Abstract | Uvod: Imposter fenomen, poznat i kao "sindrom varalice", odnosi se na psihološko
stanje u kojem pojedinci s visokim postignućima unatoč objektivnim uspjesima
perzistentno sumnjaju u vlastite sposobnosti, doživljavajući osjećaje nesposobnosti i
neadekvatnosti. Imposter fenomen može imati dalekosežne posljedice na profesionalnu
produktivnost, kvalitetu međuljudskih odnosa, kao i na emocionalno i mentalno zdravlje
pojedinca. Dosadašnja literatura naglašava kako različiti faktori, uključujući obiteljsko
okruženje, društvena očekivanja i osobine ličnosti, mogu doprinijeti razvoju imposter
fenomena. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati učestalost i specifičnosti doživljavanja imposter
fenomena kod muškaraca i žena; istražiti izvore podrške te ulogu obitelji i bližnjih u
nošenju s ovim fenomenom te kako razina obrazovanja utječe na pojavu fenomena.
Metoda: Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem polustrukturiranog
intervjua na uzorku od 10 sudionika (n=10). Izraživanje je bilo provedeno u travnju i
svibnju 2023. godine. Uzorak je bio širokog spektra razine obrazovanja te radilišta.
Uključene su bile medicinske sestre, fizioterapeuti, doktori te predavači u
visokobrazovnim ustanovama.
Rezultati: Rezultati intervjua obuhvatili su nekoliko ključnih kategorija,
uključujući percepciju vlastitih vrijednosti, postignuća te neposredna iskustva s imposter
fenomenom. Većina sudionika navodi obitelj kao najvažniji izvor podrške i temelje
vlastitog sustava vrijednosti. Najveći izazovi u karijeri povezani su s profesionalnim
zdravstvenim poteškoćama koje proizlaze iz visokih razina odgovornosti, kao i s potrebom
za prilagodbom novim radnim okruženjima. Iako se većina sudionika osjeća uspješnom i
samopouzdanom. Dodatno, približno polovica sudionika smatra da su manje uspješni u
usporedbi s drugima, često percipirajući kako uvijek postoji netko tko je bolji od njih.
Rasprava: Ovo istraživanje pruža dublji uvid kako imposter fenomen može
jednako utjecati na muškarce i žene, osobito među visoko obrazovanim stručnjacima.
Istraživanje potvrđuje da ovaj sindrom nije isključivo vezan za spol, već da njegov utjecaj
proizlazi iz kombinacije osobnih, profesionalnih i društvenih faktora. Nadalje, rezultati sugeriraju kako i muškarci i žene doživljavaju slične izazove povezane s osjećajem
Zaključak: Dobiveni rezultati ističu da su podrška obitelji i bližnjih ključni faktori
u ublažavanju osjećaja nesigurnosti povezanih s imposter fenomenom, te ukazuju na
važnost pružanja adekvatne organizacijske podrške unutar profesionalnih okruženja. S
obzirom na visoka očekivanja i često krhko samopouzdanje pojedinaca u ovim
okruženjima, organizacije bi trebale razviti strategije koje će jačati psihološku sigurnost
zaposlenika i smanjiti negativne posljedice ovog fenomena na radnu učinkovitost i
zadovoljstvo. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The imposter phenomenon, also known as "imposter syndrome,"
refers to a psychological state in which high-achieving individuals, despite their objective
successes, persistently doubt their abilities, experiencing feelings of incompetence and
inadequacy. The imposter phenomenon can have far-reaching consequences on
professional productivity, the quality of interpersonal relationships, as well as the
emotional and mental health of the individual. Existing literature highlights that various
factors, including family environment, societal expectations, and personality traits, may
contribute to the development of the imposter phenomenon.
The aim of this research is to examine the prevalence and specific experiences of the
imposter phenomenon among men and women; to investigate sources of support, the role
of family and close ones in coping with this phenomenon, and how the level of education
influences its occurrence.
Method: A qualitative study was conducted through semi-structured interviews
with a sample of 10 participants (n=10). The research was carried out in April and May
2023. The sample consisted of participants with varying levels of education and different
workplaces. Included in the sample were nurses, physiotherapists, doctors, and lecturers
at higher education institutions.
Results: The interview results covered several key categories, including the
perception of personal values, achievements, and direct experiences with the imposter
phenomenon. The majority of participants cited family as the most important source of
support and a foundation of their value system. The greatest challenges in their careers
were related to professional health issues arising from high levels of responsibility and the
need to adapt to new work environments. Although most participants felt successful and
confident, approximately half considered themselves less successful compared to others,
often perceiving that there is always someone better than them.
Discussion: The significance of this study lies in its deeper insight into how the
imposter phenomenon can equally affect both men and women, especially among highly
educated professionals. The research confirms that this syndrome is not exclusively related to gender but rather that its impact stems from a combination of personal,
professional, and societal factors. Furthermore, the results suggest that both men and
women experience similar challenges related to feelings of inadequacy.
Conclusion: The results highlight that support from family and close ones are key factors
in mitigating feelings of insecurity associated with the imposter phenomenon and indicate
the importance of providing adequate organizational support within professional
environments. Given the high expectations and often fragile self-confidence of individuals
in these settings, organizations should develop strategies to enhance the psychological
security of employees and reduce the negative effects of this phenomenon on work
efficiency and satisfaction. |