Title Istraživanje poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) The study of entrepreneurship in Republic of Croatia
Author Emina Gradečak
Mentor Anica Hunjet (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Kesić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anica Hunjet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2016-03-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract U ovom je radu istraženo poduzetništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prikazani su
podaci o broju poduzetnika, financijski pokazatelji poslovanja poduzetnika, prisutnost
žena u poduzetništvu, te uvođenje poduzetništva u obrazovanje.
Rad započinje s definiranjem osnovnih pojmova poduzetništva i poduzetnika, a
nakon toga iznesen je povijesni razvoj poduzetništva općenito i povijest
poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj.
Ulazak u poduzetništvo poglavlje je koje prikazuje i opisuje poduzetničku
aktivnost u Hrvatskoj mjerenu TEA indeksom. U ovom poglavlju navedeni su osnovni
elementi za pokretanje poslovnog pothvata, te koja je uloga poduzetništva u
razvijenim zemljama.
U petom poglavlju predstavljeni su podaci kretanja poduzetništva u Republici
Hrvatskoj. Prikazani su podaci o broju poduzetnika, analiza raspoređenosti
poduzetnika po županijskim središtima, financijski pokazatelji poslovanja poduzetnika
kao što su broj zaposlenih i ukupni prihodi. Na kraju ovog poglavlja prikazan je osvrt
na poslovanje poduzetnika Varaždinske i Međimurske županije.
Šesto poglavlje posvećeno je ženama u poduzetništvu. Prikazana je analiza
poticanja razvoja žena poduzetnica, te udio žena poduzetnica u vlasničkoj strukturi
hrvatskih društava od 2010. do 2013. godine.
U slijedećem, sedmom poglavlju, izneseni su podaci od robnoj razmjeni
Republike Hrvatske s inozemstvom od 2010. do 2014. godine i podaci o izvozu i
investicijama poduzetnika po regijama i županijama u 2013. godini.
Na kraju ovog rada, odnosno zadnje poglavlje ovog rada govori o poduzetništvu u
obrazovanju. Opisana je važnost poduzetništva u obrazovanju kao cjeloživotnog
učenja, te uključivanje poduzetništva u osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje prema
Nacionalnom kurikulumu za osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje.
Abstract (english) In this paper entrepreneurship in Croatia is explored. The data presents the
number of entrepreneurs, financial indicators of business owners, the presence of
women in business and the introduction of entrepreneurship in education.
The paper starts with the definition of the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurs, and then it presents the historical development of entrepreneurship in
general and the history of entrepreneurship in Croatia.
Entering the entrepreneurship section is showing and describing entrepreneurial
activity in Croatia measured by the TEA index. This section lists the basic elements
of starting their own business, and the role of entrepreneurship in developing
The fifth chapter presents the data movement entrepreneurship in Croatia. The
number of entrepreneurs, analysis distribution of enterprises by county centers,
financial indicators of entrepreneurs such as number of employees and total revenue
data are presented. At the end of this chapter an overview of business entrepreneurs
Varazdin and Medjimurje County is presented.
The sixth chapter is devoted to women in business. In this chapter are shown the
analysis of promoting the development of women entrepreneurs, and the share of
women entrepreneurs in the ownership structure of Croatian companies from 2010 –
In the next, the seventh chapter, the data from the Croatian foreign trade in goods
from 2010 – 2014, and data on exports and investment businesses by region and
counties in 2013 are presented.
At the end of this work, the last chapter of this work is about entrepreneurship in
education. The paper describes the importance of entrepreneurship education as a
lifelong learning, and the inclusion of entrepreneurship in elementary education to the
national curriculum for primary education.
žene poduzetnice
poduzetništvo u obrazovanju
Keywords (english)
women entrepreneurs
entrepreneurship in education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:123657
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specijalizations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: specijalizations in: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-05-11 10:54:46