Title Bajka u predškolskom odgoju
Title (english) Fairytale in preschool education: the role of a fairytales in the litaray education of the child
Author Valentina Graša
Mentor Vjekoslava Jurdana (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum
Committee member Vjekoslava Jurdana
Committee member Aleksandra Rotar
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-03-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract U ovom radu nastojalo se prikazati zašto se obrađuju bajke u vrtićima s predškolskom djecom, kako likovi iz bajki utječu na djecu i o čemu ih zapravo bajka uči. U teorijskom dijelu govorilo se općenito o bajci, te koje mjesto bajka ima u životu djeteta. Nadalje, prikazano je kako odabrati bajku za predškolsko dijete, kako i kada ju čitati, zašto djeci trebamo čitati bajke i jesu li klasične bajke strašne za djecu predškolske dobi. Djeca se svakodnevno susreću sa bajkama, u vrtićima ili u
... More obiteljskom okruženju s roditeljima. Bajka je važna za djecu predškolske dobi. Uz bajke uče o životu, o stvarima koje smiju raditi, a koje ne, uče kako se trebaju ponašati u određenim situacijama sa prijateljima, rodbinom, sa starijim osobama. Iako većina roditelja djeci čita bajke, ima roditelja koji smatraju da bajke nisu dobre za djecu. Smatraju da bajke loše utječu na djecu i da su još premalena da upoznaju zlo koje se nalazi oko njih. Jednom riječju roditelji žele djecu zaštititi od loših stvari s kojima će se susretati u daljnjem životu. Djeca se uz bajke poistovjećuju s likovima i rade sve što njihovi junaci rade u bajkama. Djeca su tužna kada na početku glavni lik izgubi borbu s neprijateljem, ali i dalje su uz svoje junake te znaju da će dobro na kraju pobijediti. Koliko je strah za njihove junake snažan pokazuje to što dijete traži da mu se iznova čita ista bajka. Svi koji djeci čitaju bajke znaju da ih ona snažno doživljavaju. U drugom dijelu, empirijskom dijelu, definiran je predmet istraživanja te se ukazuje na važnost istraživanja. Uzorak istraživanja činili su roditelji i odgojitelji. Na temelju teorijskih i empirijskih podataka zaključujemo da teorija i praksa podupiru jedno drugo. S predškolskom djecom trebamo težiti kreativnijem i maštovitijem radu s bajkama, te ćemo tako postići bolji učinak. Less
Abstract (english) In this paper we aimed to show why fairy tales are processed in kindergarten with pre-school children, how the characters from fairy tales affect the children and what can be learnable from fairy tales. The theoretical part describes a fairy tale in general and a role that it has in the life of a child. Furthermore, it is shown how to choose a fairy tale for the preschool child, how and when to read it, why do kids need to read fairy tales and are classic fairy tales frightening for
... More children of preschool age. Children are surrounded with fairy tales on a daily basis, in kindergartens or in a family environment with the parents. The fairy tale is important for pre-school children. Along with the fairy tales they learn about life, about things they can and cannot do. They learn how to behave in certain situations, with friends, relatives, with the elderly. A fairy tale is the first book with a picture book that parents read to the children. Although most parents read fairy tales to their children, there are parents who believe that fairy tales are not good for children. They consider that the fairy tales have a bad influence on children, and that they are still too small to be familiar with the evil that is around them.
Briefly, the parents want to protect their children from bad things with which they may encounter further in life. The children can indentify themselves with the characters from the fairy tales so eventually these characters serve as role models. The children are sad when at the beginning the main character loses a battle with the enemy, but they're still with their heroes and they can rely on the cognition that in the end the good will win. It can easily be seen how great is the fear for their heroes, because a child wants their parents to reread the same fairy tale over and over. Children strongly experience fairy tales and that is the fact that most people are familiar with, especially those who read them on a daily basis.
In the second part, the empirical part, the subject of the research is defined and points to the importance of the research. The research sample consisted of both the parents and the educators. On the basis of the theoretical and empirical data we conclude that theory and practice confirm each other. With preschool children we need to strive for creative work with fairy tales. Only then we will achieve a better effect. Less
predškolsko dijete
Keywords (english)
fairy tale
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:691503
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-04-05 12:34:13