Abstract | Gastritis je površinska erozija i upala želučane sluznice. S kliničkog gledišta razlikujemo akutni i kronični gastritis, koji je uzrokovan najčešće infekcijom Helicobacter pylori, iritacijom, autoimunim poremećajima, povratnim protokom žuči u želudac te pernicioznom anemijom. Dijagnosticira se endoskopijom gornjeg gastrointestinalnog trakta, rendgenskim snimanjem gornjeg gastrointestinalnog trakta, potpunom krvnom slikom, testom fekalne okultne krvi te ureja izdisajnim testom. Prema statistici, od 160 ispitanika na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, 53.1% ispitanika se izjasnilo kako boluju od gastritisa. Dijeta gastritisa uključuje namirnice koje mogu pružiti dugotrajno olakšanje simptoma gastritisa. Jedenje obroka u malim količinama, kao i dovoljan unos vode, može pomoći u zacjeljivanju želuca smanjujući učinak želučane kiseline. Većina ispitanika, njih 113 (70.6%), reguliraju gastritis pravilnom prehranom odnosno dijetom. To podrazumijeva unošenje hrane bogate vlaknima, kuhane i niskomasne obroke koji dugoročno ublažavaju simptome gastritisa, a koji uključuju kuhano i lešano povrće s niskom kiselošću, meso, ribu, juhe i variva. Osim što se rizik od razvoja gastritisa može smanjiti pridržavanjem zdrave prehrane, važna je i edukacija pacijenta u kojoj medicinska sestra ili tehničar pružaju fizičku i emocionalnu podršku pacijentu i njegovoj obitelji te sudjeluju u promicanju procesa ozdravljenja. Procjenjuje se pacijentovo znanje o gastritisu, razvija individualizirani plan podučavanja te ukoliko je potrebno, pacijenta treba uputiti na savjetovanje o alkoholu i programe odvikavanja od pušenja. |
Abstract (english) | Gastritis is surface erosion and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. From a clinical point of view, we distinguish between acute and chronic gastritis, which is most often caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, irritation, autoimmune disorders, reflux of bile into the stomach, and pernicious anemia. It is diagnosed by endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract, x-ray imaging of the upper gastrointestinal tract, complete blood count, fecal occult blood test, and determined by a breath test. According to statistics, out of 160 respondents in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, 53.1% of respondents said they were suffering from gastritis. The gastritis diet includes foods that can provide long-term relief of gastritis symptoms. Eating small meals and drinking enough water can help heal the stomach by reducing the effect of stomach acid. Of the respondents, 113 of them (70.6%), regulate gastritis with proper nutrition, that is mostly with diet. This includes eating fiber-rich foods, cooked and low-fat meals that alleviate the symptoms of gastritis in the long term, and which include cooked and cooked vegetables with low acidity, meat, fish, soups and stews. Besides the risk of developing gastritis can be reduced by following a healthy diet, it is also important to educate the patient that the nurse or technician provides physical and emotional support to the patient and his family and participates in the promotion of the healing process. The patient's knowledge about gastritis is assessed, an individualized teaching plan is developed, and if necessary, the patient should be referred to alcohol counseling and smoking cessation programs. |