Title Važnost duhovnosti u palijativnoj skrbi
Title (english) The importance of spirituality in palliative care
Author Nina Bedeković
Mentor Valentina Novak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Duško Kardum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Duhovnost je jedna od dimenzija osobe kojom se označava način na koji pojedinci doživljavaju, izražavaju ili traže svrhu, smisao i transcendenciju te način na koji su povezani sa samim sobom, drugima, prirodom i onim što je sveto. Veliku ulogu može imati kod bolesnika s progresivnim bolestima nepovoljne prognoze u kojima dolazi do temeljnih egzistencijalnih pitanja na koja se nastoje pronaći odgovori o smislu patnje, bolesti i života općenito. Mnoga znanstvena istraživanja potvrdila su
... More postojanje pozitivnih učinaka duhovnosti kod bolesnika pa je duhovnost kao dio palijativne skrbi priznata od Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Pristup prema bolesnicima u palijativnoj skrbi kao i prema ostalima mora biti holistički obuhvaćajući tako svaku dimenziju bolesnika, fizičku, socijalnu, psihičku i duhovnu. Mnogi su već kroz povijest naglašavali važnosti duhovnosti u medicini i to ne samo filozofi ili teolozi, nego i liječnici. Duhovnost može imati terapijsko djelovanje utječući na cjelokupno stanje bolesnika i dolazi do boljeg prihvaćanja bolesti. Pružanje duhovne skrbi važan je dio u palijativnoj skrbi, posebno kod bolesnika koji su vjernici i izražavaju duhovne potrebe vezane za religiju. Iz tog razloga, u palijativnoj skrbi izrazito je bitna prisutnost duhovnika koji vršeći svoju službu pomaže bolesniku, njegovoj obitelji, ali i ostalim članovima tima palijativne skrbi. Za razliku od nekih drugih potreba, duhovne potrebe bolesnika nije tako lako prepoznati i zadovoljiti ih, samim time što su složenije i teže uočljive, a neke od njih su traženje životnog smisla, potreba za pomirenjem, potreba bolesnika da bude promatran kao osoba ili traženje odgovora na egzistencijalna pitanja. Osim duhovnika, tim palijativne skrbi čine i mnogi drugi stručnjaci koji zajedničkim radom moraju prepoznati bolesnikove potrebe i adekvatno ih zbrinuti. Kao jedan od članova tima, medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu u zbrinjavanju bolesnikovih duhovnih potreba pristupajući svakom bolesniku individualno i holistički. Istražujući bolje duhovnu dimenziju bolesnika, postoji nekoliko metoda kako provoditi, odnosno kako pružati duhovnu skrb poput logoterapije, hagioterapije ili pregleda života. Less
Abstract (english) Spirituality is one of the dimensions of a person that indicates the way in which individuals experience, express or seek purpose, meaning and transcendence and the way in which they are connected to themselves, others, nature and what is sacred. It can play a big role in patients with progressive diseases with an unfavorable prognosis, in which fundamental existential questions arise, to which we try to find answers about the meaning of suffering, illness and life in general. Many
... More scientific studies have confirmed the existence of positive effects of spirituality in patients, so spirituality as part of palliative care is recognized by the World Health Organization. The approach to patients in palliative care, as well as to others, must be holistic, thus encompassing every dimension of the patient, physical, social, psychological and spiritual. Throughout history, many have emphasized the importance of spirituality in medicine, not only philosophers or theologians, but also doctors. Spirituality can have a therapeutic effect by influencing the overall condition of the patient and leads to a better acceptance of the disease. Providing spiritual care is an important part of palliative care, especially for patients who are believers and express spiritual needs related to religion. For this reason, in palliative care, the presence of a clergyman is extremely important, who, performing his service, helps the patient, his family, and other members of the palliative care team. Unlike some other needs, the spiritual needs of the patient are not so easy to recognize and satisfy, precisely because they are more complex and difficult to observe, and some of them are the search for the meaning of life, the need for reconciliation, the patient's need to be seen as a person or the search for answers to existential questions. In addition to the clergy, the palliative team consists of numerous other specialists who, working together, must recognize the needs of the patient and take care of them adequately. As one of the team members, the nurse plays an important role in taking care of the patient's spiritual needs by approaching each patient individually and holistically. By better exploring the spiritual dimension of the patient, there are several methods of how to implement, that is, how to provide spiritual care, such as logotherapy, hagiotherapy or life review. Less
palijativna skrb
Keywords (english)
palliative care
pastoral care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:871849
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-12 14:33:06