Title Sintaktička obilježja publicističkoga stila ( na primjeru hrvatskih dnevnih listova)
Title (english) Syntactic features of journalistic style (based on the of Croatian daily newspapers)
Author Marina Erdelji
Mentor Helena Pavletić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Ljubešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Riman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U radu se opisuje najsloženiji funkcionalni stil hrvatskoga standardnog jezika koji ostvaruje mnogobrojne funkcije u skladu s kojima se potvrđuje mnogo različitih žanrova te „najživlji“ funkcionalni stil u kojemu se norma najlakše razara i postaje upitnom – publicistički stil. Stil je to javnoga priopćavanja koji se ostvaruje u pisanome i govornome mediju. Iako obavijesni žanrovi publicističkoga stila obuhvaćaju različite medije, u ovome se radu istražuju i opisuju ona sintaktička obilježja po
... More kojima se publicistički funkcionalni stil razlikuje u odnosu na druge funkcionalne stilove na temelju primjera iz hrvatskih dnevnih listova: 24sata, Sportskih novosti, Jutarnjega lista i Večernjega lista. Analiza obuhvaća dvadeset i dva broja, i to uprosječivanje sintakse, raspodjelu glagolskih vremena, upravni i neupravni govor, nominalizaciju, sintaktičke pleonazme, tekstno povezivanje te novinske naslove što se objašnjava s funkcionalnoga i normativnoga stajališta. S obzirom na to da je to javni stil koji je uvjetovan velikim brojem korisnika, poštivanje je norma standardnoga jezika obvezatno. No stil je to i u kojemu se ta norma najlakše razara i postaje upitnom, stoga se u radu analiziraju i opisuju sintaktičke pogreške u navedenim dnevnim listovima, i to vezane uz prijedloge (glede, između i među, k(a) i kod, kroz, po, pomoću, putem, pred, preko, radi i zbog, s(a), za te prijedlozi u konstrukcijama s različitim padežima), veznike (bez da, budući da i jer, bez obzira na to što, da bi, kako... tako i, mada, ni i niti, pošto, s obzirom na to da, ukoliko), sročnost, rekciju te ostale jezične probleme vezane uz sintaksu (broj jedan, čestica li, gdje/u kojemu, koji/kojega, konstrukcije s riječcom ni, konstrukcije superlativ + ikad, konstrukcija sebe sama, mjesto enklitike, nesklonjiva imenica + imenica, posvojni pridjev/posvojni genitiv, složne rečenice i zarez, anaforičko upućivanje i zarez uz konektore). Na temelju primjera iz novina i uz pomoć normativnih priručnika ukazuje se na odstupanja od norme i pravila koja se trebaju poštivati. Less
Abstract (english) In this paper there is a description of journalistic style, the most complicated functional style of Croatian vernacular language. This style has many functions regarding a lot of different genres and is the most liveliest functional style which devastates the norm easily and makes it questionable. It is the style of public communication that appears in written and spoken media. Eventhough the informative genres of journalistic style cover all sort of media, in this paper we reseach and
... More describe those syntactic features that distict journalistic functional style from others based on the examples in Croatian daily newspapers: 24sata, Sportske novosti, Jutarnji list and Večernji list. The analysis includes twenty-two copies of newspapers and their syntax averaging, the distribution of tenses, the usage of direct and indirect speech, nominalizations, syntactic neoplasm, text linking and functional and normative aspect of headlines. Considering that this is a public style present among large number of users, the compliance to the norm of vernacular language is mandatory. But by using this style the norm gets easily devastated and becomes questionable. Therefore we are analyzing and describing syntactic errors in mentioned newspapers that are connected to prepositions (regardless, between and among, to and at, through, per, by, through, before, across, because of, with, for (glede, između i među, k(a) i kod, kroz, po, pomoću, putem, pred, preko, radi i zbog, s(a), za) and prepositionsal structures with different cases), conjunctions (without, because, no matter what, in order to, how... so, and, although, nor, neither, since, considering that, if (bez da, budući da i jer, bez obzira na to što, da bi, kako... tako i, mada, ni i niti, pošto, s obzirom na to da, ukoliko), agreement, regimen and other linguistic problems regarding syntax (number one, particle li, where/in which, who/what, structures with the word ni, superlative + ever structures, himself-structures, the position of enclitic, non-declening noun + noun, possessive adjective/possessive genitive, complex sentences and comma, amorphous referral and comma with conjunctions). Based on the examples form the newspapers and by using normative manuals we indicate the deviations from the norm and the rules that need to be respected. Less
publicistički stil
sintaktička obilježja
sintaktička norma
Keywords (english)
jounalistic style
syntactic features
syntactic norm
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:681212
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (single major); specializations in: teaching track, general track Course: teaching track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-01-03 12:28:32