chronic and progressive course with acquired disorders of concentration, memory, attention and orientation in time and space. Caring for a person suffering from dementia is one of the most demanding forms of care precisely because of the long-term and intensive care. A patient's stay at home is the most desirable, but when this form of care is not possible until the end, there is a need to move to a home for the elderly and infirm. Talking to the patient about the possibility of home care, while he still has the mental capacity to understand and make decisions, can be of vital importance. Nurses are educated and aware of their skills in dementia care to improve the overall quality of life of dementia patients. At the first meeting of the patient and his family, the nurse should make a warm first impression. Providing support to residents and their families throughout the care process is an essential element in order for them to develop a relationship of trust. In addition to providing support, the nurse educates and communicates news about residents to their families on a daily basis. People with dementia may have difficulty expressing their needs, and as cognition deteriorates, their verbal ability to communicate drastically decreases or even disappears. Therefore, communication skills and emotional attunement are key in dementia care. A nurse should know how to communicate and provide health care in all stages of the disease. Educating nurses about dementia care can help them provide better care for patients with dementia.
medicinska sestra
dom za starije i nemoćne
Keywords (english)
nursing home
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:614900
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-04 15:38:58