Title Projektni pristup u razvoju programskog proizvoda
Title (english) Project approach to software development
Author Mariana Martinčić
Mentor Tihomir Orehovački (mentor)
Committee member Vanja Bevanda (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Orehovački (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Giorgio Sinković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2017-01-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information and Software Engineering
Abstract Ustanovljeno je da za stvaranje uspješne aplikacije koja može biti društveno korisna treba uložiti puno napora. Od samog početka treba dobro upravljati razvojnim timom i međuljudskim odnosima. Softverski menadžer mora imati više različitih vještina kako bi razvijanje proizvoda bilo na zadovoljavajućoj razini. On mora iskazati da zna voditi ljude, upravljati projektom i klijentima. Najvažnija stavka u razvoju proizvoda jest da bude dobro prihvaćen te je stoga potrebno kroz testiranje ustanoviti kako krajnji korisnici percipiraju proizvod te tako izbjegnuti rizik od neuspjeha u prvoj fazi probijanja na tržište. Sljedeća stvar na koju treba obratiti pozornost je komunikacija. Svaki zadatak i zahtjev potrebno je dobro iskomunicirati. To je zadatak softverskog menadžera koji mora znati shvatiti što klijent želi te to iskomunicirati razvojnom timu na njima razumljiv jezik. Pod razumljiv jezik podrazumijeva se strukturirani opis zadataka i zahtjeva najčešće u obliku dijagrama kako bi se izbjegle eventualne greške ili nesporazumi u komunikaciji. U ovom radu projektni pristup prikazan je kroz teorijsko stvaranje web i mobilnog softvera. Ovaj softver namijenjen je preglednijem prikazu svih akcijskih cijena na lokaciji određenog korisnika. Za ovu prigodu osmišljen je detaljan scenarij upotrebe softvera, prikazi oglednih modela za web i mobilni kanal i klijentsko sučelje. Također, kao dio istraživanja i testiranja provedena je anketa od 24 pitanja. Bilo je važno shvatiti ciljanu skupinu i njene navike. Nakon prvih ideja i odlučujućeg koncepta softvera, utvrđen je projektni plan. Od tog trena dalje, rad je napisan kao projektni pristup. U konačnici može se percipirati kao mali dio potencijalne dokumentacije za daljnji i detaljniji projekt. U tom slučaju, ovaj radi bilo bi potrebno ponovno ispitati odnosno ispraviti i upotpuniti sa stvarnim činjenicama, vremenskim rokovima i rokovima za isporuku.
Abstract (english) In order to create a successful socially useful software it is necessary to invest a lot of effort. It is important to manage the development team and their interpersonal relationships from the very beginning. The software manager must have different skills for the software development to reach a satisfactory level. He has to prove his ability to lead people and manage both the project and the clients. The most important part of the software development is for it to be well accepted, hence the testing which allows to see how to product is perceived. Thus, testing is the best way of avoiding the risk of failure in the first phase of entering the market. The second thing to point out is communication. The software manager has the very important responsibility of clearly end thoroughly explaining each task and requirement. He also has to understand the client's wishes (requirements) and communicate them to the team. The communication between the team and the software manager must always occur in an appropriate language, which consists of well-structured task and requirement description with diagrams in order to avoid potential mishappenings or misunderstandings. In this thesis, the project approach has been presented with a creation of an hypothetic web and mobile software which is meant to offer a clear view of all discounted items in the customer's surrounding area. A detailed scenario of the usage of the software wireframe for both web and mobile channel and client user interface was created for this occasion. Part of the research and testing was a 24 question questionnaire, which was important for understanding the target audience and their habits. The project was established after the first ideas and pitching the software's concept. From this point on, the thesis was written in a project-based approach. Finally, this can be perceived as a small part of a potential documentation for a further and more detailed project, in which case this part should be revised and enlarged with real facts, workflows, timelines and deadlines.
projektni pristup
programski proizvod
Keywords (english)
project approach
software product
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:602144
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Business Informatics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-02-21 11:49:59