Title Razvoj responzivnog web sjedišta za restoran
Title (english) Development of a responsive website for a restaurant
Author Nino Flac
Mentor Marko Čačić (mentor)
Committee member Snježana Ivančić Valenko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Čačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anja Zorko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Multimedia, Design and Application) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology Processes of Graphic Reproduction
Abstract Voditelji poduzeća svjesni su kakvu ulogu ima digitalna prisutnost u današnje vrijeme. S napretkom tehnologije nezaobilazan je i napredak interneta pa samim time i internetskih stranica. Web stranice razvijaju se u marketinške svrhe i svrhe jačanja imidža samog brenda. Kroz dizajn, sadržaj i interaktivne elemente, može se stvoriti jedinstveni identitet koji će se izdvojiti na tržištu. Posjedovanje kvalitetne web stranice pruža konkurentsku prednost. Ukoliko konkurenti nemaju dobro razvijenu digitalnu prisutnost, poduzeća koja imaju automatski su u boljoj poziciji da privuku i zadrže klijente. Važno je pratiti suvremene trendove u dizajnu jer oni utječu na korisničko iskustvo (eng. UX – user experience). Upravo zbog tih trendova, redovita održavanja i nadogradnje na web stranicama su neophodne, bilo da se radi o dizajnerskim ili funkcionalnim poboljšanjima.
Uz pomoć raznih prezentacijskih jezika, programskih jezika i alata kao što su npr. HTML, CSS, JavaScript i Bootstrap, moguće je izraditi profesionalno web sjedište koje zadovoljava sve naše potrebe i želje. Treba uzeti u obzir činjenicu da više od 90% ljudi koristi upravo mobilne uređaje kako bi pristupili internetu, stoga je izrazito važno da web stranica bude dobro optimizirana za sve vrste i veličine uređaja. Iz toga proizlazi jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika dobro napravljene web stanice, a to je upravo responzivnost (eng. RWD – Responsive web design).
U ovom radu predstavit će se način izrade čitave web stranice za jedan fiktivni restoran. Proces započinje analizom tržišta i konkurencije te izradom vizualnog identiteta fiktivnog restorana. Potrebno je odabrati paletu boja koja će se protezati kroz cjelokupni dizajn stranice. Stranica na samom kraju mora izgledati moderno, biti funkcionalna i upoznati posjetitelje sa najvažnijim informacijama o samom restoranu kao i sa njegovom ponudom hrane. Praktični dio ovog rada odnosi se na kod stranice koji će u cijelosti biti napisan u programu Visual Studio Code.
Abstract (english) Business owners are aware of the role that digital presence plays today. With the progress of technology, the progress of the Internet and thus of Internet pages is inevitable. Websites are developed for marketing purposes and for strengthening the image of the brand itself. Through design, content and interactive elements, you can create a unique identity that will stand out on the market. Having a quality website provides a competitive advantage. If our competitors do not have a well-developed digital presence, we will be in a better position to attract and retain customers. It is important to follow contemporary trends in design because they affect the user experience (UX). Precisely because of these trends, regular maintenance and upgrades on websites are necessary, whether it is about design or functional improvements.
With the help of various markup languages, programming languages and tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap, it is possible to create a professional web site that meets all our needs and desires. It should be taken into account that more than 90% of people use mobile devices to access the Internet, so it is extremely important that our website is well optimized for all types and sizes of devices. From this comes one of the most important characteristics of a well-made website, namely responsiveness (RWD).
In this thesis, a method of creating an entire website for a fictitious restaurant will be presented. The process begins with the analysis of the market and competition and the creation of the visual identity of the fictitious restaurant. It is necessary to choose a color palette that will extend through the entire design of the site. At the very end, the web site must look modern, be functional and introduce visitors to the most important information about the restaurant itself as well as its food offer. The practical part of this thesis refers to the web site code, which will be entirely written in Visual Studio Code.
web sjedište
web stranica
korisničko iskustvo
Keywords (english)
web site
user experience
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:482274
Study programme Title: Graphical Studies: Multimedia, Design and Application Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka multimedijske i grafičke tehnologije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka multimedijske i grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-08-29 13:46:37