Abstract | Postpartalno razdoblje, babinje ili puerperij počinje završetkom poroda,
odnosno završetkom četvrtog porodnog doba. Puerperij traje šest tjedana, sve
dok se organizam babinjače ne vrati u stanje kakvo je bilo prije trudnoće. U tom
razdoblju organizam babinjače prolazi kroz brojne promjene, a promjenama su
zahvaćeni svi tjelesni sustavi. Najviše se očituju na genitalnom sustavu, gdje
dolazi do involucije genitalnih organa koji su za vrijeme trudnoće i poroda bili
promijenjeni te na dojkama gdje dolazi do laktacije. Prvih četrnaest dana
puerperija najrizičniji su za babinjaču. Na prvom mjestu rizik predstavljaju fizički
čimbenici, a zatim i psihičke promjene kroz koje babinjača prolazi. Važno je
upoznati se s komplikacijama puerperija kako bi se što ranije prepoznale i na
pravi način liječile. U proces skrbi uključeni mogu biti različiti stručnjaci koji
pridonose očuvanju zdravlja, prevenciji bolesti i komplikacija postpartalnog
razdoblja te vraćanju narušenog zdravlja babinjače. Važnu ulogu u ovom
razdoblju imaju patronažne sestre. Njihova zadaća je brojna, potrebno je
prvenstveno educirati babinjaču o svim promjenama koje se događaju u
puerperiju, mogućim komplikacijama, fiziologiji reproduktivnog sustava,
fiziologiji laktacije i dojenju, prehrani, odnosu s obitelji i novim članom te pružiti
psihološku podršku. Prilikom dolaska patronažne sestre u posjet babinjači slijedi
procjena stanja babinjače, kako fizičkog tako i psihičkog. U skladu s procjenom,
patronažna sestra određuje potrebe babinjače, priprema plan zdravstvene
njege. Sukladno s potrebama babinjače patronažna sestra određuje sestrinske
dijagnoze, ciljeve, intervencije i evaluaciju. Intervencije provodi patronažna
sestra i medicinske sestre u kućnoj njezi po potrebi, težeći ostvarenju zadanog
cilja. Skrb patronažne sestre ima za cilj postizanje maksimalne samostalnosti i
sigurnosti babinjače, očuvanje fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja te prilagodbu
babinjače na novonastale promjene. |
Abstract (english) | Postpartum period, confinement or purperium begins upon completion of
delivery or upon completion of the fourth stage of labor. Purperium's duration is
six weeks, provided the confinement organism does not return to the state in
which it was pre-pregnancy. In this period the mother's body transcendes
through a multitude of changes, all of which affect the physical attributes and
systems of the body. Most changes are reflected in the genital tract, which leads
to the involution of the genital organs due to pregnancy/childbirth and changes
to the breasts occurred during lactation. The first fortheen days of purperium are
of the highest risk during the postpartum period. The primary risk factor is that of
a physical nature, followed by a psychological impact/mental changes. It is
exponentially important to become familiar with the potential complications of
puerperium, how they could be recognized early and the proper treated. The
out-patient/post-delivery care and healing process can include experts which
contribute to overall general preservation of health and wellbeing, disease
prevention, postpartum period complications, and the restoing of
impacted/damaged health. In this period, visiting nurses play very immportant
role. Their task is expansive, however, their primary role is to educate the
mother of the changes which occur during purperium, possible complications,
physiology of the reproductive system, physiology of lactation and
breastfeeding, nutrition, relationships with family and new family members, and
provide psychologycal support. During the nurses visits to the mother, nurses
will assess the mother's condition, both physical and psyhological. In
accordance with the assessment, visiting nurse determines requisites of
confinement, preparing health care plan. According to the assessent the nurse
determines diagnosis, goals, interventions and evaluation. The interventions
carried out by the nurse will strive for a set goal. Care of visiting nurses aim to
achieve maximum independence and safety of the mother, to include the
preservation of physical and psyhological health as well as the adjustment of
the mother to new changes. |