Title Interpretacija i značenje bajke "Snjeguljica"
Title (english) Snow white - interpretations and meanings
Author Lana Turčinović
Mentor Vjekoslava Jurdana (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslava Jurdana (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Rotar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-05-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract U ovom se radu nastojalo prikazati problematiku bajke kao književne vrste i njezinu ulogu i obradu u predškolskoj ustanovi. U prvom dijelu rada razrađuje se bajka kao književna vrsta, kako likovi iz bajke utječu na djecu i čemu ih bajka zapravo uči. Djeca se svakodnevno susreću s bajkama u vrtiću te uz nju uče o životu, o tome kako se trebaju ponašati u određenim situacijama i o stvarima koje ne smiju raditi. Iako pojedini roditelji smatraju kako klasične bajke loše utječu na djecu te da su
... More premalena da spoznaju zlo koje ih okružuje, djeca spoznaju bajku na jedan poseban, njima blizak način. Također, obrađena je dubina značenja bajke i potreba koju djeca imaju za čarolijom i ljepotom koja se u bajci nalazi. Djeca bajke doživljavaju snažno, poistovjećuju se s likovima, uživaju u njihovim uspjesima i bodre svoje junake u nevoljama kroz koje prolaze. Raspravlja se o bajci u književnom odgoju i obrazovanju na predškolskoj razini, o samoj interpretaciji i načinu kako je djeca doživljavaju. Kao tema rada najviše je istaknuta bajka „Snjeguljica“ i njezina interpretacija. Prikazuje se usporedan prikaz bajke „Snjeguljica“ braće Grimm i ekranizirane verzije Walta Disneya te se raspravlja o sličnostima, različitostima i nedostacima obje verzije. Naime, ovaj rad prikazuje detaljnu interpretaciju, smisao i značenje bajke „Snjeguljica“ sa psihoanalitičkog gledišta. Cilj je bio pozabaviti se fazama djetinjstva koje nam bajka „Snjeguljica“ tako jasno pomaže razabrati, provođenje kroz razdoblja djetinjstva, predadolescencije, puberteta i konačno odrastanja. Interpretacija ove bajke temeljila se na psihoanalitičkim tumačenjima Carla Gustava Junga, Brune Bettelheima i Marca Girarda te su istaknute sličnosti i razlike u njihovim mišljenjima. Prema Bettelheimu, bajka „Snjeguljica“ se uglavnom bavi edipovskim sukobima majke i kćeri, dok Girard problem sazrijevanja u bajkama najčešće pripisuje ženskim odnosima i razdobljima rivaliteta u razdoblju psihosocijalnog sazrijevanja i biranja partnera. Bettelheim naglašava ono što čini dobro djetinjstvo i što je potrebno da se iz njega izraste, upućuje na štetne posljedice narcizma i pruža nam uvid u dubinu i složenost strukture ove bajke, njezinih likova i osobnosti. Girard ističe kako je bajka u svojoj formi jednostavnosti zapravo duboka, te kako prilikom njezine psihoanalize ne smijemo zaboraviti da je ona ponajprije književno djelo. Razradom ove teme utvrđeno je kako je bajka „Snjeguljica“ vrlo kvalitetan i edukativan sadržaj koji djeci pomaže da stvore svoju ličnost. Bajke posjeduju raznoliko bogatstvo i dubinu te uz dobru interpretaciju i tumačenje pomažu djeci da shvate svoje najdublje osjećaje, strahove i čežnje bez da se suoče s oštrom realnošću koja im je još nedostupna. Less
Abstract (english) This paper presents the issue of the fairy tale as a literary genre and its role and interpretation in the preschool institution. The first part of the paper elaborates the fairy tale as a literary genre and describes how fairy tale characters influence on children and what fairy tales teach them. In kindergarten children come across fairy tales every day, and thanks to them, they learn about life, how to behave in certain situations and about things that they should not do. Even though
... More some parents think that classic fairy tales have a bad impact on children and that children are too small to comprehend the evil surrounding them, children perceive fairy tales in a particular way. Moreover, the profound meaning of fairy tales is presented and the children's need for magic and beauty that they find in fairy tales. Children experience fairy tales intensely. They identify themselves with the characters, enjoy their successes and cheer for them as they go through troubles. Also, the first part discusses fairy tales in literary education and upbringing at the pre-school level and the teachers' education in interpreting fairy tales as well as the interpretation itself and the children's experience of them. Their “Snow White” is highlighted as the theme of the paper. In a comparative presentation of the Grimm Brothers’ “Snow White” and the Walt Disney film adaptation it is discussed about the similarities, differences and the imperfections of both versions. This paper presents a detailed interpretation, significance and meaning of the fairy tale "Snow White" from a psychoanalytic point of view. The aim was to define the phases of childhood that the fairy tale "Snow White" so clearly helps to discern as well as the carrying out through childhood, pre-adolescence, puberty and finally growing up. This fairy tale relying on the psychoanalytic interpretations of Carl Gustav Jung, Bruno Bettelheim and Marc Girard, and there are pointed out similarities and differences in their opinions. According to Bettelheim, the fairy tale "Snow White" mainly deals with Oedipus conflict of a mother and a daughter, while Girard's problem of maturity in fairy tales is most often attributed to female relationships and periods of rivalry in the period of psychosocial maturation and selection of partners. Bettelheim highlights what makes a good childhood and what is needed to grow out of it, he refers to the harmful consequences of narcissism and gives us an insight into the depth and complexity of the structure of this fairy tale, its characters and their personality. Girard points out that a fairy tale is in its form of simplicity actually profound and that in its psychoanalysis we must not forget that it is primarily a literary work. By elaborating this theme, it is determined that the fairy tale "Snow White" is a very high quality and educational content that helps children to create their personality. Fairy tales possess a rich variety of resources and profoundness, and with good interpretation, they help children understand their deepest feelings, fears and longings without having to face the harsh reality that is still unavailable to them. Less
Keywords (english)
fairy tale
Snow White
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:119071
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-06-06 08:28:27