Abstract | Investicije, kao pojam obuhvaćaju bruto domaći proizvod, potrošnju, zaposlenost i naravno različite oblike ulaganja u infrastrukturu. U većini slučajeva uz pojam investicija se vezuje povećanje broja zaposlenih, stabilna inflacija, gospodarski rast, privlačenje stranog kapitala, jačanje konkurentnosti, bezpovratna sredstva iz EU fondova, inovacije, ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj i ostalo.
Turizam Republike Hrvatske jedan je od glavnih pokretača razvoja gospodarstva. Republika Hrvatska obiluje prirodnim ljepotama, ali se unatoč tome se ne može pohvaliti bogatom ponudom (nedostaju joj smjestajni kapaciteti, sportski, zabavni. zdravstveni sadrzaji). Kako bi dosegla stupanj razvijenijih zemalja, potrebno je ulaganje u razvoj investicija u navedenim područjima. Takvim ulaganjima utjecati će se na porast BDP- a, zapošljavanje, razvoj nedovoljno razvijenih područja, gospodarski rast i ostalo. Ukratko rečeno ulaganje u investicije u sektoru turizma je poželjno, pa i nužno. Samo takvim vrstama ulaganja utjecati će se na stvaranje pozitivnije slike, točnije na povećanje ekonomskog razvoja Republike Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | Investments, as a concept, include gross domestic product, consumption, employment, and of course, various forms of infrastructure investments. In most cases, the concept of investment is related to increasing number of employees, stable inflation, economic growth, attracting foreign capital, strengthening competitiveness, grants from the EU funds, innovations, investments in research and development and other. Tourism of the Republic of Croatia is one of the main factors of economic development. The Republic of Croatia is rich in natural beauty, but despite this, her offer is noth rich (the problem is lasks of accommodation and sports, entertainment and health care facilities). In order to reach the level of more developed countries, it is necessary to invest in the development of investment in these areas. Such investments will impact on GDP growth, employment, development of underdeveloped areas, economic growth, and other. In short, investments in the tourism investments are desirable, or even necessary. Only these kinds of investments will affect to creating more positive image, specifically to increase the economic development of the Republic of Croatia. |