Title Analiza poslovanja leasing društva u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) The analysis of leasing companies in Croatia
Author Tijana Pavelić
Mentor Manuel Benazić (mentor)
Committee member Lovre Božina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuel Benazić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dean Učkar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-01-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Leasing je financijski proizvod koji označava najam odnosno koji omogućava primatelju leasinga da objekt leasinga dobije na privremenu uporabu za određeno vremensko razdoblje uz plaćanje mjesečene naknade. Posao leasinga može biti posao operativnog i posao financijskog leasinga. Nakon stupanja na snagu Zakona o leasingu 30.09.2006. godine odnosno promjene Zakona 05.12. 2013. uspostavljen je sustavni nadzor i zakonodavna regulacija leasing poslovanja. Značajnija pojava leasing kuća u Hrvatskoj datira krajem90-tih godina prošlog stoljeća. Urazdoblju od 2000. godine do 2008. godine ovaj financijski proizvod se pokazao kao najbrže rastući segment financijskog tržišta, nakon čega doživljava značajan pad. Tome je pogodovalo više elemenata poput rastućeg tržišta automobila u Republici Hrvatskoj, mjera Hrvatske narodne banke vezanih za ograničenje rasta banaka kao i sve veća zainteresiranost javnog sektora i proizvodnih tvrtki za ovaj tip financiranja. Rezultat povoljnih vjetrova je bio strelovit rast leasing industrije. Međutim, koncem 2008. godine dali su se osjetiti prvi znakovi gospodarske krize u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obzirom na usku međuovisnot leasing industrije s rastom i razvojem gospodarstva opseg poslovanje leasing kuća se od 2009. godine značajno smanjivao, što nam i pokazuju financijski pokazatelji analiziranih leasing društava. Tijekom 2009. doživljeli su pad koji se nastavio tijekom sljedećih promatranih godina. Gubitci leasing kuća su veliki, a njihov portfelj se rasipa. Blagi oporavak se vidi tek 2013 godine. Ekonomska kriza je kako negativno tako i pozitivno utjecala na leasing industriju. Ovo potonje se odnosi na pooštravanje uvjeta financiranja što je smanjilo financiranje rizičnih plasmana i ograničavalo daljnje zaduživanje/prezaduživanje, raščišćavanje tržišta te okretanje leasing kuća sebi u smislu restrukturiranja i optimizacije poslovnih procesa i troškova. Tijekom promatranog razdoblja leasing društva i njihovo poslovanje su doživjeli značajan pad, ali potencijal za oporavak i rast postoji, ali ovisiisključivo o stabilizaciji odnosno rastu gospodarskih aktivnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) Leasing is a financial product that provides for the rental agreement where by the les see is allowed to use property covered in a lease for a certain period of time in exchange for a periodic fee. The types of leasing are finance leasing and operating leasing. There as of September 30, 2006, the implementation of the Leasing Act led and it's change from December 05, 2013 to systematic supervision and legislative regulation of leasing business. First more significant leasing appearance was in the Republic of Croatia in the 1990's. In the period from 2000 to 2008 this financial product proved to be the fastest growing form of financial market, and after 2008 it is experiencing significant downfall. The rapid growth in leasing industry has been driven by the growth of car market in Republic of Croatia, credit growth restrictions by the Croatian National Bank as well as growing interest of public sector and production companies for this type of financing. These favourable winds led to the rapid expansion of the leasing industry. However, at the end of 2008 the early warning signs of economic crisis first came in Republic of Croatia. Due to the narrow interdependence of leasing industry with economic growth and development, by the 2009 the volume of the leasing business has been significantly reduced, what we can see from financial ratio of analyzed leasing companies. In year 2009 they experianced collapse which continued in following years. The leasing companies were facing heavy losses. Indulgent recovery we can see in year 2013 Economic crises has had a negative but also a positive impact on the leasing industry. The late strefersto more strict credit requirements for leasing what has headed to reduction of risky investments and limitation of further debenture/over debenture, clearing up of the market and turning of leasing houses to themselves in order to reconstruct and optimise own business processes and costs. Through the watching period leasing companies experianced significant downfall but the potential for recovery and growth certainly exists, but it depends on stabilisation, respectively, growth of economic activities in the Republic of Croatia.
obilježja leasinga
financijski pokazatelji
ekspanzivan rast
recesijski gubici
Keywords (english)
features of leasing
financial ratios
expansive growth
recessionary losses
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:355723
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-02-23 12:27:44