Abstract | Prijelaz na studij je stresno razdoblje za svakog studenta, posebno zbog novih obaveza poput akademskih zadataka, uspostavljanja prijateljstava i prilagodbe životu daleko od roditeljskog doma. Studenti koji prvi put mijenjaju mjesto boravka suočavaju se s problemima poput loše organizacije, stresa, usamljenosti i emocionalnih teškoća, a to je najčešće izraženo u prvoj godini studija. Ovi problemi mogu negativno utjecati na akademski uspjeh, no postoje načini da se to prevlada dobrom organizacijom, podrškom, suradnjom i motivacijom. Na temelju ovih spoznaja je kreirana aplikacija „Make it fun“ kojom se želi pomoći studentima u rješavanju tih izazova kako bi se poboljšala socijalna, akademska i emocionalna prilagodba. Teorijski dio rada usmjeren je na definiranje korisničkog sučelja i iskustva, alata i procesa izrade sučelja, kao i na istraživanje problema s kojima se studenti suočavaju tijekom prilagodbe na studij. U praktičnom dijelu rada fokus je na dizajnu korisničkog sučelja aplikacije koja nudi četiri glavne funkcije, a to su zabava, network, učenje i vijesti. Kroz network, studenti se mogu povezati s kolegama, sekcija učenja pruža alate za bolju organizaciju vremena i zadataka, zabavni sadržaji pomažu studentima da se zabave i opuste te pronađu ravnotežu između obaveza i slobodnog vremena, dok vijesti donose važne informacije i novosti o studentskom životu. Cilj aplikacije je poboljšati socijalnu integraciju, smanjiti osjećaj izoliranosti i stresa među studentima te im olakšati organizaciju vremena i akademskih zadataka, odnosno olakšati proces prilagodbe na studij, povećati motivaciju i potaknuti pozitivne promjene u akademskom i društvenom životu. |
Abstract (english) | The transition to university is a stressful period for every student, especially because of new obligations such as academic tasks, establishing friendships and adjusting to life away from the parents' home. Students who change their place of residence for the first time face problems such as poor organization, stress, loneliness and emotional difficulties, and this is most often expressed in the first year of study. These problems can negatively affect academic success, but there are ways to overcome this with good organization, support, cooperation and motivation. Based on these findings, an application was created to help students solve these problems and challenges in order to improve social, academic and emotional adjustment. The theoretical part of the work is focused on defining the user interface and experience, tools and the process of creating the interface, as well as researching the problems that students face during adaptation to studies. In the practical part of the work, the focus is on the design of the user interface of the application, which offers four main functions, namely entertainment, network, learning and news. Through the network, students can connect with colleagues, the study section provides tools for better organization of time and tasks, entertainment content helps students have fun and relax and find a balance between obligations and free time, while news brings important information and news about student life. The goal of the application is to improve social integration, reduce the feeling of isolation and stress among students, and make it easier for them to organize their time and academic tasks, i.e. facilitate the process of adapting to studies, increase motivation and encourage positive changes in academic and social life. |