Title Lutkarski igrokazi za djecu predškolske dobi
Title (english) Puppet plays in preschool education
Author Vlatka Joščić
Mentor Kristina Riman (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kadum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Riman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract U radu se prikazuju različiti aspekti korištenja lutke u predškolskom odgoju, s posebnim naglaskom na stvaranju lutkarskih igrokaza. U odgojno-obrazovnom radu u predškolskoj ustanovi odgojitelj se može koristiti brojnim vrstama lutaka (ginjole, lutke zjevalice, lutke na štapu, marionete, prstolutke, glavolutke i lutke sjene), te njima izvoditi igrokaze koji imaju odgojnu vrijednost. Odgojitelj vodi i potiče djecu na dramsku igru. Dječji igrokazi se zasnivaju na simboličkoj igri pomoću njima
... More prisutne bujne mašte, a kroz lutke u lutkarskom igrokazu se djeca lakše identificiraju. Kad se govori o zajedničkoj realizaciji igrokaza, odgojitelj najprije treba osigurati djeci prostor za izvedbu igrokaza, ali i materijale za izradu scene i lutaka. Također je važno odabrati tekst koji će biti dobar predložak za stvaranje igrokaza. Prilikom pisanja tekstova, odgojitelj se koristi improvizacijom i kreativnošću koji su usko povezani. U ovom su radu predlošci za lutkarsku predstavu legende koje su pogodne za realizaciju na dan grada ili drugi važan dan koji je vezan uz grad u kojem djeca predškolske dobi žive, jer će se kroz takav igrokaz na zanimljiv način prikazati i naučiti povijest njihovog grada i okolnih mjesta. U predškolskoj skupini djecu će legende potaknuti na zajedničku realizaciju igrokaza u dječjem vrtiću te će se proširiti njihova spoznaja. Također će zahvaljujući dobroj realizaciji igrokaza biti zainteresirani za nove legende o drugim mjestima ili čudesnim bićima te će poželjeti realizirati nove lutkarske igrokaze. Less
Abstract (english) In this paper, different aspects of puppet usage in pre-school upbringing are shown, with special emphasis on creation of puppet plays. In the educational work of a preschool institution, the educator can use numerous types of dolls (gigs, yawn dolls, stick dolls, puppets, apron dolls, head dolls and puppet shadows), and perform play-plays with educational value. The educator guides and encourages the children for the dramatic play. Children play is based on a symbolic game by, in them
... More present, lush imagination, and through puppets in the play, children can easier identify. With a joint realization of play, the educator should first provide the children with the play area, as well as the materials for the creation of scenes and dolls. It is also important to choose a text that will make a good template for creating a play. When writing texts, the educator uses improvisation and creativity which are closely related. In this paper, the templates for the puppet show are legends that are suitable for realization on the day of the town or another important day related to the city where the preschool children live. Through such a play children will recreate and learn the history of their city and its surrounding in an interesting way. In the pre-school group, children will be motivated for a joint realization of the play in kindergarten and their knowledge will be expanded. Thanks to the good performance of the play, they will be interested in new legends about other places or miraculous beings and will wish to realize new puppet plays. Less
scenski odgoj
dječji vrtić
lutkarski igrokaz
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:934857
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-10-23 12:02:57