Title Spolno ponašanje adolescenata
Author Martin Trubelja
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Poljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2016-06-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Adolescencija je razdoblje u kojem osoba spolno sazrijeva, formira svoje spolne uloge i
stavove o izražavanju spolnosti, a spolno ponašanje u toj dobi postaje dio normalnog razvoja
osobe. Kako se razvija nagla svijest o vlastitoj spolnosti u vrijeme adolescencije, tako se
paralelno s time formira identitet same osobe što snažno utječe i na vlastitu sliku o sebi. U
današnjem ubrzanom tempu života, djeca i adolescenti se fizički i spolno sve brže razvijaju, dok
se zbog dugotrajnog školovanja i obrazovanja socijalna samostalnost ili socijalna zrelost postiže
sve kasnije. Zbog razlike u fizičkom i socijalnom sazrijevanju dolazi do sve ranijeg početka
spolne aktivnosti. Tijekom izrade završnog rada učinjeno je istraživanje te su prikazani dobiveni
rezultati seksualnog ponašanja, rizični čimbenici, problemi mladeži u vezi spolnosti, načini
edukacije adolescenata o spolnim odnosima, važnost utjecaja zdravstvenog odgoja i aktivnosti na
razini primarne zdravstvene zaštite, korištenje kontracepcije i rizični čimbenici spolnih odnosa.
U istraživanju je korištena anonimna anketa s deset pitanja otvorenog tipa. Istraživanje je
uključivalo adolescente jedne gimnazije i jedne strukovne škole iz dijela Varaždinske županije.
Prema rezultatima vidljivo je da su adolescent drugih i četvrtih razreda strukovne škole
seksualno aktivniji od adolescenata drugih i četvrtih razreda gimnazije. U različitim
istraživanjima o seksualnom ponašanju u Republici Hrvatskoj dokazano je da svake godine sve
više mladih aktivno sudjeluje u spolnim odnosima i sve ranije ulaze u takva ponašanja. Dobiveni
rezultati ovog istraživanja su uspoređeni s nekim istraživanjima koja su provedena u ostalim
dijelovima Hrvatske, kako bi uvidjeli postoje li razlike u dobivenim rezultatima. Osim što se
prikazala češća seksualna aktivnost adolescenata strukovne škole, također su prema rezultatima
djevojke spolno aktivnije i češće mijenjaju partnere. Kako bi utjecali na pravilan razvoj spolnosti
i zdravog te sigurnog spolnog života mladih ljudi potrebno je kontinuirano raditi na edukaciji i
prevenciji rizičnih ponašanja adolescenata, gdje su zdravstveni djelatnici, a time i medicinske
sestre jedna od profesija koja u tome ima značajnu ulogu.
Abstract (english) Adolescence is a period in which a person starts to become sexually mature, forms their
gender roles and attitudes about sexual expression. Sexual behavior in this age becomes a part of
the normal development of the person. They are suddenly aware of their own sexuality, both in
parallel with it form a single identity that strongly affects on person and their own self-image. In
today's faster life, children and adolescents are becoming physically and sexually more active,
but independence and social maturity will be achieved later. Due to differences at physical and
social maturation comes to the earlier start of sexual activity. During the final work, by using the
research we presented the results of sexual behavior, risk factors, problems of youth regarding
sexuality, modes of education of adolescents about sexual relations, the importance of the impact
of health education and activities at the level of primary health care, use of contraception, and
the risk factors of having sex. In study we used an anonymous questionnaire with ten open-ended
questions. The study included adolescents from one gymnasium and one vocational school from
the part of the Varazdin County. According to the results the adolescents at second and fourthgrade
vocational school are sexually more active comparing to the adolescents in second and
fourth year at gymnasium. In various studies on sexual behavior in the Republic of Croatia has
been proven that every year younger people actively involved in sexual relations and all
previously described to confirm this behavior. The results of this study were compared to some
studies that have been conducted in other parts of Croatia, so we can see if there are differences
in the results. In addition to results the more frequent sexual activity of adolescents vocational
schools, also the results shown that girls are sexually more active than boys and they are also
frequently changing partners. In order to affect at proper healthy development of sexuality and
safe sexual life of young people, society needs to continuously work on the education and
prevention of adolescent risk behavior. All health care professions are professionals which in
fact play an important role at education.
spolno ponašanje adolescenata
rizično ponašanje
spolno prenosive bolesti
Keywords (english)
sexual behavior of adolescent risk behavior
sexually transmitted diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:847706
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-03 18:47:08