Title Socio-kulturni utjecaji turoperatora na destinacije
Title (english) Touroperators and socio-cultural impacts on destinations
Author Branka Baraković Ušić
Mentor Jasmina Gržinić (mentor)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Floričić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-04-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U ovome se diplomskom radu istražuju i analiziraju socio-kulturni utjecaji turoperatora na destinacije te procesi promjene poslovanja od neodrživog k održivom i odgovornom turizmu. Naime, turističkim paket-aranžmanima revolucionizirana su turistička putovanja čime su turoperatori postali sinonim za masovni turizam. U početnim fazama suvremenog razvoja turizma taj sinonim ima pozitivnu konotaciju, međutim kasnije dobiva i negativnu, prvenstveno zbog lošeg utjecaja na ekološku i socio-kulturnu sferu destinacija posebice onih destinacija u zemljama u razvoju. U tim je destinacijama zavladala hegemonija uz turizam enklava što je isprovociralo niz negativnih učinaka poput demonstracijskog efekta, akulturacije, stereotipizacije, komodifikacije kulture, antagonizma i dr. Međutim, takav neodrživi razvoj turizma turoperatori potom diferencijacijom proizvoda i segmentacijom tržišta zamjenjuju turizmom specijalnih interesa baziranom na konceptu održivog razvoja koji usklađuje turizam s ekonomskom, ekološkom i socio-kulturnom sferom destinacija. Dakle, kvantiteta je zamijenjena kvalitetom. No, uvijek postoje odstupanja od koncepta održivog razvoja stoga što opisuje idealnu sliku koja u praksi nije uvijek izvediva, ali idealna slika ipak služi kao pomoć u orijentaciji, a cilj bi trebao biti najbliže moguće približavanje idealnoj situaciji. Pozitivni i negativni socio-kulturni utjecaji turoperatora u radu su potkrijepljeni brojnim primjerima. Rezultati analize pokazuju kako danas turoperatori ponudom ekoturizma i kreativnog kulturnog turizma znatno unapređuju socio-kulturne prilike u lokalnoj zajednici, istovremeno omogućujući turistima nove iskustvene aktivnosti uz doživljaj.
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with the socio-cultural influents of the touroperators on the tourist destination and the process of the change of unsustainable tourism to sustainable and responsible. Namely, the package holidays revolutionized tourist traveling what made the touroperators synonym for the mass tourism. In the initial stages of the development of modern tourism that synonym has a positive connotation, but later started to receive a negative one. That is primarily due to the bad impact on the environmental and socio-cultural conditions of the tourist especially destinations in developing countries. In these destinations gripped hegemony with tourism enclaves which provoked a number of negative effects such as demonstration effect, acculturation, stereotypes, the commodification of culture, antagonism and others. However, such an unsustainable development of tourism touroperators then differentiation of product and market segmentation replaced by tourism of special interests based on sustainable development that harmonize tourism with economic, ecological and socio-cultural sphere of destinations. Therefore, the quantity is replaced by the quality. But there are always deviations from the concept of sustainable development because the concept describes ideal image. Ideal image in practice is not always feasible, but still serves as an orientation and the goal should be to get as close as possible to the ideal situation. The paper presents the examples of the positive and negative touroperator's impact on the socio-cultural enviroment of the destinations. The results of the analysis shows that the touroperators today are significantly improving the socio-cultural conditions in the local community with the eco-tourism and creative-cultural tourism offer and at the same time allowing tourists new activities and experience.
socio-kulturni utjecaji
turizam enklava
kreativni kulturni turizam
Keywords (english)
socio-cultural impacts
enclave tourism
creative-cultural tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:784463
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulture i turizma (magistar/magistra kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-05-24 12:14:41