Abstract | Stres je česta pojava današnjice te veliki izvor anksioznosti i depresije kod mladih. Često
je subjektivan i karakterizira ga osjećaj preopterećenosti koji nastaje prilikom reakcije na neki stresni događaj. Jedan od najčeščih problema zaposlenih je upravo stres na poslu koji dovodi do izgaranja ili burnouta zaposlenika, a nepovoljno utječe na naše zdravlje. On nastaje kao posljedica psihičkog iscrpljivanja pojedinca koji se tome ne može oduprijeti, a ističe se kod medicinskih sestara i doktora zbog učestalog izlaganja stresu. Bitno je napomenuti da se suočiti sa stresom možemo jedino ako imamo postavljenu odgovarajuću strategiju, odnosno ako stresor nastojimo izbjeći (koliko god je to moguće), suočimo se s vlastitim emocijama ili se u krajnjem slučaju usmjerimo na rješavanje problema.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati sudionike na koji način stres utiče na njihovo zdravlje i
kako se suočavaju s istim.
Za potrebe istraživanja koristio se anonimni anketni upitnik, koji je sadržavao 30 pitanja, a
u kojem je sudjelovalo 118 ispitanika na području cijele Republike Hrvatske. Upitnik je kreiran od strane autora završnog rada, bio je dobrovoljan te je postojala mogućnost u svakom trenutku odustati od istog. Ispitanici su mogli sudjelovati u razdoblju od početka travnja do kraja svibnja 2024. godine.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da je od 118 ispitanika, 96 (81,4%) ženskog spola, s
prosječnom dobi od 41 godinu i više. Najviše ispitanika je završilo srednju stručnu spremu, njih 53 (44,9%), dok ih je 93 (78,8%) zaposleno. Od 100%, 60,2% sudionika se složilo s tvrdnjom da je stres kod mladih česta pojava, te da se kao odgovor na stres može javiti anksioznost u postotku od 48,3%. Stres dulje od dvije godine osjeća 29,7% ispitanika, a kao najveći izvor stresa navode preveliku količinu posla, kolege, mobing i stalno kontroliranje nadređenog. Čak 65% ispitanika smatra da na situaciju gleda optimistično i može vidjeti drugu stranu problema, dok ih 78,8% navodi da im prilikom neke stresne situacije pomaže razgovor s prijateljima i obitelji. Kao simptome navode: glavobolju, nesanicu, lupanje srca, mišićnu napetost, nedostatk zraka, probavne smetnje te zabrinutost, umor i brzo iscrpljivanje, te čak 61,9% ispitanika smatra da dobro fukcionira pod stresom. |
Abstract (english) | Stress is a common occurence today and a major source of anxiety and depression among
young people. It is often subjective and characterized by the feeling of being overwhelmed that arises when reacting to a stressful event. One of the most common problems faced by employees is stress at work, which leads to employee burnout and adversely affects their health. It arises as a result of the psychological exhaustion og an individual who cannot resist it, and it stands out in nurses nad doctors due to frequent exposure to stress, It should be noted that we can only face stress if we have an appropriate strategy in place, i.e. if we try to avoid the stressor ( as much as possible), face out emotions or as a last resort, focus on solving the problem.
The aim of the research was to examine the participants in which way stress affects their
health and how they face it.
For the purposes of the research, an anonymous survey qusetionnaire was used, which
contained 30 questions and it was attended by 118 respondents throughout the Republic of Croatia. The questionnaire was created by the author of the final thesis, it was voluntary and there was the possibility to withdraw from it at any time. Respondents could participate in the period from the beginning of April do the end of May of 2024.
The obtained results indicate that out of 118 respondents, 96 (81,4%) were fenake, with an
average age of 41 and more. The majority respondents completed secondary vocational education, 53 of them (44,9%), while 93 of them (78,8%) were employed. 60,2% of the participants agreed with the statement that stress is a common phenomenon among young people, and that anxiety can occur as a response to stress in a percentage of 48,3%. 29,7% of respondents gave felt stress for more than two years, and as the biggest source of stress they cite an excessive amount of work, colleagues, mobbina and constant control by their superiors. As many as 65% of respondents believe that they look at the situation optimistically and can see the other side of the problem, while 78,8% of them state that talking to friends and family helps them during stressful situations. Symptoms include: headache, insomnia, palpitations, muscle tension, lack of air, indigestion, anxiety, fatigue and rapid exhaustion. As many as 61,9% believe that they function well under stress. |